1. |
Re: Bela Tarr s film "Satantango" (mind) |
16 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: re. from PANON(ESCU) to mark ANON(ESCU) (mind) |
22 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Your first acquaintance with the academic world! (mind) |
17 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
genealogy request fm N.Z. (csokas) (mind) |
23 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: Magyar Women (mind) |
1 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: The "Goncz Law" (mind) |
9 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
USA/Hungary - OMRI Daily Digest No.154, Aug/9/95 (mind) |
119 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: Hunyadis ethnicity (mind) |
52 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: Gelu Pateanu (mind) |
27 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Re: Maygar classes (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Bela Tarr s film "Satantango" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, Gabor Toth
> wrote:
> At a recent film festival held here in Wellington, New Zealand, I was
> lucky enough to have the chance to see Bela Tarr's epic 7 hour long film
> "Satantango" (Satan's Tango). What I saw will probably remain in my mind
> for the rest of my life - one of the most astounding pieces of cinema I
> have ever witnessed. I know that it was released in 1994 and that it was
> a Hungarian/German/Austrian co-production, but can anyone tell me how
> long the film took to make and who wrote it? Was it based on a novel, and
> if so, when was this published? Thanks -
I would also like to know where I could by or rent the film, if it was
+ - | Re: re. from PANON(ESCU) to mark ANON(ESCU) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
> ps: like your poetry, though.....<seriously>......how about some more
> samples?.....
> -cristian
Welcome to the club Cristian. I liked your Romanians voyage impressions which
shows that deep inside you have unwritten books. On SCR we are less of a
rarity than it may seem. Every time a poem sppears here, you should read the
litterary criticism of some fartics.
(Farting critics=fartics, a Keelerian image, taken unconsciously from
Appolinaire and Tristian Tzara)
Mircea )
*...(He) takes a deep breath as if the silence were a fragance*
Thomas Beller, Live Wires. The New Yorker Dec 13, 1993.
+ - | Your first acquaintance with the academic world! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
"Take a good look at the person next to you: he or she will no longer be
with us next year."
This is one way of welcoming fresh students to the academic world. There are a
thousand alternative ways ofintroducing them to a new life. In Holland the
coming weeks there are over 30.000 newcomers knocking on the university gates.
They will be submitted to all kinds of introduction-rituals.
We, the editors of KUnieuws, the weekly newspaper of Nijmegen University, are
curious about the experiences of students with those rituals in other European
Please use the Internet-way to share them with us and our readers. We'll print
the loveliest, funniest and absurdest personal stories in our special issue
"Introduction '95" that will be released by the end of august. And reward them
with a typical Dutch surprise.
So, make us smile, make us cry, makeus shake our heads in utter disbelieve, but
do write us before august 20th!
+ - | genealogy request fm N.Z. (csokas) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
***[Greetings from Hungarian-American HyperNews]***
***[ http://mineral.umd.edu/hahn/ ]***
Szerbus!I am hoping you can help me.I was born in New
Zealand(Aotearoa).My father,CSOKAS,Marton was born in
1926,sector1,Budapest,Hungary.His parents were;CSOKAS,Gyorg and
Holzinger,Karolina born respectively,Budapest and Esztergom.
I would appreciate any information you are able to give me concerning
these matters.Please excuse my lack of Magyar.I`m still learning.I
would prefer information in Angol,however if need be I can have
Hungarian translated.
Thank You for your time and assistance in this matter.I look forward
to hearing from you. Kesonom Szepek,Csokas Marton
/ / / / | / | / / /
PlaNet Public Terminal - CyberCulture, Auckland, New Zealand
/ / / | / | / / /
___/ _______/ ___/ __| ___/ ___/ ______/ ___/
+ - | Re: Magyar Women (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Magyar women are not interested in loser such as yourself. GET A LIFE.
+ - | Re: The "Goncz Law" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > ,
>Was that proposed quietly dropped ?
Perhaps, because Göncz has nothing to do with minorities,
he does not have the licences to get involved. As far as I
know we have ombudsman for handling minority issues.
