1. |
re. from PANON(ESCU) to mark ANON(ESCU) (mind) |
35 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Budapest home wanted (mind) |
3 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
70 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: ~~~ man-33-iso very significant female confidant (mind) |
2 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
USA/Hungary - OMRI Daily Digest No.150, Aug/3/95 (mind) |
113 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Maygar classes (mind) |
8 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: ~~~ man-33-iso very significant female co (mind) |
2 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: From PANON(ESCU) to Mark ANON(ESCU) (mind) |
37 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
5 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | re. from PANON(ESCU) to mark ANON(ESCU) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
wally keeler said and drew:
>Mark Cristian showing his Philipino maid what
>Romaniacs did with their 30 watt light bulbs
>when the candles crashed from a heatsink failure.
/ | \
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>Poontang dinner in ole Mindanao!!! OOOeeeeee!!!!
right on, wally.......
but, how do we know it's not you?.....you know, they say all asses
look the same.....
ps: like your poetry, though.....<seriously>......how about some more
+ - | Budapest home wanted (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I'm looking for a moderately-priced, attractive, spacious apt. or home to rent
in Budapest in near future. Any suggestions on how to find my Budapest dream ho
me? e-mail to
Feladó: (cikkei)
>A Plea to Your Human Dignity
>It is, now, more than 3.5 years that the world is hearing horrific and
>sorrowful news from the heart of Europe. A region which used to claim to
>be civilized has put its civilization at risk of total nullification. The
>most abominable and the worst human tragedy has occurred in the centre of
>Europe, still the so-called superpowers are watching and even endorsing
>it. What are the harvest and motives that the western governments acted so
>decisive and swift when it came to Kuwait but are playing desperate and
>crippled in the case of Bosnia. According to the foreign minister of
>Bosnia the Serbs raped and murdered Civilians after taking the so-called
>"safe area" of Srebrenica. He put the death toll as high as 5,000 to
>10,000. "In one instance, 1,600 young boys and older men, who have been
>considered by the same Serbs as being not at the age of to be as soldiers,
>were executed in a soccer stadium after being taken prisoners," he added.
A very true statement. In the last decade of the 20th century in the
middle of Europe in Bosnia and in Karabag/Russian Armenia, a genocide
of horrendous proportions has been going on for over four years in full
view of the whole world. And, virtually nothing is being done about it.
The victims of the _Muslim Holocaust_ and the whole Muslim world strongly
believe that this rape and pillage of hundreds of thousands of Bosnian
and Azerbaijani Muslims is allowed to happen because the victims of the
genocide are Muslims and the perpetrators are Christians. They also believe
that if the situation was the other way around, the powers-that-be, the
U.S. and the Western European governments, would not stand by and watch
such an Holocaust go on for even a few days.
_Tovfik Kasimov_ Azeri Leader - September 25, 1992
_The crime of systematic cleansing by mass killing and extermination
of the Muslim population in Soviet Republic of Armenia, Karabag,
Bosnia and Herzegovina is an 'Islamic Holocaust' comparable to the
extermination of 2.5 million Muslims by the Armenian Government
during the WWI and of over 6 million European Jews during the WWII._
_Cebbar Leygara_ Kurdish Leader - October 13, 1992
_Today's ethnic cleansing policies by the Serbians against Croatians
and Muslims of Yugoslavia, as well as the Soviet Republic of Armenia's
against the Muslim population of neighboring Azerbaijan, are really
no different in their aspirations than the genocide perpetrated by
the Armenian Government 78 years ago against the Turkish and Kurdish
Muslims and Sephardic Jews living in these lands._
I would recommend the following references:
1. _A Witness to Genocide_ The 1993 Pulitzer Prize-Winning Dispatches
on the 'Ethnic cleansing of Bosnia,' by Roy Gutman; $12., A Lisa
Drew Book, Macmillan Publishing Company.
Gutman and his photographer Andree Kaiser were the first Western
journalists to visit the Serb-run death camps. The articles include
survivors' accounts of the death camps, the murder of prisoners,
the government ordered wholesale rape of Muslim girls and women,
and the destruction of over half of all mosques.
