1. |
Re: ... / beer (mind) |
17 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: Dissidence (was Re:...Detractors) (mind) |
60 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: Family Name Info (mind) |
10 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
UTE -Kassa [r] (mind) |
22 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Looking For Hungarian Word Processor (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: Dissidence (was Re:...Detractors) (mind) |
18 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Eljen a Fradi!!!!! (mind) |
5 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: a pomegranate (mind) |
13 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Looking for lost friends (mind) |
17 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
USA/Hungary - CET On-Line Vol.2, No.164, Aug/24/95 (mind) |
119 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Re: Looking For Hungarian Word Processor (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
USA/Hungary - OMRI Daily Digest No.165, Aug/24/95 (mind) |
64 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
USA/Hungary - CET On-Line Vol.2, No.164, Aug/24/95 (mind) |
118 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
Re: Dissidence (was Re:...Detractors) (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
15. |
Re: Looking For Hungarian Word Processor (mind) |
19 sor |
(cikkei) |
16. |
Re: Budapest ... / beer (mind) |
16 sor |
(cikkei) |
17. |
Re: *** SZALON *** #953 (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
18. |
Re: Massacre of 50 Thousand (mind) |
49 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: ... / beer (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, s
>(2) I was surprised to find only german beer in bars. Beside the great
>wine tradition, is there no beer tradition in Hungary ?
I just returned from a wonderful trip to Hungary with my Hungarian fiancée. We
stayed mainly in a small
village near Gyor called Mosonszentmiklos. As far as beer was concerned I found
a great beer brewed in the
neighboring village of Lebeny. The beer was called Pelikan Sor. The brewery was
part of a very charming new
restaurant. Then there is also the national Aszok brand beer that is also quite
Dan Leeaphon
Montréal, Quebec, Canada
+ - | Re: Dissidence (was Re:...Detractors) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Wally Keeler > wrote:
>That's fine with me. If I wanted to give a really cheap insult I would
>have converted the $1.95 to forints, or worse yet, to lei ;-)
Now you're talking ...
>I remember receiving copies of Ellenpontok, but on this side. I copied
>and distributed. One of its replacements was Erdelyi Magyar Hirugnokseg,
>which had detailed several occasions when thousands of Magyars were
>"drafted" to work as forced labour at Cernavoda. It was claimed that
>there was a demographic motive in this -- the removal of Magyars from
>Transylvania to Cernavoda where the process of assimilation could more
>easily be accomplished. Among those "drafted" were some community leaders
>so as to break up any social cohesion. The Securitate were good at this
The timing of your comments couldn't be better! One of the Hungarian guys
from your country just posted a news story on the Hungarian (HIX) Web
site about the revelations of a former Securitate officer in Timisoara
that supports your suspicion exactly. Col. Roland Vasilievici talked
about a 20-year plan of Ceausescu that started in 1977 and was aimed to
"purify" Romania of the five ethnic elements they considered dangerous to the
Romanian people. Supposedly this plan is still in effect, but with
different style.
>Historian Ion Ardeleanu, one of the formulators of the contemporary
>Romanian approach to history, personally intervened to change the script,
>even as the film was in production. He announced: "When it comes to this
>topic, no reference can be made to the iron Guard. And as for Romanian
>fascism, in the future we shall forbid any publication concerning that
Well, if only this was the biggest con game by Romanian "historians" ...
>Interestingly, the last time I was in Budapest (1991) I managed to get
>inside the room of forbidden literature kept at the National Library in
>Buda Castle.
Wasn't it the National Archives (Orszagos Leveltar) instead?
>The Horthy fascist documents were restricted by the communists because
>they might point to the names of many persons who continued in various
>positions of power from Horthyist to communist regimes. It is similar to
Now you, too, play fast and loose with the adjective "fascist". Horthy
was anything but fascist! I think you meant his successor, Szalasi, who
was put in place of Horthy by the Germans when Horthy wanted to get
Hungary out of the war.