+ - | USA/Hungary - OMRI Daily Digest No.154, Aug/9/95 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
*** Greetings from the Hungarian-American List ***
*** http://mineral.umd.edu/hungary/ ***
*** mailto: ***
Security Service (FSB) has confirmed reports that it had detained and
then released last week a U.S. serviceman near the Krasnoyarsk-26
nuclear facility, Russian and Western agencies reported on 8 August. The
U.S. Embassy in Moscow identified the American as Capt. Jason Lynch, an
instructor of geography and military engineering at West Point. The
embassy said Lynch was participating in a joint research project
investigating radioactive contamination in the Krasnoyarsk region at the
invitation of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The FSB has issued no further comments on the incident, although in a
comment reminiscent of the cold war, a Russian military source told
ITAR-TASS that Lynch may have been gathering data to increase the
accuracy of U.S. cruise missiles targeting the Krasnoyarsk facility. The
FSB has recently issued repeated warnings that foreign intelligence
agencies continue to operate in Russia. -- Scott Parrish, OMRI, Inc.
spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Nuclear Energy, told ITAR-TASS on
8 August that Russia would proceed with the construction of a nuclear
power plant in Cuba, despite American concerns about its safety. The
U.S. House of Representatives voted in June to cut aid to Russia by $15
billion if the project is not canceled. Kaurov said the reactor and
turbines for the plant had already been shipped to Cuba and rebuffed
American criticism of the project, since "the U.S. always expresses
dissatisfaction whenever Russia begins such a project in any country
whatsoever." The Russian official added that the U.S. would be welcome
to satisfy its safety concerns by participating in the project. -- Scott
Parrish, OMRI, Inc.
LACK OF AID MAY KEEP CHORNOBYL OPEN. Ukraine may reconsider its promise
to shut down the Chornobyl nuclear power plant if the West fails to help
raise the $4 billion the government says it needs to replace it, Reuters
and ITAR-TASS reported on 8 August. Ukrainian Environment Minister Yurii
Kostenko and officials from the State Committee on Nuclear Power said
the government may be forced to upgrade the station if financial
assistance isn't forthcoming. Kostenko told Reuters that President
Leonid Kuchma sent a letter to Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien,
the current G-7 chairman, requesting a meeting next month on plans to
close Chornobyl. Kuchma reportedly told Chretien that Ukraine would have
"the legal and moral right to alter its decision." Meanwhile, Kiev has
begun a scheduled overhaul of the station's no. 1 reactor. The plant's
chief engineer told ITAR-TASS that 13 technological circuits would be
replaced. The president's State Committee for Nuclear Policy and
Environmental Safety has recommended the government work out a plan for
a major reconstruction of Chornobyl to keep it operating for ten years.
-- Chrystyna Lapychak, OMRI, Inc.
specialists arrived in Minsk to discuss agreements on the liquidation of
nuclear arms in Belarus, Belarusian television reported on 7 August.
Talks will focus on the technical problems related to the dismantlement
of the Krone missiles' launch pads on which Belarus's SS-25 Topol
missiles were based. The republic initially planned to blow up the
launch pads, but after two were destroyed it was decided the method
caused too much environmental damage and the plan was halted. Minsk's
recent decision to slow down the transfer of nuclear weapons from
Belarus to Russia was also prompted by the environmental damage left
behind by Russian strategic-rocket forces. -- Ustina Markus, OMRI, Inc.
SLOVAK PRESIDENT MEETS WITH GORE. Continuing his visit to the U.S., on 8
August Michal Kovac met with U.S. Vice President Al Gore as well as
representatives of the White House, State Department and Pentagon. Kovac
told Slovak Radio on 8 August that U.S. representatives were most
interested in the progress of democracy and reforms in Slovakia, and
they stressed that Slovakia is not maintaining the same pace in these
areas as are Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. In particular, the
U.S. expressed anxiety about the situation in the media, privatization,
relations between the government and the opposition, the increasing
influence of the state in private life, and certain manifestations of
nationalism in Slovakia. The ruling Movement for a Democratic Slovakia
reacted angrily to Kovac's statements, stressing that if Kovac really
voiced such an opinion, it is "proof" that he should have resigned
following the no-confidence vote passed by the parliament in May. The
Slovak National Party said Kovac "did not come out in defense of his
country decisively and forcefully" as the head of state should have. The
party also said Kovac again confirmed that he "does not respect the
results of democratic elections," Narodna obroda reports. -- Sharon
Fisher, OMRI, Inc.
