1. |
53 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Test (mind) |
1 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: SCM: One more loses temper (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: SCM: Re: Re- SCM- RE- Flag ban law p (mind) |
34 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Internet Access (mind) |
23 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: Rumanian vs. Romanian ( was: Re: Re- SCM- RE- Flag (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
1 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: SCM: RE: Re: Re- SCM- RE- Flag ban law p (mind) |
57 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: Do You Know a Nice Girl Who Would Like to Study/Liv (mind) |
9 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Re: Re- Appeal (mind) |
41 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Re: Re- Appeal (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Re: Re: SCM: Re- Appeal (mind) |
27 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
Re: A Hunyadi again, this time Matthias (mind) |
25 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
Ferencvaros and Nazis in Budapest ! (mind) |
53 sor |
(cikkei) |
15. |
Looking for partner to rent an apt. in Bp. (mind) |
8 sor |
(cikkei) |
16. |
Re: Re- Appeal (mind) |
25 sor |
(cikkei) |
17. |
Re: Re- SCM- RE- Flag ban law p (mind) |
34 sor |
(cikkei) |
18. |
Re: One more loses temper (mind) |
4 sor |
(cikkei) |
19. |
Tom s 2 line messages (mind) |
24 sor |
(cikkei) |
20. |
International Translation Day / Journee internationale (mind) |
17 sor |
(cikkei) |
21. |
Re: Re- SCM- RE- Flag ban law p (mind) |
85 sor |
(cikkei) |
22. |
1 sor |
(cikkei) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Bogdan Piotrowski ) wrote:
: Estimado amigo de Mexico:
: Qreo que Ud. estovo equivocado. Nosotros estamos Polacos y no discutimos
: sobre situacion de Yugoslavia. Envie su carta a ellos.
Creo, que qreo se escribe creo
Un Polaco de Varsovia
Marcin Bokszczanin
: Adios,
: Un Polaco de Toronto
: B. Piotrowski
: Organization: Toronto Free-Net
: Distribution:
: Greg Laventman ) wrote:
: : (Constantin Donea) wrote:
: : >In article >, (Fredj Rouatbi) wr
: : >>
: : >>
: : >>On the other hand NATO has been there for a just cause. NATO goes out of
the way to spare civilians lifes. Serbs hide their heavy weapons around civilia
ns areas.
: : >>
: : >>
: : >>There's No reason why NATO should not go on a war against the serb milita
ry. All countries in the region and around the world should be supportive of NA
: : >>
: : >>Fredj Rouatbi
: : >>NORTEL
: : >Oh give us a break! NATO simply was created for defense, not for attack.
: : >Why should someone else fight for the Muslims in Bosnia??
: : >Constantin Donea
: : Gentlemen: All of you have wonderful and good ideas on how to solve
: : everything that is wrong in Sarajevo, and with all muslims. Okay.
: : What the hell is this article and their responses doing in the
: : Soc.culture. mexican?
: : Please, gentlemen, use the thread and group that is the right one.
: : Greg
+ - | Test (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
+ - | Re: SCM: One more loses temper (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>Check this with your spell checker and keep the errors to yourself:
>Boszomeg az anyad picsyaya...
>or fuck your mother's pussy!
This kind of a language does not belong to the "soc-culture-magyar" and
Adrian Precup-Pop (the sender) should be properly reprimanded . He is
neither "magyar" and has no clue what "culture" means. Loosing the temper
is one thing, using foul language, cursing in English or misspelled
Hungarian is another. I would like to think that we are gentlemen enough to
watch our language in communication.
He should at least spell the cursing correctly in Hungarian. We already
know that he cannot spell English. I wonder if he can correctly spell
Rumanian or any other language. But "gentleman" he is not.