>I met with one man (who will remain unnamed) on three seperate occasions
>in Budapest. He was unrepentant recidivist. He was born in TS, jailed &
>tortured there, and now lives in Hungary. His life is devoted to the
>subterfuge of Romania in one way or another. He is the Hungarian
>equivalent of Funar, albeit, not quite as influential, thank goodness.
After what that guy went through, his attitude is more understandable
than Funar's who has not experienced such things from the Hungarians.
+ - | Re: Family Name Info (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Béla P. Havasréti > wrote:
>What I wanted to say at the end of my last post was that I am a first
>generation Hungarian American. That is to say, all my relatives were
>born in Hungary. Good luck with your quest....
Are they all as good at the piano as your Dad (Mr. "Have-us-ready", Sr.) is?
+ - | UTE -Kassa [r] (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
UTE - F.C. Kassa 2:1 (0:0)
Tova'bbjuto' az UTE.
Ing. Godo Stefan
Dept. of Chem. & Biochem. Eng.
Faculty of Chemical Technology
Slovak Technical University
Bratislava, Slovakia
Ez itt a reklam helye
+ - | Looking For Hungarian Word Processor (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Does anyone know where I can download or order a Hungarian Word
Processor? Magyar/English preferred. Any assistance appreciated.
| St. Petersburg Fla.
H & G Brown | Only I Know When
+ - | Re: Dissidence (was Re:...Detractors) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
T. Kocsis > wrote:
> The really sensitive is the list of
>those people who were in charge under the Szalasi regime
>and continued under the Communists. I know one such
>individual, a survivor artist, who was the soldier of
>Szalasi then politician in the after '45 democratic
>coalition then soldier/politician under Rakosi's
>stalinist era, then took part in the '56 revolution then
>immigrated to USA and lived there as hero of '56 and
>tought history at university level than returned to
>Hungary around '89 and became a Member of Parlament
Wouldn't his initials be K. B. by any chance? ;-)
+ - | Eljen a Fradi!!!!! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Fradi - RSC Anderlecht 1:1 (0:0)
Remelem a kovetkezo ellenfelek ellen is legalabb igy megy majd...
+ - | Re: a pomegranate (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > (ibokor) write
>Frank J. Holly ) wrote:
>: P.S. By the way with the symbols a' I meant a letter a with a ' over
>: it. This is pronounced in Hungarian as the Spanish "a" or in English ,
>: the "o" in the word rob. a in Hungarian is pronounced as "u" in cut.
>I think you've got this wrong way round.
He is American, for him "rob" has the sound of Spanish a or Hungarian a',
and his "u" of "cut" might be more like Hungarian a than like British "cut".
But you are right, British "rob" is close to Hungarian a, not a'.
-- Olivier
+ - | Looking for lost friends (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Fellow Hungarians,
Again I turn to you for help.
A Hungarian family is looking for two long lost friends. The names are:
There is a possibility that Janos could be in Canada.
If you know or hear of these people or perhaps they are listed in your
local telephone directory, please contact me.
Thank you,
Steve Mihaly
Hungarian American Heritage Network
+ - | USA/Hungary - CET On-Line Vol.2, No.164, Aug/24/95 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
*** Greetings from the Hungarian-American List ***
*** http://mineral.umd.edu/hungary/ ***
*** mailto: ***
Serb and Croat church leaders are holding their first formal
meeting since the outbreak of war in the former Yugoslavia.
The meeting was organized on neutral ground in the Hungarian
town of Kecskemet. The church leaders say religion should play
an important role in ending the conflict. But they add faith
has its limits and the peace process will be long and mainly
political. Croats and Serbs share a common language and much
of their culture but follow different branches of
Christianity, the croats beong predominantly Catholic and the
Serbs Orthodox Christians. The conference excluded Muslim
leaders. The meeting's organizer, retired Hungarian Lutheran
Bishop Karoly Toth, says the Muslims' presence might have
caused tensions the conference could not handle. Toth says
he hopes more groups will be invited to talks in the future
that would include more significant negotiations.
