1. |
32 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
www - korny. mgmt. info (mind) |
6 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
CEU www home page (mind) |
9 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
hallgato-pugwash (mind) |
149 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
USA egyetemek - Environmental Management (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
com (mind) |
4 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
kornyezeti www-kozpont (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Kornyezettudat Mo-n (mind) |
37 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
ISO 14000 (mind) |
16 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
heti meadows-rovat (mind) |
109 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Interdiszciplinaris Kornyezetvedelmi Kon (mind) |
197 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
greenpeace www !! (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Kedves HIXes!
A evvegi HIX BULI Budapesten lesz, elorelathatolag december 27-en
vagy 28-an! (irj, hogy melyiket szeretned: )
A buli zartkoru, csak HIXeseknek es vendegeiknek (valaki erdeklodott, hogy
azok is johetnek-e, akik nem kozvetlen elofizetessel olvassak az ujsagokat:
TERMESZETESEN). Kerlek, hogy minel hamarabb irj a
cimre, es ird meg, hogy varhatoan hanyan jottok vendegeiddel egyutt!
Ez nagyon fontos. Ha nem irsz a cimre, lehet, hogy nem
fogsz beferni! Nem baj, ha meg csak becslesed van, a rossz becsles is
jobb, mintha semmit sem irsz.
A BULI fo szervezoje Umann Kornel.
Talalkozunk a bulin,
Jozsi. /HIX/
Lehetseges helyszinek:
Eo2tvo2s Jo1zsef Gimna1zium (itt voltunk tavaly!)
1053 Rea1ltanoda u. 7.
Mo1ricz Zsigmond Gimna1zium
1025 Bp,, To2ro2kve1sz u1t 48-54
Melyik tetszik jobban? Tovabbi helyszin-otleteket is varunk!
+ - | www - korny. mgmt. info (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
The ISO 14000 InfoCenter is now available at:
It provides Internet resources on this rapidly evolving
International Environmental Management Standard.
+ - | CEU www home page (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
A Kozep-Europa Egyetemnek (CEU) is van mar home page-e. (hogy is mondjak
ezt magyarul?) A Kornyezettudomanyi Tanszek MSc programjarol
reszletes informaciokat talal6tok itt. A magiszteri programra
felvetteknek nagy szazaleka teljes osztondijat kap. A jelentkezesi 6arido
hamarosan a nyakunkon, azt hiszem, ugyhogy rajta, patopalok!
+ - | hallgato-pugwash (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
This message contains information on how you can take one small
step toward a brighter future for us all.
First, some background information: On Friday, October 13, 1995,
the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced their decision to award
the 1995 Nobel Peace Prize to Professor Joseph Rotblat and the
Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs for their efforts
to "diminish the part played by nuclear arms in international
politics and in the longer run to eliminate such arms."
In celebration of this honor, Student Pugwash USA (SPUSA) has
initiated an exciting and historic movement to get a "million for
the millennium"--promises from one million students and young
professionals illustrating their commitment to the responsible use
of science and technology in the 21st century. Through electronic
means, this has become a global initiative! Student Pugwash will
present these pledges to Professor Rotblat in conjunction with the
Nobel Ceremony on December 10, 1995.
"So what does this pledge say?" you are asking. Here is the text:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
"I promise to work for a better world where science and technology
are used in socially responsible ways. I will not use my
education for any purpose intended to harm human beings or the
environment. Throughout my career, I will consider the ethical
implications of my work before I take action. While the demands
placed upon me may be great, I sign this declaration because I
recognize that individual responsibility is the first step on the
path to peace."
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
Live the pledge. Read the pledge carefully. The point is not to
sign it and forget about it, or to understand the pledge and
ignore it, but to incorporate it into your life.
Sign the pledge. This campaign is not limited to students. It is
not limited to scientists. Anyone can sign the pledge (science
and technology touches everyone's life!). Signing this pledge is
a personal commitment to its ideals. For instructions on how to
sign the pledge electronically, see below.
Send the pledge to someone else. Tell a friend--forward this
message or tell them to send a blank e-mail message to
to receive this document.
Encourage them to take the pledge!
Organize around the pledge. Do you know of a meeting of students
on campus, or a conference or event where interested people may be
gathered? Check out the information on how to organize local
events around the pledge. Send a blank e-mail message to
Translate the pledge. Translate the pledge into your language and
send it to us at .