2. _Sarajevo_ A War Journal, by Zlatko Dizdarevich; Preface
by Joseph Brodsky, Introduction by Robert Jay Lifton;
$19.95, 193 pages, Fromm International.
3. _Farewell Sidonia_ by Erich Hackl, 135 pages, Fromm International.
4. _The Balkan Express_ by Slavenka Drakulic, $19.95, W. W. Norton.
And, some of the articles...
Serb Learnt Rape and Murder - A Report by Richard Beeston The Times (UK)
+ - | Re: ~~~ man-33-iso very significant female confidant (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
If you're so cerebral, then why don't you put some of that brain power to
work and try to make your current marriage work?
+ - | USA/Hungary - OMRI Daily Digest No.150, Aug/3/95 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
*** Greetings from the Hungarian-American List ***
*** http://mineral.umd.edu/hungary/ ***
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President Yeltsin's special envoy to the former Yugoslavia, urged U.S.
President Bill Clinton to veto a bill, now passed by both houses of
Congress, which calls for the U.S. to ignore the UN arms embargo in
Bosnia. If the embargo ended, Zotov said, "the whole methodology of
dealing with this conflict would collapse." Zotov also told journalists
that Moscow would play an important role in any political solution of
the conflict in Bosnia, since "when it comes to producing influence on
the ground, the road is usually through Moscow." Izvestiya argued on 3
August that recent Bosnian Serb actions demonstrated Moscow's complete
inability to influence the situation. -- Scott Parrish, OMRI, Inc.
in Poland reached a total of $5.39 billion at the end of June, according
to figures from the Polish Agency for Foreign Investment (PAIZ) reported
by Rzeczpospolita on 29-30 July. Investment commitments amounted to
another $5.089 billion, the report said. PAIZ counts investments of over
$1 million, so the actual total is probably much higher. PAIZ's figures
indicate that foreign companies have invested more than $1 billion in
Poland since the start of 1995. The total for all of 1994 was $1.28
billion, indicating that the pace of investment has quickened
substantially this year. -- Louisa Vinton, OMRI, Inc.
Representatives of several Romani parties and organizations have
protested the 2 August statement by Slovak National Party leader Jan
Slota on the recent killing by skinheads of a 17-year old Romani youth,
TASR reported the same day. They objected to Slota's use of the word
"Gypsies," saying such designations are especially significant in the
context of the ethnic tension following the incident. Robert Tsonka,
president of the Democratic Alliance of Roma and spokesmen for the
Romani parties, remarked that Slota was well aware that a "Gypsy
nationality does not exist in the constitution of the Slovak republic."
-- Alaina Lemon, OMRI, Inc.
FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN SLOVAKIA. The Slovak Statistical Office has
announced that foreign direct investment since 1990 totals approximately
$585 million, Narodna obroda reported on 1 August. In the second quarter
of 1995, foreign investment grew $19.6 million, or 3.4%, over the
previous quarter. A total of 8,079 Slovak firms have foreign capital
representation. Germany is Slovakia's biggest foreign investor, followed
by Austria, the Czech Republic, the U.S., and France. -- Sharon Fisher,
OMRI, Inc.
August said the survivors of the death truck incident in Hungary last
month have been refused refugee status, Western agencies reported.
Eighteen Sri Lankans, apparently illegal immigrants on their way to
Austria, were found dead in a truck parked near the west Hungarian city
of Gyor (see OMRI Daily Digest, 17 July 1995). The nineteen survivors
applied for refugee status under the 1951 Geneva Convention to the UN
high commissioner for refugees (Hungary considers applications only from
Europeans). According to the UNHCR office in Budapest, all but one--
whose case has not yet been decided--have been refused refugee status.
The Sri Lankans apparently wanted to escape economic hardship by
settling in the West. -- Jan Cleave, OMRI, Inc.
speculating that the U.S. and some of its allies would not mind if the
Croats marched into Krajina and removed that issue from the
international agenda. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung added that U.S.