Czech Prime Minister Vaclav Klaus has ruled out making a
blanket offer to resettle the families of the two and a half
million Sudeten Germans expelled by the Czechoslovak
government after World War Two. In an interview in the Czech
daily Mlada Fronta Dnes published Wednesday, Klaus says
post-war claims by the Germans have to be settled on a
case-by-case basis. Klaus says most of those who were
expelled from the Sudetenland, who now largely live in
Germany, would not want to return. Czech and German officials
have been conducting low-key talks in an attempt to reach an
agreement to settle post-war claims from both sides. They
have been dogged by questions of culpability for the war and
its aftermath that have emerged since the fall of communism in
1989. There is lingering resentment among Czechs of the
welcome many members of the German minority in the Sudetenland
border territory gave to Hitler's forces in 1938. The Czechs
have resisted demands for compensation for the families of the
Sudeten Germans who were expelled and whose property was
confiscated after the German occupation ended in 1945.
Budapest's primary soccer club, Ferencvaros, Wednesday eliminated
Belgian champions Anderlecht from the European Champions'
Cup and becane the first Hungarian club to reach the final
stages of the competition, the Champions' League. At the
club's Ulloi Ut stadium, the team managed a 1-1 draw in the
second leg after defeating Anderlecht 1-0 in the first leg in
Belgium two weeks ago.
General Motor's Opel unit is challenging Skoda Auto on its home
turf. Opel has announced it will sell its base compact Corsa
Eco for about 8,600 dollars - only 600 dollars more than the
cheapest Skoda model, the Felicia LX. Opel is the first foreign
carmaker to seriously challenge the price advantage offered by
Skoda, a unit of Volkswagen. Skoda's domestic sales make up
roughly a third of its estimated annual 1995 output of 210,000
Austrian oil and chemicals group OMV and Hungary's MOL are
interested in buying a stake in Croatia's Adriatic Oil
Pipeline Joint Stock Company, according to OMV chief executive
Richard Schenz. Schenz told a news conference on Wednesday
that OMV and MOL will start joint talks with the Croatian
government in September. The two firms are looking at a 15
percent stake in the state-controlled company, which operates
the Adria pipeline from Rijeka in Croatia to Gola on the
Hungarian border. Schenz says the Adria pipeline would
provide an alternative to the existing Transalpine pipeline
and Adria-Vienna pipeline. He wouldnot say how much OMV and
MOL are prepared to pay for the stake.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* CET On-Line is Copyright (c) 1995 Word Up! Inc., New Media
Group, all rights reserved. Not-for-profit redistribution of
CET On-Line in electronic format is allowed only if our
copyright notice, and all other copyright and by-line
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written permission of Word Up! Inc., New Media Group. These
conditions are subject to change without notice. For further
information, contact Zoltan Nagy at >
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Reuters. For information on Reuters news and information
products, contact your local Reuters office.
**CET On-Line** is a Word Up! Inc., New Media Group
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Thank you for reading the Hungarian-American List !
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ - | Re: Looking For Hungarian Word Processor (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, (H & G BROW
N) says:
>Does anyone know where I can download or order a Hungarian Word
>Processor? Magyar/English preferred. Any assistance appreciated.
Is it not possible to use any WP like WordPerfect, MS-Word, etc, with
the Hungarian keyboard (or tape over the existing ones) and DOS Code
Page changes in your autoexec.bat and config.sys files (and perhaps the
WP config setup too.)?? A comprehensive DOS book will have the full info.
I'd be interested to see some feedback on whether this has worked for
anyone out there....
I only use Hungarian chars very occasionally (for names) so rely on
invoking the accented chars by activating NUM LOCK holding down ALT and
then typing in the numerical value and then letting go of ALT. But this
is, of course, unsatisfactory for fully fledged word-processing.