If you believe in the responsible use of science and technology,
and if you are willing to consider the ethical implications of
your work before taking action, then commit to the pledge, and let
us know. We want to let the world know about how people of all
walks of life are making this promise to work for a better world.
To sign the pledge electronically, send an e-mail message in the
following way. It is important to follow these instructions
exactly, as the responses will be tabulated electronically.
Send an e-mail message to containing only
the following information EXACTLY AS SHOWN. Be sure that you
press Enter (or Return) at the end of every line.
NAME=your name
ADDRESS=your street address
CITY=your city
STATE=your state
ZIP=your zip code or postal code
COUNTRY=your country
EMAIL=your e-mail address
SEX=male or female
EDUCATIONAL LEVEL=(choose one:) high school, undergraduate,
graduate, professional
AREA OF STUDY=(choose one:) humanities or science
A sample e-mail message might be:
NAME=Jane Smith
ADDRESS=Oak St. NW, Apt. 7
CITY=San Diego
For more information, send a blank e-mail message to:
-- for how to organize and distribute
this pledge in your community
-- for Student Pugwash USA's
mission and activities
-- the pledge and how to sign it
electronically (this document)
If you receive an error message, try again later.
If you want to be a regional organizer in this campaign, contact
us at .
Check out the pledge on the World Wide Web, where you can find all
this information and more!
The International Student/Young Pugwash movement is composed of 24
national groups around the world. They share a common mission of
providing the next generation of scientists, policy-makers and
managers of technology a forum to address and resolve complex
global problems.
Student Pugwash USA is an educational non-profit organization that
sponsors non-partisan and non-advocacy programs. SPUSA has
chapters on college, university, and high school campuses and a
network of alumni and contacts extending to hundreds of campuses
across the United States. SPUSA's mission is to promote a
commitment to the responsible use of science and technology in the
21st century and to encourage young people to integrate social
concerns into their academic, professional, and personal lives.
Contact SPUSA at:
Student Pugwash USA
815 15th Street, NW, Suite 814
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: 202-393-6555
Fax: 202-393-6550
Students can call: 1-800-WOW-A-PUG
+ - | USA egyetemek - Environmental Management (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Keresek amerikai egyetemeket (nem sajat szamomra),
ahol "environmental management" vagy hasonlo
graduate oktatas folyik.
Nincs a nagyerdemu kozott valaki akinek van egy
listaja vagy egy jo tippje egy lista fellelesi
Az is erdekelne, hogy neves (draga)-e az egyetem.
Az erdekelt illeto tamogatasa nem biztos,
hogy a Harvard-ig terjed.
+ - | com (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Csak megjegyzem, hogy a .com ellenere
en Kanadabol vagyok.
+ - | kornyezeti www-kozpont (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
vargha janosnak koszonhetjuk ezt is:
Latom itt a KORNYESZ-ben a vilaghalo-lap(www page) ajanlatokat, hat
hozzateszek egy masikat, azt mondja az elejen, hogy ez a "Directory of best
environmental directories (list of lists)". A tulaj hetente frissiti, varja
az uj javaslatokat is, es csak akkor tesz fel valamit, ha kiprobalta. Nem
tunik rossznak, en mar meglatogattam.
en is kiprobalatam, es tenyleg mindenfele benne van. erdemes belekukkantani.
+ - | Kornyezettudat Mo-n (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Jo par szammal ezelott erdeklodott Diana a Mo-i kornyezeti tudatrol.
Irtam is egy par dolgot, de valahol elveszhettek a halozat utvesztoiben
mert nem lattam okat viszont a Kornyeszben, igy hat ismet pennat
(billentyuzetet) ragadok. Ha ne adj Isten valakihez megis eljutott volna
az elozo irasom, akkor attol elnezest kerek az ismetlesekert. Szoval a
kornyezttudomany allapota Mo-n eleg siralmas. Az egyes tarsadalmi retegek
kozott vannak kulonbsegek: az atlgembert egyszeruen nem erdekli a kerdes
van jobb dolga is annal (hogy fizeti ki a szamlait, mibol megy nyaralni
stb.). Van ezenkivul egyfajta kozombosseg is, ami meg egyfajta szoc.
csokeveny lehet: ha nem erzem, hogy a dolgok az enyemek - en rendelkezem
veluk, akkor minek torodnek veluk. Ez az "allamot atverni dicserendo
cselekedet" (legyen szo adocsalasrol, illegalis szemetlerakasrol stb.)
meg egy jo darabig nem fog kihalni kozulunk.