NIMITZ ON GREEK-MACEDONIAN DISPUTE. The U.S. special envoy mediating in
the Greek-Macedonian dispute, Matthew Nimitz, said efforts to resolve
the dispute have recently "intensified." In an interview with the Greek
daily Ethnos on 7 August, Nimitz called his recent talks with Macedonian
President Kiro Gligorov encouraging and said that "in Skopje there is
understanding for the Greek government's stance, but, of course, there
are differences." According to Nimitz, both sides want to solve the
dispute; Macedonia because it "wishes for progress in the flag issue,
and wants to reopen trade and have good relations with Greece," and
Greece "because [the dispute] has a negative influence on [Greece] in
the European arena, as well as on Greek trade." Nimitz added that
despite the problems, the prevailing view in both countries is
resolution of the issue. -- Stefan Krause, OMRI, Inc.
[As of 1200 CET]
[As of 12:00 CET]
Compiled by Victor Gomez
Compiled by Pete Baumgartner
This material was reprinted with permission of the Open Media
Research Institute, a Prague-based nonprofit organization.
Copyright (C) 1995 Open Media Research Institute, Inc.
All rights reserved.
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> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ - | Re: Hunyadis ethnicity (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > Liviu Iordache,
>In my opinion the ethnicity was not an isssue in those times.
So we are agree on it.
>It is my understanding that you think it was and, therefore, this
>is why Cilli stressed (i.e., lied according to your opinion)
>Hunyadi's non-Hungarian origin. It wouldn't make any sense to
>accuse him of being a foreigner if that was no big deal for most
>of the other nobles, right?
>This is simply not enough. If Cilli was lying, it means that
>his intention was to discredit Hunyadi with the other nobles.
>Obviously, if nobody cared about the ethnic issue it means that
>Cilli was firing blanks.
I don't think so. I think he tried to discredit Hunyady primarily
as not beeing a proper noble family. H. was not rich his family
was not ancient or a known one. C. also emphasized that this guy
came from nowhere, he is an *outsider*. This was frequently
used by the Hungarian nobility when the king favoured foreigners
at their costs. The same tactics was applied against the first
Anjou king for example.
>>After all, he was who started to spread the juicy story of
>>the Sigismund legend as well.
>Really? My guess was that Hunyadi and his sons had only to
>benefit from this legend. Was Cilli trying to hurt them or to
>help? Bonifi and Chalcocondylas also recorded this legend
>and both these authors wrote admiringly about Hunyadi.
As far as i know Thuroczy who discussed the history of Hun-
garian until 1487 did not mentioned the Sigismund legend.
His book is a thorough work which suggests that the legend
had not existed yet. Bonfini in his book "Libellus de Corvinia-
nae Domus origine" (1486) originated the family from the
Roman Valerius family, he mentioned the legend as a gossip
later and on other place.
This gossip must have risen between 1488-90 in the court
of Matthias when the inheritance of throne was in question
and Matthias wanted his son, Janos Corvin, to see as his
I don't know who created the legend (Matthias is not from
the old and noble Valerius family but a bastard of Sigis-
mund) but Cilley played an active role in spreading it.
It might have been a trick from the court that they accep-
ted later this story as origin of Matthias to fool the Cilley
+ - | Re: Gelu Pateanu (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > (CLIFFORD BURT
ON LEE (1962.02.10-1986.09.26)) writes:
>Who watched the Hungarian TV2 yesterday at 18.13???
>I saw one man called "Gyalu bacsi". His correct name Gelu Pateanu.
>He died in April 1995 in Budapest.
>If any of you know more about Gelu P. and your english is better than mine,
>please write sg. about this man. Thanx!
Here is what Prisznyák Miklós > wrote about him when
he died, he translated it from the newspaper Magyar Nemzet (= Hu. Nation).
-- Olivier
| Romanian poet and translator of literature died at the age of 70 in
| Budapest. He has been burried today.
| He was born in Kolozsva'r (Cluj). Kolozsva'r, Ete'd, E'nlaka, Bucharest and
| Budapest were the places he was committed to, personally and in
| his literary works.
| He emigrated to Hungary in 1990. He held lectures on literature at Eotvos
| University (ELTE) in Budapest and the University of Miskolc.
| Besides his literary work he has done some fifty Hungarian poems and novels
| into Romanian.
| A true Transylvanian gentleman, a living bridge between the Hungarian and
| Romanian nations was he.
+ - | Re: Maygar classes (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Lucy and Tibor Fueresz might be able to give you information on Hungarian
language classes in the Seattle area. Their phone number is (206) 232-6575.
Also check with the Language Lab at the U.W. One of its former
directors was a Hungarian, so they probably have some tapes you can
borrow or copy.
Victor Marx