+ - | Re: SCM: Re: Re- SCM- RE- Flag ban law p (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
From: (Gyorgy Kovacs) On: 09/27/95 15:56
Subject: SCM: Re: Re- SCM- RE- Flag ban law p
In article >,
Adrian Precup-Pop > wrote:
> REGARDING Re: SCM: RE: Flag ban law passed
>Tom Angi wrote:
>>The spelling "Rumania" is prefectly correct in refering to the country
>>lies to East of Hungary!
>_prefectly_ should be _perfectly_
>_refering_ should be _referring_
>_to East_ should be _to the East_
>_"Rumania"_ should be _"Romania"_
>Simple, isn't it?
>>>The spelling "Romania" is advocated by those who accept the theory of
>>Daco-Rumanian continuity.
>You do not have to advocate a spelling, you just have to look it up in a
>dictionary or use a spell checker.
>Did you ever read the newsgroup title??
So the sentence should read: The spelling "Rumania" is perfectly correct
referring to the country that lies South-East of Transylvania.
My spell checker always accepts Rumania, but not Romania. Strange huh?
These Rumanians are prefectly boring, Gyuri. It's strange that they
misspell their country when refering to Rumania!
+ - | Internet Access (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I am the systems administrator for a soon to be Internet Cafe in Prague,
Czech Republic.
I am currently trying to put together a list of Internet Access providers
in The Central and Eastern Europe region. I would like to list both
commercial as well as academic or government networks. I will use the
information to produce a FAQ and a map showing international connections,
availability and pricing. I will then distribute this file on all the
relevant lists and newsgroups.
If you can help, please respond to the address below, so I can send you a
simple questionnaire.
Thanks in advance for the help.
morgan sowden
+ - | Re: Rumanian vs. Romanian ( was: Re: Re- SCM- RE- Flag (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Janos Szamosfalvi ) wrote:
: An almost verbatim quote from Webster's New World Dictionary
: of the American Language:
: Rumania [...] same as Romania - Rumanian adj., n.
: I omitted the pronunciation guide (I put "[...]" there) and the center
: dots showing syllabification.
: My only comment is that while Rumanians have the power to call themselves
: anything they wish, I don't think they can change American English, even
: if it's just a couple of entries.
Actually, as an American, let me assure you that on TV
news programs (including CNN), and in the major print media, including
such giants as The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, Romania is
spelled ROmania. It isn't a question of CHANGING American English.
ROmania IS American English.
Feladó: (cikkei)
+ - | Re: SCM: RE: Re: Re- SCM- RE- Flag ban law p (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
From: On: 09/27/95 16:50
Subject: SCM: RE: Re: Re- SCM- RE- Flag ban law p
> From: (Gyorgy Kovacs)
> In article >,
> Adrian Precup-Pop > wrote:
> > REGARDING Re: SCM: RE: Flag ban law passed
> >Tom Angi wrote:
> >>The spelling "Romania" is advocated by those who accept the
theory of
> >>Daco-Rumanian continuity.
> >You do not have to advocate a spelling, you just have to look it up in
> >dictionary or use a spell checker.
> >Did you ever read the newsgroup title??
> So the sentence should read: The spelling "Rumania" is perfectly
> referring to the country that lies South-East of Transylvania.
You guys are really hung up on it aren't you ?
A more realistic description would be :
Frankenstadt or Draculasvar or even Tg. Mamaliga,
where Count Chocola met Dr. Frankenwiener
to get his fangs a new crown !
And so on, went the Grimm brothers with their fairy tails ... pony and
> My spell checker always accepts Rumania, but not Romania. Strange
> Gyuri
"Romania" seems to be OK according to:WordPerfect Speller
OIKO-2.0/Spell Finder
Version 1.4
Your speller is probably :
PaprikaPerfect Speller
Gulyas-2.3/Szekler Finder
Version 123.89
Made in Hungary (no doubt)
You guys make the "Children of the Night" more real every day !