Az ertelmiseg eseteben tobb dolog is kozre jatszik. Eloszor is
neki is vannak nagyobb gondjai mint pl. a Duna szennyezettsege. Masreszt
valoban erzheto a kornyezettudomany egyfajta lenezese, ennek tobb oka is
lehet. Ez egyik talan, hogy mivel manapsag a kornyezetvedelem divatos
jelszo, ezert az embernek (ha novelni akarja a penzszerzesi eselyeit)
minden palyazataba (OTKA stb.) celszeru valamilyen modon belekeverni a
kornyezetvedelmet (akar erdekli, akar nem). Ez valahogy komolytalanna
teszi a dolgot. A masik problema, hogy sok kornyezettudomannyal foglalkozo
publikacio dolgozik talan nem kellokeppen definialt parameterekkel (ld.
Juhos Szilveszter megjegyzeset jo par szammal ezelott) es ezekbol aztan
mindenfele eredmenyt ki lehet hozni. (Senki ne vegye szemelyes sertesnek
a dolgot). A kornyezet eszmeletlenul bonyolult rendszer, mi sem konnyebb:
definialjunk valami homalyos parametert, modellezzunk es kesz a
publikacio. Sajat velemenyem szerint sokkal nagyobb szellemi erofeszites
kell egy relativisztikus kvantumelektrodinamikai cikk megirasahoz, mint
egy kornyezettudomanyihoz.(Most lehet loni, bar hozzateszem, hogy jelenleg
en sem fizikaval foglalkozom.) Egy tovabbi tenyezo, hogy pont
azert mert ez most nyugaton kurrens tema - rengeteg penz aramlik az ilyen
kutatasokba (akar van azoknak ertelmuk, akar nem) es sokan anyagi
megfontolasok miatt (tobb allas stb.) valasztjak ezt a teruletet.
A fennti megjegyzesekkel korantsem akarom azt mondani, hogy a
kornyezettudomanynak ne lenne ertelme csak nehany kritikai megjegyzest
szerettem volna tenni. (Egyebkent jomagam foglalkoztam
kornyezettudomannyal kapcsolatos kutatassal es valoszinuleg fogok is meg.)
+ - | ISO 14000 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Kedves kornyeszek!
Vegyeszkent orommel kapcsolodom be a magyar kornyezetvedelmi
halozatba. Kutatasi teruletem a kornyezeti artalmak (sugarzas,
oxidacio, elelmiszer bomlastermekek) altal okozott DNA elvaltozasok
farmakologiai merese (mutagenezis) ill. a javito-enzimek (DNA-repair)
Emellett ugyancsak erdekel a Quality Management kornyezetvedelmi
kiterjesztese az ISO 14000, annak bevezetese es jelentosege a letezo
kornyezetvedelmi standardek kozott (lasd OSHA).
Ha valaki tudna nekem ajanlani ezzel foglalkozo WWW web site-okat
nagyon megkoszonnem.
Ugyancsak kerdezem, hogy milyen kornyezetvedelmi discussion grouprol
tudtok (a KORNYESZ-en kivul, angol nyelvu).
Koszonom az informaciokat elore is.
Dorma'n Gyorgy, Stony Brookbol.
+ - | heti meadows-rovat (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
This morning before daylight my radio clicked on and I heard, through a sleepy
haze, that Congress has passed and the president has signed a little-noticed
edict permitting the export of Alaskan oil.
I pulled the covers over my ears. The oil industry wins again, I thought. The
export ban was passed in the 1970s to prolong the life of our domestic
reserves. There is, of course, much less oil under Alaska now than there was
then. After decades of pumping our oil production is sliding downward. So we
decide to export. Why? So oil companies can make money faster in the very
short term.
I had nearly dozed off again when the radio reported that Congress and the
president have cut the royalties that companies pay the nation for oil from the
continental shelf.
That woke me up. Those lobbyists never sleep, I fumed. This Congress knows no
shame when it comes to cutting services to the weak and taxes of the powerful.
And this president will sign just about anything. It's hard, waking up every
morning to news that makes my soul sick. Especially when I have fallen asleep,
as I have been doing lately, to the soul-stirring writings of Mohandas K.