Szászvári György
+ - | USA/Hungary - OMRI Daily Digest No.165, Aug/24/95 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
*** Greetings from the Hungarian-American List ***
*** http://mineral.umd.edu/hungary/ ***
*** mailto: ***
President Yeltsin has signed the Law on Social Protection for the
Victims of Radiation Caused by Nuclear Tests at the Semipalatinsk test
site in Kazakhstan, Krasnaya zvezda reported on 24 August. The law,
passed by the Duma on 20 July, entitles people who suffered from
radiation caused by the nuclear tests at Semipalatinsk between 1949 and
1963 to privileges and benefits equal to those granted to the victims of
the Chornobyl accident. -- Penny Morvant, OMRI, Inc.
KARADZIC WANTS 64% OF BOSNIA. AFP on 23 August quoted Bosnian Serb
leader Radovan Karadzic as saying that the Serbs must have 64% of the
land in any settlement because that is the amount they legally own. He
did not mention the land taken violently, and one of his statements in
particular suggested a hearty appetite: "Our territory must be integral,
it must have territorial continuity. It is of vital importance that our
borders be on the Sava and Una Rivers, that the Drina River is ours,
that we have a part of Sarajevo." His "foreign minister," Aleksa Buha,
praised the "U.S.-Russian" peace project, while Bosnian Foreign Minister
Muhamed Sacirbey said that there is "no American plan, but an
initiative." Elsewhere, U.S. President Bill Clinton named a new team of
envoys to the former Yugoslavia. Meanwhile in Jakarta, Indonesian
officials on 24 August announced that the Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian
presidents had agreed "in principle" to meet in Indonesia, which
currently chairs the Non-Aligned Movement. -- Patrick Moore, OMRI, Inc.
West is leading a U.S. military delegation to Albania on 24 August,
Rilindja Demokratike reports the same day. West will meet with President
Sali Berisha and Defense Minister Safet Zhulali and visit U.S. army
units deployed to reconstruct a hospital in Tirana in the framework of a
military-medical exercise called "Crystal Water 95." West brings with
him a donation of medical supplies worth $500,000. Elsewhere, deputy
Chief of the General Staff Armand Vincani received the commander of an
Italian frigate that will participate in joint exercises with the
Albanian navy beginning on 26 August. -- Fabian Schmidt, OMRI, Inc.
[As of 1200 CET]
[As of 12:00 CET]
Compiled by Victor Gomez
Compiled by Steve Kettle
This material was reprinted with permission of the
Open Media Research Institute, a nonprofit organization with research
offices in Prague, Czech Republic. (http://www.omri.cz/)
For more information on OMRI publications,
please write to:
Copyright (C) 1995 Open Media Research Institute, Inc.
All rights reserved. ISSN 1211-1570
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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Thank you for reading the Hungarian-American List !
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ - | USA/Hungary - CET On-Line Vol.2, No.164, Aug/24/95 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
*** Greetings from the Hungarian-American List ***
*** http://mineral.umd.edu/hungary/ ***
*** mailto: ***
Serb and Croat church leaders are holding their first formal
meeting since the outbreak of war in the former Yugoslavia.
The meeting was organized on neutral ground in the Hungarian
town of Kecskemet. The church leaders say religion should play
an important role in ending the conflict. But they add faith
has its limits and the peace process will be long and mainly
political. Croats and Serbs share a common language and much
of their culture but follow different branches of
Christianity, the croats beong predominantly Catholic and the
Serbs Orthodox Christians. The conference excluded Muslim
leaders. The meeting's organizer, retired Hungarian Lutheran
Bishop Karoly Toth, says the Muslims' presence might have
caused tensions the conference could not handle. Toth says
he hopes more groups will be invited to talks in the future
that would include more significant negotiations.
