FORUM 1444 1994-11-13 Mi, a Kadar rendszer alatt folnottek
FORUM 1398 1994-09-28 stilus, FORUM es HUNGARY
HUNGARY 238 1995-02-28 Re: s.c.magyar -> s.c.hungarian ?
HUNGARY 237 1995-02-27 Re: SOS STOP THE WAR (ENGLISH) (fwd)
HUNGARY 206 1995-01-27 Re: Horn and the hotels
HUNGARY 198 1995-01-18 Re: The hotels and Horn
HUNGARY 197 1995-01-17 Re: The hotels and Horn
HUNGARY 197 1995-01-17 Re: The hotels and Horn
HUNGARY 196 1995-01-16 Re: The hotels and Horn
HUNGARY 192 1995-01-12 Effects of Turkish occupation [Was: Catching up]
HUNGARY 192 1995-01-12 Capitalism vs communism (Was: Re: Catching up]
HUNGARY 173 1994-12-23 Re: Capitalism's Virtues
HUNGARY 171 1994-12-21 Re: Tsunami
HUNGARY 166 1994-12-16 Re: Hungarian Wine Recipe
HUNGARY 166 1994-12-16 Re: Do the French.. Hungary#164
HUNGARY 164 1994-12-14 Re: Interesting article in Wall Street Journal
HUNGARY 164 1994-12-14 Re: It is the national debt, stupid!
HUNGARY 158 1994-12-08 NATO and the worth of the West's word
HUNGARY 158 1994-12-08 Re: George Lazar and Gyorgy Lazar
HUNGARY 150 1994-11-30 Re: Re.: Economy
HUNGARY 150 1994-11-30 Re: Economy
HUNGARY 149 1994-11-29 Re: Economy
HUNGARY 141 1994-11-21 Hungarian contributors only (Was: Re: Hospitals in Hung
HUNGARY 141 1994-11-21 Re: fonts for windows?
HUNGARY 128 1994-11-08 Re: Balkans
HUNGARY 127 1994-11-07 Re: The Balkans
HUNGARY 127 1994-11-07 Re: Hungarian shield, badge size with wreath, 256 colou
HUNGARY 124 1994-11-04 Re: Balkans
HUNGARY 124 1994-11-04 Re: The Balkans
HUNGARY 124 1994-11-04 Re: The Balkans
HUNGARY 124 1994-11-04 Re: Balkans
HUNGARY 124 1994-11-04 Re: Balkans
HUNGARY 123 1994-11-03 Re: The Balkans
HUNGARY 123 1994-11-03 Re: Germany in East-Central Europe
HUNGARY 121 1994-11-01 Re: The Balkans
HUNGARY 117 1994-10-27 Re: Hungarian Keyboard for DOS/Windows
HUNGARY 117 1994-10-27 Re: Re.: Antisemitism
HUNGARY 117 1994-10-27 Re: Re.: Antisemitism
HUNGARY 114 1994-10-24 Re: Re.: Antisemitism
HUNGARY 110 1994-10-20 Comparative Central-European opposition (Was: Re: Gro's
HUNGARY 107 1994-10-17 Kadar and Horthy (the never-ending debate)
HUNGARY 104 1994-10-14 Re: Re Gosztony
HUNGARY 100 1994-10-10 Re: Changes in Hungary
HUNGARY 100 1994-10-10 Re: Roma in CR and Hungary
HUNGARY 100 1994-10-10 Re: The vote for overseas Hungarians
HUNGARY 100 1994-10-10 Re: THe vote for overseas Hungarians
HUNGARY 97 1994-10-07 Re: Gypsies
HUNGARY 97 1994-10-07 The vote for overseas Hungarians (Was: Re:
HUNGARY 96 1994-10-06 Re: Gypsies
HUNGARY 93 1994-10-03 Re: Gypsies
HUNGARY 83 1994-09-22 Re: gabcikovo dam
HUNGARY 78 1994-09-16 Re: More ambivalence toward NATO
HUNGARY 77 1994-09-15 Re: More ambivalence toward Nato
HUNGARY 76 1994-09-14 food, again (Was: Re: Holly Days (Thanksgiving))
HUNGARY 75 1994-09-13 Re: The Slovak dam
HUNGARY 75 1994-09-13 Re: The Slovak dam
HUNGARY 75 1994-09-13 Re: Slovak dam
HUNGARY 74 1994-09-12 Re: Is this a joke?
HUNGARY 74 1994-09-12 Re: The Slovak dam
HUNGARY 74 1994-09-12 Re: A monarchy?