"Most people do not understand the complicated machinery of the government,"
said Gandhi. "They do not realize every citizen silently but none the less
certainly sustains the government of the day in ways of which he has no
knowledge. Every citizen therefore renders himself responsible for every act
of his government. And it is quite proper to support it so long as the actions
of the government are bearable. But when they hurt him and his nation it
becomes his duty to withdraw his support."
The actions of my government are not bearable. They devastate our natural
resources and deprive our people. The politicians speak piously while
practicing greed and divisiveness. They care nothing for the nation. I want
to do more than withdraw my support from them. I want to tar and feather
"Man and his deed are two distinct things. Whereas a good deed should call
forth approbation and a wicked deed disapprobation, the doer of the deed,
whether good or wicked, always deserves respect or pity, as the case may be.
'Hate the sin and not the sinner' is a precept which, though easy enough to
understand, is rarely practiced, and that is why the poison of hatred spreads
in the world."
It has spread to me. I hate those power-mad cynics.
"By a long course of prayerful discipline, I have ceased for over forty years
to hate anybody.... but I can and do hate evil wherever it exists. I hate
the system of Government the British people have set up in India. I hate the
domineering manner of Englishmen as a class in India. I hate the ruthless
exploitation of India, even as I hate from the bottom of my heart the hideous
system of untouchability for which millions of Hindus have made themselves
responsible. But I do not hate the domineering Englishmen, as I refuse
to hate the domineering Hindus. I seek to reform them in all the loving
ways that are open to me. My non-cooperation has its root not in hatred, but
in love."
It seems such a frail force, given the enormous power of the government and the
money-crazed system that supports it. How can I love shameless exploiters --
and what good would it do if I did?
"The law of love governs the world. Life persists in the face of death. The
universe continues in spite of destruction incessantly going on. Truth
triumphs over untruth. Love conquers hate."
Say that again please, Mahatma. Say it stronger. Love and truth seem so
absent from this world. I long for them, but I need to have my faith
"The more efficient a force is, the more silent and the more subtle it
is. Love is the subtlest force in the world.... Power is of two kinds. One is
obtained by the fear of punishment, and the other by acts of love. Power based
on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent than the one derived
from fear of punishment."
Yes, but you're a saint. You can summon love in the presence of fear and
anger. I don't know how you do it.
"I am as frail a mortal as any of us and I never had anything extraordinary
about me nor have any now. I claim to be a simple individual liable to err
like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough in
me to confess my errors and to retrace my steps. I own that I have an
immovable faith in God and His goodness and an unconsumable passion for truth
and love. But is that not what every person has latent in him?"
Or her, dear Mahatma. The language has changed since your time to include us
women too. I think you'd approve of that. But you would be so saddened at the
way the rich heap up wealth to hide their fear, and the leaders scorn the poor,
and the people trample over nature and each other in a hectic rush for excess,
rather than rejoicing in enough.
"You must not lose faith in humanity. If a few drops are dirty, the ocean does
not become dirty.... Each of us should turn the searchlight inward and purify
his or her heart as much as possible.... No one need wait for anyone else
to adopt a humane and enlightened course of action. Men [oh, sorry, now you
would say people] generally hesitate to make a beginning if they feel that the
objective cannot be achieved in its entirety. It is precisely this attitude
of mind that is the greatest obstacle to progress -- an obstacle that each
[person], if [he or she] only wills it, can clear away, and so influence
"To believe that what has not occurred in history will not occur at all
is to argue disbelief in the dignity of [humanity]."
(Donella H. Meadows is an adjunct professor of environmental studies at
Dartmouth College.)
+ - | Interdiszciplinaris Kornyezetvedelmi Kon (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
2nd International
NEWPORT, Rhode Island, USA, June 15-20, 1996
The Hotel Viking
The Interdisciplinary Environmental Association (IEA), in conjunction
with Assumption College, invites you to participate in the 2nd
The conference is motivated by the increasing need to combine ideas and
research findings from different disciplines to enhance our understanding
of the interactions between the natural environment and human
The Conference is aimed at the educated layperson and FOCUSES on:
(I) What do all disciplines have to offer with respect to
and resource problems;
(II) What are the implications of the globalization of environmental
concerns for all life on planet Earth.
This year's THEMES are:
Education and Technology.
The conference welcomes practitioners and it is open to everyone
of background. Participants may organize sessions (please ask for "Session
Organizer Guidelines"), present papers, chair sessions, discuss papers,
or simply observe.