This "Hadrian" Acosoroa guy is really sick. Too bad he has to hide behind
+ - | Re: Do You Know a Nice Girl Who Would Like to Study/Liv (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Laslo Zvekan ) wrote:
: En todok valakit; 120 kilo, az agya va'g mint a bicska, a laba kicsit szo:ro:
: a mejjei lognak, a fogait minden este mossa (es beleteszi egy poharba az ejsz
: Mikor a bajuszat leborotvalja nem is nez ki oregnek! Erdekel?
For a deal like this you should charge a gratuity. If he does not
I do care... I mean without teeth there is a whole new aspect
open for sexual hights.
+ - | Re: Re- Appeal (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Adrian Precup-Pop ) wrote:
: Anthony Malczanek wrote:
: >For more than seventy-five years the ethnic Hungarian community in
: >Romania has been threated by elimination, being subjected to various
: ways
: >of aggressive assimilation by the different Romanian governments.
: Check your facts, sir.
: Do you know how many Hungarians were living in Romania, and how many
: Romanians were living in Hungary, immediately after the Trianon treaty ?
You check *your* facts. The new border was drawn in a way that very
few Rumanian ended up in Hungary, but lots of Hungarian (not including
Szeklers) ended up in Rumania. According to the last official count
before WWI, Rumanians had a slight majority in TS.
: Compare the figures with the current ones.
: There are probably more Hungarians in Romania now, while the Romanians
: (as well as other minorities in Hungary) HAVE been forcibly assimilated.
Then how come there are so many oficially acknowledged minorities in
HU?. Of course, their numbers are relatively small, but there is not
a single law that forces their members to give up their language or
: Only in the last few years, Hungary has been trying to show a better
: face towards minorities, after there is almost nobody left.
Nobody left.... you know, I find this a bit sarcastic -- how many
jews or German (Saxon) left in Rumania? What happened with them --
maybe you can enlighten us. ;-)
: The only Romanian high school in Hungary, as far as I know, is the one
: from Gyula. The principal there, a Romanian, admits that his own child
: does not know to speak Romanian.
Children have to learn their mother tongue while they're very young and
still with their families. If the parents at home use their native
language a child will learn it. If they don't, the child won't learn
it, and once someone is older than about 10 or so, learning a new
language will become progressively harder.
+ - | Re: Re- Appeal (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On 28 Sep 1995, Amuza Razvan wrote:
Herr AMUZAment,
Las-o mai moale cu indemnurile laconice de cite un cuvint,
prea suna a homuncul sau a 'pencil neck geek' !
Vrei sa termine ?! Spune-i omului de ce ! Nu-ti place politica,
internetul e mare, cauta Dracula site pe WWW si te vei AMUZA !
m. cristian
+ - | Re: Re: SCM: Re- Appeal (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> From: (Janos Koplyay)
> ...................
> I wish you guys would stop this wishful thinking that Hungarians were
> minority before Trianon, the biggest mistake the Western powers ever
> Hungary with Erdely was a natural defense against Eastern invadors for
> centuries and would have stopped the Nazis and the Communists in
Janos ( a.k.a. Homus Transylvaerdelicus),
I know that Hungary exports verrrry goood palinka in the US.
I found it myself at Trader Joe, but that doesn't mean that you have to
finish an entire bottle man before you set yourself up at the keyboard
and explain to us the IF... and more IF...
Try the Count Chocola cereal for a change or better yet Gabor's
suggestion for the Penthouse home page on the net.
Or.. You can always ask the "naturalized" Romanian, Mr. Panonescu
himself what Dr. Frankenwiener, the famous Vienna proctologist,
recommended him after the initial visit :
Zee praktik makes perrrrfektisimo !
Howwwwww !!! Howwwww !!!
+ - | Re: A Hunyadi again, this time Matthias (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
T. Kocsis ) wrote:
: As far as I remember we've closed down our historical discussion
: on Hunyadi Janos (Johannes) with a sort of agreement in his
: origin, that he was ethnically x % ( 100<= x<= 50) of Romanian.
: After a little calculation on my fingers I concluded that Matthias
: must had y % ( 50<=y<=25) Romanian blood in his circulation sys-
: tem.