HUNGARY 69 1994-09-07 "colipheus" (Was: Re: Brilliant idea)
HUNGARY 64 1994-09-02 Re: Is this a joke?
HUNGARY 60 1994-08-29 Re: the Church under Kadar
HUNGARY 57 1994-08-26 Re: Andras Kornai's interpretation of the 1994 election
HUNGARY 49 1994-08-18 Re: Tips for traveller to Budapest?
HUNGARY 35 1994-08-04 R.I.P. Budapest Expo (Was: Re: Michael Jackson in Budap
HUNGARY 20 1994-07-20 Re: Antisemitism in Hungary
HUNGARY 14 1994-07-14 Kuvasz and the others
HUNGARY 6 1994-07-06 Impartiality of the spectators (Was: Re: Impartiality o
HUNGARY 6 1994-07-06 Re: Impartiality of the spectators
SZALON 808 1995-01-20 Egyhaz
SZALON 806 1995-01-18 Egyhaz
SZALON 803 1995-01-13 Inkvizicio, (RK) egyhaz es fejlodes
SZALON 800 1995-01-10 "Egyhaz", tudomany, fejlodes
SZALON 676 1994-06-09 Szlovakiai magyar helysegnevtablak
SZALON 662 1994-05-19 Ausztral valasztasi rendszer - Rona-Tas Akosnak (is)
SZALON 654 1994-05-09 valasztasi hirzarlat es a HIX
SZALON 567 1994-01-07 Nyilt level Tapolyai Mihalynak
SZALON 485 1993-09-13 kornyezetvedelem es vizmegosztas, Diana kerdese urugyen
SZALON 483 1993-09-09 ez-az
SZALON 482 1993-09-08 ausztral oslakokkal volt banasmod
SZALON 481 1993-09-07 Magyar bun-e a tortenelmi emlekezetkieses =
SZALON 479 1993-09-03 terra australis, terra nullius
SZALON 478 1993-09-02 Horthy, hasonlitasi alapok
SZALON 458 1993-08-03 Kuba
SZALON 455 1993-07-29 negerek
SZALON 455 1993-07-29 Ertekpumpa es konkluziofele
SZALON 451 1993-07-23 Etiopia, USA es a joletszivattyu
TIPP 1515 1994-09-19 Windows/fontok
TIPP 1477 1994-08-12 tova'bbi'tott ke're's
TIPP 1450 1994-07-15 Jovedelemado Hollandiaban: ??
TIPP 1335 1994-03-22 meddohanyo
TIPP 1302 1994-02-17 Magyar betuk WIndows-ban
TIPP 1259 1994-01-06 Frankfurt-Budapest repulojegy
TIPP 1246 1993-12-24 Hagymas bab
TIPP 1245 1993-12-23 Rendszergazdak, renitensek es elegedetlenek
TIPP 1241 1993-12-19 Rakoncatlan winchesterek
TIPP 1236 1993-12-14 proba, elnezest, ugord at
TIPP 1203 1993-11-11 Malaj: a pontositas pontositasa
TIPP 1200 1993-11-08 Nyelvtudas es nyelvvizsga
TIPP 1196 1993-11-04 savanyitott tejtermekek
TIPP 1184 1993-10-25 Kievi eletkorulmenyek
TIPP 1184 1993-10-25 Receptsarok =III=
TIPP 1184 1993-10-25 Receptsarok =II=
TIPP 1184 1993-10-25 Receptsarok
TIPP 1178 1993-10-19 Affirmative action = Equal opportunity Ausztraliaban
TIPP 1175 1993-10-16 Tartalom es stilus a TIPPen
TIPP 1171 1993-10-12 Genetikai es tarsadalmi kornyezeti determinacio
TIPP 1171 1993-10-12 Gyumolcsleves =lite=
TIPP 1168 1993-10-09 Sebessegvaltas balkezzel
TIPP 1163 1993-10-04 segitseg m.o.-i nemzetisegi oktatas ugyben
TIPP 1159 1993-09-30 Jobbra=balra hajts
TIPP 1152 1993-09-23 e-mail BITNET-re
TIPP 1142 1993-09-13 Nehezsegek Mo-ra kuldott e-mail-lel
TIPP 1132 1993-09-03 e-mail cim: Godolloi Agrartudomanyi Egyetem
TIPP 1113 1993-08-13 Orosz, latin, politikai vita
TIPP 1082 1993-07-13 Jelzalogkolcson ingatlanvasarlasra =azaz mortgage=