Czech Prime Minister Vaclav Klaus has ruled out making a
blanket offer to resettle the families of the two and a half
million Sudeten Germans expelled by the Czechoslovak
government after World War Two. In an interview in the Czech
daily Mlada Fronta Dnes published Wednesday, Klaus says
post-war claims by the Germans have to be settled on a
case-by-case basis. Klaus says most of those who were
expelled from the Sudetenland, who now largely live in
Germany, would not want to return. Czech and German officials
have been conducting low-key talks in an attempt to reach an
agreement to settle post-war claims from both sides. They
have been dogged by questions of culpability for the war and
its aftermath that have emerged since the fall of communism in
1989. There is lingering resentment among Czechs of the
welcome many members of the German minority in the Sudetenland
border territory gave to Hitler's forces in 1938. The Czechs
have resisted demands for compensation for the families of the
Sudeten Germans who were expelled and whose property was
confiscated after the German occupation ended in 1945.
Budapest's primary soccer club, Ferencvaros, Wednesday eliminated
Belgian champions Anderlecht from the European Champions'
Cup and becane the first Hungarian club to reach the final
stages of the competition, the Champions' League. At the
club's Ulloi Ut stadium, the team managed a 1-1 draw in the
second leg after defeating Anderlecht 1-0 in the first leg in
Belgium two weeks ago.
General Motor's Opel unit is challenging Skoda Auto on its home
turf. Opel has announced it will sell its base compact Corsa
Eco for about 8,600 dollars - only 600 dollars more than the
cheapest Skoda model, the Felicia LX. Opel is the first foreign
carmaker to seriously challenge the price advantage offered by
Skoda, a unit of Volkswagen. Skoda's domestic sales make up
roughly a third of its estimated annual 1995 output of 210,000
Austrian oil and chemicals group OMV and Hungary's MOL are
interested in buying a stake in Croatia's Adriatic Oil
Pipeline Joint Stock Company, according to OMV chief executive
Richard Schenz. Schenz told a news conference on Wednesday
that OMV and MOL will start joint talks with the Croatian
government in September. The two firms are looking at a 15
percent stake in the state-controlled company, which operates
the Adria pipeline from Rijeka in Croatia to Gola on the
Hungarian border. Schenz says the Adria pipeline would
provide an alternative to the existing Transalpine pipeline
and Adria-Vienna pipeline. He wouldnot say how much OMV and
MOL are prepared to pay for the stake.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* CET On-Line is Copyright (c) 1995 Word Up! Inc., New Media
Group, all rights reserved. Not-for-profit redistribution of
CET On-Line in electronic format is allowed only if our
copyright notice, and all other copyright and by-line
information contained in this publication is included.
For-profit distribution of this publication or the information
contained herein is strictly prohibited without the express
written permission of Word Up! Inc., New Media Group. These
conditions are subject to change without notice. For further
information, contact Zoltan Nagy at >
Some portions of the news provided by special agreement with
Reuters. For information on Reuters news and information
products, contact your local Reuters office.
**CET On-Line** is a Word Up! Inc., New Media Group
Publication. The New Media Group also publishes the Prague
Financial Monitor on-line. For more information on the Prague
FM, send a message with the word INFO in the body of a message
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Thank you for reading the Hungarian-American List !
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ - | Re: Dissidence (was Re:...Detractors) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> The timing of your comments couldn't be better! One of the Hungarian guys
> from your country just posted a news story on the Hungarian (HIX) Web
> site about the revelations of a former Securitate officer in Timisoara
> that supports your suspicion exactly. Col. Roland Vasilievici talked
> about a 20-year plan of Ceausescu that started in 1977 and was aimed to
> "purify" Romania of the five ethnic elements they considered dangerous to the
> Romanian people. Supposedly this plan is still in effect, but with
> different style.
The secret development of the Explosive Paprika Dish (EPD) was suddenly
stopped after three chefs accidentally ingested deadly doses of hot
pepper. A fourth one was so severely condimented that he started singing
old militarist Hungarian songs and raving about the "dirty olachs."
All efforts to make him stop proved futile. The same sources indicate
that he later came to North America and became a frequent contributor on
+ - | Re: Looking For Hungarian Word Processor (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
H & G BROWN ) wrote:
: Hi:
: Does anyone know where I can download or order a Hungarian Word
: Processor? Magyar/English preferred. Any assistance appreciated.