To facilitate communication, authors should make an effort to write
their papers for readers outside their disciplines. All papers will pass
a peer review process prior to presentation and publication in the
Conference Proceedings. With your help we hope to disseminate the
Conference Proceedings around the world to libraries, legislators,
governmental agencies, and nongovernmental organizations.
The program will consist of small concurrent seminar - type sessions with:
chairperson, three presenters, and at least one discussant assigned to
comment on each paper. (Other formats for workshops or panels will be
Time allocated for each session is one hour and 45 minutes. Additionally,
the program will include invited speakers.
* To ORGANIZE SESSIONS please ask for "Session Organizer Guidelines".
Submission fees for one or two papers are waived for papers in
* To participate as a PRESENTER:
- Please, submit 4 copies of one or two papers before or on February
- The submission fee is $20 per paper.
- Each manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract of no more than
- Manuscripts of more than 12 single-spaced pages of text will not be
- Papers must not have been published, accepted, or submitted for
publication elsewhere;
- Because papers will be evaluated using a blind review process
authorship should be identified only on a removable cover page;
- The disciplines that best fit your paper must be typed on the top
right corner of the cover page;
- For co-authorships please include names, affiliations, and addresses
all authors on your cover page and indicate who will serve as paper
- All papers submitted will be evaluated for presentation and
in the Conference Proceedings.Instructions on style will be attached
the acceptance letter;
- The title of your paper(s) is(are):
* If you wish to serve as a DISCUSSANT and/or a SESSION CHAIR please
fill in the line below. "Session Chair and Discussant Guidelines" as
well as copies of the papers to be discussed will be mailed to you as
soon as the sessions are organized.
Name_______________________Own Discipline(s)_________________________
Last Name______________________________________________________
First Name and M.I.____________________________________________
Nickname for Badge_____________________________________________
Mailing Address________________________________________________
Telephone: Day (___)________________ , Night (___)__________________
Fax: (___)________________ , E-Mail: _______________________________
1. Registration
$230 x __ = ______
2. Student Registration (verification required)
$130 x __ = ______
3. Paper Submission Fee
$20 x__ = ______
4. After February 28, 1996 Add Late Fee
$50 x __ =______
5. Guest Fee (companions, co-authors, session/panel organizers only)
$75 x __ = ______
Total Amount Due = ______
Note: Registration fees include "guest speakers - awards" luncheon,
one copy of the Conference Proceedings, membership to the IEA,
and all other conference expenses.
______ My check is attached payable to IEA
(in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank).
______ Please charge my Visa ______ American Express or ______
Credit Card Number______________________________Exp. Date___________
Authorized Signature________________________________________
Refunds: Individuals applying for program participation but not accepted
are eligible for fee refunds. Cancellations must be in writing and are
subject to a $20 handling fee. No refunds will be given for cancellations
after March 30, 1996. Refunds will be processed after conference.
The Hotel Viking
One Bellevue Avenue
Newport, Rhode Island 02840, USA
Tel: (401) 847-3300; for reservations, (800) 556-7126
* Housing in Newport is scarce! Please make reservations early!
Our block of rooms is quite limited.
__ Single, $104 from 6/16/96 to 6/19/96 ($159 only for 6/15/96) plus
__ Double, $114 from 6/16/96 to 6/19/96 ($174 only for 6/15/96) plus
* First night's deposit required with reservation.
______ My check is attached payable to The Hotel Viking
(in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank).
______ Please charge my Visa ______ American Express or ______
Reservation dates requested are:________________________________
Credit Card Number______________________________Exp. Date___________
Authorized Signature________________________________________
For more information or for anything else you might need please
Mail, Call, Fax, or E-mail to:
Demetri Kantarelis and Kevin L. Hickey
IEA, Economics/Foreign Affairs Dept.
Assumption College
500 Salisbury street
Worcester, MA 01615-0005, USA
Demetri's Tel: (508) 767-7557, Kevin's Tel: (508) 767-7296
Fax: (508) 799-4502
+ - | greenpeace www !! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
egy jo (szerintem) es hasznos www cim lehet a greenpeace www-je. cim:
egyebkent '95 legjobb home page -e is egyben.
ajanlom figyelmetekbe.
---- luki
ui.: regebben nagy vita volt arrol, hogy miert kert bocsanatot a gp a
shell-tol. nos tobbek kozt ez is olvashato.