: That means that possibly he was the person who reached the hig-
: hest rank and political power in European history with Romanian
: origin. Don't forget that, that time his kingdom was one of the
: strongest in Europe, which strength Hungary (not to mention Ro-
: mania) could not manage to reach again.
: Then why the hell does Funar want to remove his statue from
: Kolozsvár/Cluj ? Is he simply such a moron, or I just missed some
: deeper meaning in the Romanian political mythology ???
: Tamás
There is no question here. The answere is that he is simply such
a moron.
+ - | Ferencvaros and Nazis in Budapest ! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
What is happening in Budapest ?
Are the Nazis coming back from the old ratholes left open after WW II ?
Shame !! Shame !!
(DJ Jackhammer) wrote:
>I must ask you: on Dutch television the commentator said Ferencvaros
>endangered a big fine or even exclusion from European football because
>its fans. Seamingly a large portion made nasty sounds whenever a dark
>skinned player of Ajax had the ball. I assume you were there: was it as
>bad as they told us? I think it must be, because Ajax-coach Louis van
>almost took his team off. The only thing stopping him was the score
>the first half. Had they been up at that moment, he could have decided
>stay inside.
>Any comments?
>Marco van de Weert (I know, there's another name on top, so what)
I was in Budapest for the match between Ferencvaros and Anderlecht in
previous round and I was amazed at the amount of racial incitement,
banners and hatred that was on show. It was evident in all parts of the
ground, with the police doing nothing about the Nazi insignia draped on
the fences.
It seems that either the authorities (the club and/or the police) were
condoning what was happening or they were powerless to do anything
it - IMHO it was the former. I'm all for a hostile atmosphere provided it
does not spill over into violence or racist rubbish. Thankfully Ajax had
the perfect answer.
Andy Hurley, England.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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+ - | Looking for partner to rent an apt. in Bp. (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Sorry if this is a wrong newsgroup for such postings...
I look for a companion to rent an apartmnet together in Budapest from
January, 1996. If you are interested, want know detaild etc., please
write me directly to:
+ - | Re: Re- Appeal (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Hermes > wrote:
>On 28 Sep 1995, Amuza Razvan wrote:
>Herr AMUZAment,
>Las-o mai moale cu indemnurile laconice de cite un cuvint,
>prea suna a homuncul sau a 'pencil neck geek' !
>Vrei sa termine ?! Spune-i omului de ce ! Nu-ti place politica,
>internetul e mare, cauta Dracula site pe WWW si te vei AMUZA !
>m. cristian
Probably very well said. WHAT THE HECK DOES IT MEAN? I have been rightfully
chewed out for crossposting on SCR in Hungarian, and I'm behaving myself since.
Kind of. Can you post a brief tranlation in English or Hungarian if you
crosspost to SCM? This is just a humble request and all eforts in this will be
highly appreciated.
Regards: Gyuri
+ - | Re: Re- SCM- RE- Flag ban law p (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> From: (Dan Pop)
> Subject: Re: Re- SCM- RE- Flag ban law p
> Xref: newshub.sdsu.edu soc.culture.magyar:15368
> In >
> >Not anymore. Read the newspapapers published in the US, like New
> >York Times, etc. and you'll find ROMANIA.
> >It is true that Rumania was used for example in American newspapers
> >before 1950-60, but things have changed.
> When exactly have they changed? My Webster was printed in 1989.
> Dan
> --
For God's sake man, did you read my writing, I was talking about
I was not talking about dictonaries that tend to list many variations
of the same word.
WORD USED FOR IT IS : RO.... not RU...
You want me to post some clippings ?
+ - | Re: One more loses temper (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
As I did put Adrian's harsh though misspelled words from his e-mail on the
newsgroup, I owe him to announce that he apologized for them.
