1. |
34 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: Hungarian food (mind) |
3 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: IMF, 56 (mind) |
56 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
subscribe hungary (mind) |
1 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: 56-95: Hungary in World focus (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: *** HUNGARY *** #434 (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: *** HUNGARY *** #434 (mind) |
5 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: 56-95: Hungary in World focus (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: 56-95: Hungary in World focusn[D (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Re: Hungarian Lobby (mind) |
49 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Quod Erat Demonstrandum (mind) |
2 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
To: Rita Saye (mind) |
2 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
Moving to Hungary? (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
"Hungarians Go Home!?" (mind) |
60 sor |
(cikkei) |
15. |
Re: Socialism debate - Balogh/Durant (mind) |
36 sor |
(cikkei) |
16. |
Romanians and Hungarians (mind) |
28 sor |
(cikkei) |
17. |
Re: Moving to Hungary? (mind) |
29 sor |
(cikkei) |
18. |
Cookbooks (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
19. |
Re: Remote village, remote revolutionary (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
20. |
Re: 56-95: Hungary in World focus (mind) |
25 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: HUNGARIAN FOOD (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
i recently went to hungary and thought the food was the best on the
planet. can anyone tell me:
1) is there a FAQ with recipes?
2) recommend a good cookbook?
3) tell me how to make "golden dumplings", a dessert of cake-like
dumplings, with "ewe's cheese" [really like sour cream] on top???
please cc: any info to my personal account!
thank you !!!!
_ /| _______________________________
\'o.O' Julia Kushner
U _______________________________
> ----------------------------------------
There are tons of good Hungarian cookbooks. George Lang's "The Cuisine of
Hungary" (New York, Bonanza Books--still in print and also available in
paperback) has an outstanding history of Hungarian food, although I find
the recipes a bit too complicated for my cooking expertise. The best
cookbooks--and easiest to use are the ones that are put out by the various
American-Hungarian churches, social groups, clubs and organizations. Keep
looking around--contact one of the Hungarian churches in Indiana--I'm
sure they'll be able to help with a cookbook.
(Our local Hungarian Reformed church has an excellent cookbook called
"Mostly Magyar" put out by the Ladies Aid Society. Contact me at
if your interested.
+ - | Re: Hungarian food (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
May I call the attention of everyone interested to the CD-ROM "Cookbook
USA" which contains more than one million (!) recipes, of which more than
800 has the word Hungarian in its title. Robert
+ - | Re: IMF, 56 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Andras Kornai ) wrote:
: I doubt it is necessary to answer another 150+ lines of conspiracy theory
: from Andra1s Pellionisz blow by blow, so just a few points. He writes:
: > The parallel of '56 and '95 is astounding. Tiny Hungary, in both cases,
: > was rather freshly subjugated to an awesome monolith ('56:Soviet
: > Union, '95:IMF-WorldBank).
: Hungary was subjugated to the SU, having lost a war against it (and against
: all anti-nazi forces in the world, including the US). Hungary is in no way
: subjugated to the IMF-World Bank "awsome monolith". Visit the place sometime
: and look for IMF soldiers, World Bank tanks, etc.
: > Presently, for instance here in the list of "Hungary", the three lonely
: > characters who stand isolated in their opposition to Dr. Endrey's
: > planned Hungarian lawsuit against IMF/WorldBank for negligent damages,
: > originate from Hungarians (Balogh-Fencsik-Kornai), while over 250
: > international (albeit non-governmental) organized movements
: > (NGOs) are marching, for years, against IMF/WorldBank in the USA,
: Andra1s Kornai
Andras, do not look for tanks and soldiers , only the stupid do
that way.IMF/World Bank are more sophisticated.How do you explain
that almost all countries sign and do everything what the US, pardon
UN :-), I should say want? Because all this countries are in deep in
debt, so they can be persuaded.But now there are only handful indepen-
dent (?) countries,and they are of course attacked by the media
(which in turn again is not independent, at least the major ones,
otherwise they wouldn't be major ones :-); you see , money dominates
everything, nothing happens without a reason or accidently) as places
of evil, tyrants ruling innocent people, etc... And slowly people
accept this 'reality' painted by the media.But back to the money bags.
Do you think they are charity? Noooo... They invest,invest,invest....
Which implies they get , one way or other , a profit. That's the name
of the game, we like it or not. Just open your eyes my friend.
I could tell you more what things will come in the future but I don't
want to give tips to those already doing the nasty things.You've
probably heard that the total indebtedness now much more than all the
money in circulation.Who'll, who can pay then ? Well if one country
can't pay cash, there is real estate , isn't it?Or even people's life.