Ambassador Peter Galbraith's appeal on 2 August against an outbreak of
hostilities was probably just a formality and does not reflect a change
in the new Western attitudes toward Krajina. The New York Times on 1
August wrote that the feeling in many Western capitals is that the
Krajina Serbs deserve whatever they get following their invasion of the
Bihac pocket. Nasa Borba reported on 3 August, however, that special UN
envoy Yasushi Akashi called Milosevic's latest appeal for peace there "a
very positive initiative. " -- Patrick Moore, OMRI, Inc.
UN ABANDONS ZEPA. Some 70 French peacekeepers are leaving the second of
the two UN-designated "safe areas" the Serbs overran in July. Thousands
of Muslim civilians and military-aged men remain unaccounted for. The
atrocities commited by the Serbs in Srebrenica and Zepa fueled a growing
international perception that the Serbs are the aggressors and must be
stopped. This led to overwhelming votes in the U.S. Congress to lift the
arms embargo against the Bosnian government, but the VOA said on 3
August that supporters of the plan may not, after all, be able to
override President Bill Clinton's expected veto. -- Patrick Moore, OMRI,
U.S. OFFICIAL IN MACEDONIA. Sarah Sewall, deputy assistant secretary of
defense with responsibility for peacekeeping and peace enforcement,
visited Macedonia on 1 August, international agencies reported. She met
with Macedonian Defense Minister Blagoj Handziski and visited U.S.
soldiers serving as part of UNPREDEP. A joint statement issued after the
talks with Handziski warned that "due to escalation of fighting in
Bosnia, there is a danger of the conflict spreading to the southern
Balkans." -- Stefan Krause, OMRI, Inc.
[As of 1200 CET]
[As of 12:00 CET]
Compiled by Victor Gomez
Compiled by Jan Cleave
This material was reprinted with permission of the Open Media
Research Institute, a Prague-based nonprofit organization.
Copyright (C) 1995 Open Media Research Institute, Inc.
All rights reserved.
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+ - | Maygar classes (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I'm looking for Magyar classes in the Seattle, WA area or classes via snail mai
l or
the web. Any suggestions?
+ - | Re: ~~~ man-33-iso very significant female co (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Please be advised that soc.culture.magyar is not the right place for this
sort of posting!!!
+ - | Re: From PANON(ESCU) to Mark ANON(ESCU) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
: From: Wally Keeler >
: Vlad the Glad
: holding Romania's
: foreign policy toothpick
Right, I know you resent it, being as it is, tailored to a very specific
need. The need to cope with the impudent, the thieving, the con artists
that have taken to playing victims. But worry not, 'Romania's foreign
policy tooth pick' is not likely to see much 'foreign service'. It is
sorely needed to help firm up some of our domestic policy !
: Mark Cristian showing his Philipino maid what
: Romaniacs did with their 30 watt light bulbs
: when the candles crashed from a heatsink failure.
: Poontang dinner in ole Mindanao!!! OOOeeeeee!!!!
Penis envy, I told you, the have nots begrudging the better endowed !
Your verse and your invective are sooo lame, that you now feel the need
to plagiarize the works found on the pornographic side of alt.ascii.art ;
: Oh but Mr Cristian
: your tee tee
: is so wee wee
: I can't see see
Wow, I am astounded, baby garble from Oali Balega Chilar, the porn poet !
Alas I don't think it's Playboy caliber yet, you may have to hang around
and mature, another hundred years or so. Think man, you'd make it to the
mother of all records, the first mummy to submit verse.
Ay, do, persevere, counterfeit sad looks,
Make mouths upon me when I turn my back,
Keep up appearances; there lies the test;
The world will give thee credit for the rest.
Outward be fair, however foul within;
Sin if thou wilt, but then conventionally sin.
Feladó: (cikkei)
Those who did nothing to stop this travesty will some day feel great
shame that they let this happen.
Those of us who wish we could do something already feel shame, guilt,
and, above all, incredible anger.