GURU 2293 2001-05-23 nVidia vasarlasi tipp
GURU 2239 2001-03-30 Inditasi gond
GURU 2120 2000-11-28 [WINDOWS] Win2000 vs. WinNT
GURU 1724 1999-10-28 [TELEFON] TCP/IP + Modem (ismet)
GURU 1721 1999-10-25 [TELEFON] TCP/IP modemen
JATEK 2361 2002-11-19 Ironstorm
JATEK 2245 2002-07-23 Gothic
JATEK 2201 2002-06-08 Re: Gothic
JATEK 2153 2002-04-20 Gothic kerdes
JATEK 2131 2002-03-28 Gothic
JATEK 1987 2001-10-28 Pool of Radiance
JATEK 1748 2001-02-28 Wizarsd & Warriors
JATEK 1679 2000-12-18 Wizards & Warriors problema
JATEK 1662 2000-12-01 Re: Defender of the Crown...
JATEK 1430 2000-04-10 Re: Sims
JATEK 1402 2000-03-13 Gangsters
JATEK 1385 2000-02-25 Re: Procilassitas
JATEK 1358 2000-01-29 Crusaders of Might and Magic
JATEK 1256 1999-10-18 Re : Hidden meg dendzsarusz
WINDOWS 981 2002-10-25 WinXp bejelentkezes
WINDOWS 900 2002-08-03 XP zarolasa parancssorbol
WINDOWS 899 2002-08-02 Zarolas parancssorbol
WINDOWS 301 2000-11-28 Win2000 es WinNT problema