Of course outright ownership by another country would lead to violence
so there must be some 'hidden' way to do it. How about international
organisations with power endorsed by a strong group of contries.
Ring a bell ? Look them up in your area. I take it that you're in the
US, Andras ? You don't see what is going on other part of the world.
You only see ,hear ,think what you are allowed in that country.
No I don't claim conspiracy theory, it is just what money does to
the people,and the world naturally. Greedy people who can't see,
do not want to see anything else in this world do what comes natu-
rally to them.Look back to the history of mankind.
I could go on forever, no use of course , we are few.I'm getting old
and I do understand that change for a better world has to come from
more people.I am trying to be optimistic. This is for now.
Csaba Harangozo
+ - | subscribe hungary (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Csak probalgatok!
+ - | Re: 56-95: Hungary in World focus (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
: You all sound like a bunch of children, pointing your fingers at each other
: calling
: names. If you really want to do something, why not leave the comfort of your
: cushy
: American jobs and go home and help?
Help can come from many fronts, dickhead.Sign your name after your
childish post for a start.No one is prophet in his own country.If
you have enough intelligence you might understand this saying.
People living outside can help just as well.Going home to join a
group already doing its best to change things for the better not
always the best solution if outside Hungary people like you for
example doing much damage.Hungary's problems coming from outside just
as much as from inside and people outside Hungary can fight ignorance
at the root.Anyway I don't think I should waste my time to worms
like you.
Csaba Harangozo
+ - | Re: *** HUNGARY *** #434 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Anybody know what the current unemployment rate is in Hungary?
The current debt, in total or per capita?
What percentage of state owned industry has been privatized?
Thanks for your help! Barb West
+ - | Re: *** HUNGARY *** #434 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I was wondering if anybody out there has the lyrics in Hungarian and/or
English to the Hungarian national anthem (himnus) and the szozat. With the
Szozat I was also wondering if you have the who wrote it, when, and maybe
a brief synopsis in English if you only have the Hungarian lyrics. Thank
you very much! Barb
+ - | Re: 56-95: Hungary in World focus (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
and how does your continued name-calling help? There may be a good argument
behind what you write, but continued vulgarity marks you as a vulgar person. i
the way you want to be known and if that's the way you want people to perceive
arguments, please carry on.
+ - | Re: 56-95: Hungary in World focusn[D (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> : names. If you really want to do something, why not leave the comfort of
> : cushy
> : American jobs and go home and help?
Don't ask people to go back, because many people in Budapest are not real
thrilled with the
advice of Americans/Westerners in Budapest. A lot of consulting going on
from the relative mansions in Buda and not living the real life in Pest,
or any other part of the country. Plus, you now find ads that make
preferences for Magyarok over foreigners. So, there might not be that
much you can do for Hungary even if you are there, unless it is peace
corps or education and maybe some industrial technological restructuring.
+ - | Re: Hungarian Lobby (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
As one of the people, who sent a letter to President Clinton,
I want to bring up a few points:
1. I have no intention demonizing the romanians.
2. I hope and pray, that there will be friendship between
the romanians and hungarians.
But I have the following opinions:
Cultural Genocide, (assimilation, If you like that word better)
is practiced by almost every majority ethnic group against the
minority. Very often, like in the USA, it is even considered
admirable. The way it is achieved though, varies. In the US it
is not done by law, only by social pressure. In Central European
countries in the past/present was done by forcefully
/dispelling/dispersing a minority, or bringing on conditions,
which will cause the minority disperse/move/assimilate.
But that is not the point here. The point that when hungarians
worry about cultural genocide in Romania, they don't demonize
Romania, rather they consider it a fact of life, which can only
be stopped/slowed done by proper laws in the home country.
Now what do I considere a minimum condition for the survival
of en ethnic group? Giving an official status of equivalence
of the minority language.
It is completly unreasonable from us to expect Romania to become
a bilangual state of romanian and hungarian. But it is not
far fetched that Transylvania, if becomes autonomous, could
become a bilangual/(trilangual) state.
It is too much to expect. Some consider it as yes. But
as the letter state it, we believe that we have a legal
right for it, since autonomy was guarantied to us.
After that it would be !!unreasonable!!, if we would not
fight(verbaly/legally) for it. Any other minority group
would do the same.
So let us not demonize the romanians, for trying to assimilate
us. But let us not demonize the hungarians to fight against it, and
trying to obtain, which they, (and I) feel rightfully theirs.
P.S. Not demonizing, does not mean that I agree what is done
by some people in Romania. (providing support to the Serbs,
attacking minorities.) But judgment should be controlled,
since we are all capable of atrocities.