: Thx
: Howard
: --
: *********************************************
: | St. Petersburg Fla.
: H & G Brown | Only I Know When
: *********************************************
I have just purchased a multilingual word processor calle Accent
for Windows. It has Hungarian as well...
+ - | Re: Budapest ... / beer (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
>(2) I was surprised to find only german beer in bars. Beside
the great
>wine tradition, is there no beer tradition in Hungary ?
I just returned from a wonderful trip to Hungary with my
Hungarian fiancée. We stayed mainly in a small village near Gyor
called Mosonszentmiklos. As far as beer was concerned I found a
great beer brewed in the neighboring village of Lebeny. The beer
was called Pelikan Sor. The brewery was part of a very charming
new restaurant.
Dan Leeaphon
Montréal, Quebec, Canada
+ - | Re: *** SZALON *** #953 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Hat en nem tudom, hogy melyik antikommunista torteneszre
gondol Horn, ugyanis a Hirmondo szerint a bizottsag tagjai: Hegedus B.
Andras, Hajdu Tibor, Kenedi Janos es Rainer M. Janos. Ezek kozul
Hajdu Tibor munkajat ismerem, amit nem lehetett antikommunistanak
Hajdu maga biztosan parttag volt, mivel mas kulonben nem dolgozhatott
volna a
Parttorteneti Intezetben.
Kedves Balogh Eva!
Hegedus B. Andras es Rainer Janos az 56-os Intezetben dolgoznak. Hegedus
56-ban forradalmar volt. Rainer kivalo tortenesz es a Kadar regime
kritikusa.Hajdu Tibor ujabb munkai elegge "szovjetellenesek" ahogy azt
valamikor mondtak.
Az emlitett bizottsag produkalt egy 80 oldalas tanulmanyt amihez a
nyilvanossag hozzaferhet. Bizony jo lenne ha egy pesti levelezoje a
Szalonnak kozolne valamit belole.
+ - | Re: Massacre of 50 Thousand (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Gotthard Saghi-Szabo > wrote:
>On 21 Aug 1995 wrote:
>> Serbs made themselves a name in the "brutality department" already in WW
>> I, when the irregulars, called Komitatchiks, would brutally carve up
>> ambushed patrols, cutting off their genitals and stuffing it into their
>> mouth. Somehow, simple killing of the enemy is not enough for Serbs:
>> they have to make the death as agonizing for their victims as possible.
>brutality is human, unfortunately, and one cannot attribute it only to
>the Serbs. Especially this century's wars were full with them.
>Nazi Germany's torture of millions to death, Japan in Korea, Mao, Stalin.
>Our local paper - Washington Post - has a report about
>brutality in wars almost every day. Mass graves of Bosnian Muslims killed
>and tortured by Serbs. Mass graves of Serbs killed and tortured by Croats.
>And the latest, that shocked Israel and the Jewish community - mass
>graves of thousands of Egyptian and other Arab POWs killed and tortured nazi
>style. The Hungarian minority is hardly ever mentioned in the news in
>connection with Vajdasag ( Vojvodina ). If you want to express your
>concerns, because I guess soc.culture.magyar just won't make it, here is
>Gyula's email-address:
>Horn Gyula, prime minister of Hungary :
>Also, you can find the email address of your (U.S.) senator at :
>(U.S.) House of Representative member at:
>Take care,
>Ten Hungarian families were forced out of their homes to make room for
Serbian refugees. The Hungarian government protested but was reminded of
the generosity of the Serbs who do not mention the Ujvidek massacres any more.T
he massacres of Magyars after the war are not well do=
cumented. Recently Hungarian historians found good information about the murder
of many Hungarians following liberation and occupati=
on in Transylvania. Hungarian historians have already written about the Ujvidek
crimes. But why do you want us to write to Horn abou=
t these things? Would not Belgrade be a more suitable address?
Peter I. Hidas