Regards: Gyuri
+ - | Tom s 2 line messages (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Message 1 said :
>From: (Tom Angi)
> ______________________________________________
>This "Hadrian" Acosoroa guy is really sick. Too bad he has to hide
>behind e-mail.
and Message 2 said :
>From: (Tom Angi)
>These Rumanians are prefectly boring, Gyuri. It's strange that they
>misspell their country when refering to Rumania!
Ok, Tomi boy, Can you try a 3 liner next time ?
Or is it too much effort for you ?
You might become "prefectly" funny and it might be "prefectly" OK to
use a speller at your "prefectly" convenient time !
Yours "prefectly" sic..kly,
+ - | International Translation Day / Journee internationale (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Le Bureau de la traduction, organisme du Gouvernement du Canada regroupant
quelque 1 000 traducteurs, interpretes et terminologues, souhaite une heureuse
Journee internationale de la traduction, le 30 septembre 1995, aux traducteurs,
interpretes et terminologues du monde entier.
The Translation Bureau of the Government of Canada, comprised of approximately
one thousand translators, interpreters and terminologists, wishes all
translators, interpreters and terminologists world-wide a good international
Translation Day on September 30, 1995.
Bureau de la traduction Translation Bureau
Travaux publics et Services Public Works and Government
gouvernementaux Canada Services Canada
+ - | Re: Re- SCM- RE- Flag ban law p (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
: > From: (Dan Pop)
: > Subject: Re: Re- SCM- RE- Flag ban law p
: > Xref: newshub.sdsu.edu soc.culture.magyar:15368
: soc.culture.romanian:26138
: >
: > In >
: writes:
: > >Not anymore. Read the newspapapers published in the US, like New
: > >York Times, etc. and you'll find ROMANIA.
: > >It is true that Rumania was used for example in American newspapers
: > >before 1950-60, but things have changed.
: >
: > When exactly have they changed? My Webster was printed in 1989.
: >
: > Dan
: > --
: For God's sake man, did you read my writing, I was talking about
: I was not talking about dictonaries that tend to list many variations
: of the same word.
: WORD USED FOR IT IS : RO.... not RU...
: You want me to post some clippings ?
I don't want to be too nitpicky, but your statement can only be true
if you have read *all* (I really mean *ALL*) newspapers and various
publications and and found not a single instance of Rumania.
You can only say that "I have not seen a single instance of Rumania",
or "Romania is the word that usually used", etc.
In any case, I did a quick search on the Psychlit CD-Rom and found
26 instances of "Rumania". I'll post the relevant part of some
Quote #1:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Document 1
Accession No.: 37564 81-10.
Author: Lazarescu-Mircea. Ardeleanu-Viorel. Jianu-Aurora.
Author Affil.: Psychiatric Clinic, Timisoara, Romania.
Title: Study on the reactive psychosis occurred during the revolution
of December 1989: Timisoara, Rumania.
Source: European Journal of Psychiatry. 1993 Oct-Dec Vol 7(4) 219-228.
Language: eng.
Pub. Type: journal-article.
Abstract: Examined the cases of 40 adults with reactive psychoses within
the framework of the major psychosocial stress induced by a
people's revolution. Ss were surveyed 6 mo and 2 yrs after the
onset of psychosis. The clinical picture was characterized by
average and major anxiety and depression, hypomania and mania,
[ rest deleted for brevity ]
Quote #2:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Document 2
Accession No.: 6730 69-03.
Author: Golu-P. Mitrofan-N.
Title: Psycho-socio-pedagogical dimensions of didactic competence.
Source: Revue Roumaine des Sciences Sociales - Serie de Psychologie.
1982 Jan-Jun Vol 26(1) 3-17.
Language: eng.
Pub. Type: journal-article.
Abstract: Hypothesized that teachers' personalities serve as sources of
students' success or failure in learning process and self-
development. To examine teachers' self-image, a 21-item
questionnaire was administered to 107 secondary and high school
teachers in rural and urban Rumania who had 3-30 yrs of
[ rest deleted for brevity ]
I think this should be sufficient to prove your point wrong... ;-)
Feladó: (cikkei)