+ - | Quod Erat Demonstrandum (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I thank authors for having painted such perfect self-portraits to demonstrate
precision of my observations.
+ - | To: Rita Saye (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Please re-post your address. I don't think my E-Mails got through
to you, I must have garbled your address.
+ - | Moving to Hungary? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>You all sound like a bunch of children, pointing your fingers at each other
> calling
>names. If you really want to do something, why not leave the comfort of
> cushy
>American jobs and go home and help?
I don't think that the Hungarians of Hungary want to have our help, even if
we wanted to leave our cushy jobs.
Eva Balogh
+ - | "Hungarians Go Home!?" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>You all sound like a bunch of children, pointing your fingers at each
>other and calling names. If you really want to do something, why not
>leave the comfort of your cushy American jobs and go home and help?
I am certainly totally symphatetic to the idea of Dr. Endrey NOT being
called "senile" for his creative solution proposed from home;
HODMEZOVASARHELY. Also, I am very much AGAINST calling the person merely
publicizing Dr. Endrey's idea "mindless". Likewise, I do believe that
responsibility for a "next Mexico-style crisis" clearly rests on those who
attempt to contain by "cordon sanitaire" those (mighty few) who propose
ANY TIMELY SOLUTION by which the catastrophe could STILL be avoided.
I disagree, however, with the opinion that in order to effectively help a
country write off IMF debt one has actually be inside the country. While
I share the view that the CONCEPT should preferably be initiated inside,
such that the plain is clearly "home brewed" by those (Dr. Endrey) who bear
most directly its consequencies, I stress the obvious that for "writing off
IMF debt" the effectiveness of Western (mostly, American) emigrees of
the country is ABSOLUTELY INEVITABLE. This is widely accepted by all those
who harp ceaselessly on the notion that "Poland could half TWICE her
IMF-debt because of the strong Polish lobby in the USA".
IMHO, the "Hungarian lobby" in the USA for IMF debt-writeoff is NOT YET
STRONG ENOUGH, thus I would even consider it appropriate to DELEGATE MORE
POWER to USA Hungarian lobby, rather than weakening it by removing some
forces from the spot where a lion-share of the battle with IMF must be
waged. In fact, I do consider as yet another big "missed window of
opportunity" by the Antall-government that their Embassies, Consulates
Mind you, I did not BLAME the Antall-government for "missing the window
of opportunity", since I happen to be rather acutely aware that Mr. Pal
Tar was appointed Ambassador of Hungary to USA by Antall (among others)
because Mr. Tar is an accomplished international banker himself, and he
COULD HAVE DONE IT -- without the unmistakable intervention of those who
regarded official ties between Government of Hungary and conservative
Hungarian emigrees in the USA one of the most rigidly kept TABU.
I have not made a secret to readers of Hungary, that I conducted personal
face-to-face negotiation (in San Francisco) with Mr. Tar for a
$400,000,000.00 DEBT-REDUCTION PLAN years ago, and a "Hungarian Lobby" in
the USA would have made a key role in implementing my plan.
At that time the TABU of "Hungarian Lobby in USA" for IMF debt-reduction
was untouchable. Today, with a strong (internal) popular campaign, the
TABU could be overcome, especially since Dr. Endrey's plan ABSOLUTELY
REQUIRIES strong and effective USA-presence. For instance (obvious
needs for presence aside), for purposes of "billing" the Conservative
SOVIET COMMUNISM IN '56, I would even *B R I N G B A C K* to the USA
such Freedom Fighter Leaders, as Gergely Pongratz (military leader of
"Corvin Koz", winner of "First Round" of Tank-battles against the Soviets),
e.g. to testify in a "Special Order" of Congress for making the case.
Since the US Congress provides by far the largest chunk of money for IMF
(about 20%), it is a USA Conservative Congress that could be the most
effective in "holding the carrot" for IMF to "voluntarily" improving
its Worldwide image by sparing "Homeland of Freedom Fighters" which
delivered the first deadly blow on Soviet Communism, from becoming
"Third World Burundi".
+ - | Re: Socialism debate - Balogh/Durant (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I have just read a couple of your postings and I hope you don't mind
if I add my two cents worth...
First of all, I find it incomprehensible how anyone who is familiar
with (or perhaps even had first-hand experience in) the political
and economic situation in Hungary and eastern Europe, could proclaim
that any aspect of socialism works, whether in theory or practice.
To equate a pro-socialist view to "intelligence and caring" is simply
There is a great misconception here, so let's make one thing clear:
there is no such thing (unfortunately) as laissez-faire capitalism
in the world today. Canada, where I live, is so polluted by socialist
ideals and programs, that it can hardly be called capitalist: a
bankrupt health care system, a welfare state, and a debt so big, the
UN is considering to declare Canada as a third world country. It is
precisely for these socialist elements, that western democracies
are failing. It is time capitalism stopped getting the blame
for the corruption and immorality of what in fact is the result of
socialist government policies.
Economic planning is impossible under socialism. Its mandate is
unachievable. Its government is simply an instrument to hand out
special priviliges and rights to select groups while denying those
rights from others. It is for these reasons that socialism
not only leads to moral and economic bankruptcy, but - more
importantly - it is against human nature. Until this is realised by
western leaders who seem reluctant to learn from history, we will
continue to slip into economic collapse.
I must say I have to agree with Ms Balogh on this one. To Ms. Durant:
If you are seriously interested in detailed analysis of why socialism
will fail, there are several treatises writen on the subject. I would
highly recommend Ludwig Von Mises' "Socialism" or Hayek's "Economics
in One Lesson". Then there is always Ayn Rand's "Capitalism" to clear
one's mind up.
+ - | Romanians and Hungarians (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Constantin Donea says in connection with Hungarians' knowledge of
Transylvania affairs:
>But how many of the posters on these Hungarian news groups are
>currently in Hungary? Most of them are based in Western countries!
You are somewhat misled by following only the English-language list. On this
list mostly those people post articles who have been living in
English-speaking countries for a longer period of time and hence their
English is good enough for rapid communication. The several other,
Hungarian-language, lists are full of people who are writing from Hungary. In
general, the Hungarians are a talkative lot and therefore they have a very
large presence on the Internet. There are thousands and thousands of
subscribers to newgroups whose main focus is Hungary.
Later Constantin writes:
>>What is it that we don't understand?
>That Hungary and Romania should both be supported to join the European
>who will sooner or later end to the supression of borders all across the
I fully agree with you. That is our only hope.
Eva Balogh
+ - | Re: Moving to Hungary? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Reply to: RE>Moving to Hungary?
Unfortantely, that has always been the problem of the Hungarian community in
the United States; all talk no action. Having been born and raised within the
Hungarian Community of New York, I always wondered why such a small ethnic
community could never get along. There were five radio programs, three
different reformed churches, different Hungarian functions on the same day.
There was just no need for that!! Since being on the discussion line, those
thoughts just keep coming back.
Date: 9/20/95 2:41 PM
To: Peter Gyenis
From: Hungarian Discussion List
>You all sound like a bunch of children, pointing your fingers at each other
> calling
>names. If you really want to do something, why not leave the comfort of
> cushy
>American jobs and go home and help?
I don't think that the Hungarians of Hungary want to have our help, even if
we wanted to leave our cushy jobs.
Eva Balogh
+ - | Cookbooks (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Dear Julia!
I don't know anything about finding recipes on the Internet, but I can give
you a couple of titles of cookbooks. George Lang, The Cuisine of Hungary. New
York: Bonanza Books, 1972. [George Lang is the owner of the Gundel in
Budapest, near the Zoo!] Derecskey, Susan, The Hungarian Cookbook, New York:
Harper and Row, 1972 [in paperback] and Paula Pogany Bennett, The Art of
Hungarian Cooking, New York: Doubleday, 1954. The most sophisticated out of
these three is Lang's.
Eva Balogh
P.S. I tried to send twice this message to your e-mail address. Both times it
came back.
+ - | Re: Remote village, remote revolutionary (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Eva S. Balogh ) wrote:
: Mr. Pellionisz's knowledge of geography is great indeed, when he says:
: >I was not in the remote village of Pecs,
: >I lived in Budapest in the dead center [Baross utca 105. III. em 19.]
If Pecs is a village, what are Basle, Berne, Geneva, Salzburg,
Freiburg, Innsbruc, Grenoble?
+ - | Re: 56-95: Hungary in World focus (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Jennifer Hayes ) wrote:
: wrote:
: : You all sound like a bunch of children, pointing your fingers at each other
: : calling
: : names. If you really want to do something, why not leave the comfort of
: : cushy
: : American jobs and go home and help?
: Help can come from many fronts, dickhead.Sign your name after your
: childish post for a start.No one is prophet in his own country.If
: you have enough intelligence you might understand this saying.
: People living outside can help just as well.Going home to join a
: group already doing its best to change things for the better not
: always the best solution if outside Hungary people like you for
: example doing much damage.Hungary's problems coming from outside just
: as much as from inside and people outside Hungary can fight ignorance
: at the root.Anyway I don't think I should waste my time to worms
: like you.
: Csaba Harangozo
You just did.