>Felado :
>>Trevor Pinnock "tul angol"?...(nekem a Les Arts Florissants-fele valtozat
>van meg)
>Egyik 19 masik 20-1 ;-), az Arts Florissants szinten kicsit tul "angol" nekem.
>Egy eloadoi stilusra gondolok, ami az utobbi evekben valt uralkodova. Azert
>hasznalom az "angol" szot, mert en angol eloadoknal ismertem meg eloszor
>(Trevor Pinnock, Andrew Parrot) es eleinte nagyon tetszett.
>A tempok a vegletekig fel vannak gyorsitva, a darabok, akar Katz tabori
>lelkesz misei, ugy mennek, mint a geppuskaropogas. Ugyanakkor a dinamikai
>kulonbsegek csokkennek. [...]
>Pontositok, tulajdonkeppen amit Nicolaus Harnoncourt csinalt a 70-es
>evekben, az ennek az elofutara volt, de o teljesen egyedul volt az akkori
>eloadoi gyakorlattal szemben.
A HIP szakertoi ezt hivjak "eszaki" stilusnak, szemben a "deli" (olasz)
gyakorlattal szemben (lassabb tempo, sze'lesebb, erzelmesebb eloadas...),
Nekem soha nem jutott eszembe, hogy pl. a Parrot-fele Dido & Aeneas tul
gyors - igaz, en ebben az eloadasban ismertem es szerettem meg e muvet.
Viszont ehhez kepest a Les Arts Flo eloadasa nekem is tul gyorsnak tunt...
Vajon ki donti el, mi a helyes tempo? Nem lehet, hogy Pinnock tempoja
a "helyes", es a korabbi (nem-HIP, alapvetoen a romantikus hagyomanyokra
epulo) eloadasmod lassitotta le a muveket - es tette ismertte a
nagykozonseg sz'ama'ra?
>Irhatnal Te is egy kedvenc opera listat...
Egy lakatlansziget-listat regota keszulok irni, abban lesznek operak is...:))
>vagy barmi mas kedvencet (szin? kek.... nem a barna).
Nekem a zold (se nem kek, se nem barna, se nem piros :)))))))))). Persze
attol is fugg, _minek_ a szinerol van szo - kepzelj el egy szoke,
kekszemu lanyt, majd ugyanezeket a szineket forditva :))))))))).
[based on some of the questions we have received re. folklor-digest]
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**********Sample of a folklor-digest:
Date: 16 Jul 1997 18:09:11 -0400
From: HAL Folklor >
To: HAL Folklor >
Subject: *** Folklor Digest *** V1 #80
*** Folklor Digest *** Wed, 16 Jul 1997 Vol 01 No 080
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
U:dvo:zlet a FOLKLOR lista'to'l
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
fel/leiratkoza's :
Majordomo :
leveleze'si ci'm :
Napi O:sszefoglalo' :
lista tulajdonos :
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Mai sza'munkban:
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: Muzsikas Ensemble Dance House
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: Kalamajka Dance House
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: improving my turns
> Temakor: RE: FOLKLOR: improving my turns
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: Newbie...
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: Re: improving my turns
> Temakor: Re: FOLKLOR: Kalamajka Dance House
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: Folk Music In MD?
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: show & sell your folk instruments
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: magyar szervezetek (fwd)
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: Re: improving my turns
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: What I learned at Baratsag
A leve'l ve'ge'n tova'bbi informa'cio' tala'lhato' a lista'ra valo'
feliratkoza'sro'l. Kellemes FOLKLORoza'st!
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: Muzsikas Ensemble Dance House
> Idopont: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 08:38:45 -0400 (EDT)
Muzsikas Ensemble Dance House
Traditional participatory dancing with one of Hungary's most famous folk
ensembles is a popular program here.
Thu at 8pm
Tickets Ft60
Marczibanyi Cultural Center
5a Marczibanyi Ter
Tram: 4, 6 to Moszkva Ter.
Tel. 36/1/115 12 08
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: Kalamajka Dance House
> Idopont: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 08:36:55 -0400 (EDT)
Kalamajka Dance House
Everyone can join in this folk dancing session, often in the Szek village
style, with a band led by Bela Halmos, founder of Budapest's dance house
movement. This one, held every Saturday, is packed and often gets pretty
wild as the swirling and stomping goes late into the night. Kids can learn
5-6pm, adults 7-8pm; a free dance party is held from 8pm on.
Tickets Ft100
Inner City Cultural and Youth Center
9 Molnar Ut
Belvaros (Inner City). Metro: Ferenciek Tere.
Tel. 36/1/117 59 28
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: improving my turns
> Idopont: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 12:11:27 -0400 (EDT)
I've been told that my turns are not good becasue I"m throwing my back out
most times.
anyone know of any excercises I can do to herlp correct that?
thank you
> Idopont: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 12:11:31 -0400 (EDT)
Female dancer interested in traveling, also very interested in Las
Vegas area. I am very strong in Ballet, Tap, and Jazz. Please respond
if you know of any auditions, Web Sites, or where to find info. It
would be greatly appreciated.
> Temakor: RE: FOLKLOR: improving my turns
> Idopont: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 14:00:00 -0400
Dear turning person:
Sure, happy to help. Which turns are you having trouble with? Free turns
or led turns? If free turns, practice continuously turning around a pole (I
have to credit Nemeth Ildiko with that one!). If these are led turns, your
partner's arm might be too high. Ask him to lower it (or you lower it :-))
so that your own elbow is sort of at your own eye level. Also, what shoes
do you have? Make sure that they are not too high or too low.
What is your name, and what is your address so that this can be discussed
off-line (unless it is of general interest)?
Good luck, Judy )
From: folklor
To: Hungarian Folklore - Magyar Folklor
Subject: FOLKLOR: improving my turns
Date: Wednesday, July 16, 1997 12:46PM
I've been told that my turns are not good becasue I"m throwing my back out
most times.
anyone know of any excercises I can do to herlp correct that?
thank you
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: Newbie...
> Idopont: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 14:33:04 -0400 (EDT)
I am new to the group. Can anyone tell me if there will be any
folkdance-related get togetheres in the NYC area in August? I will be
free for the first two weeks and I want to know if there are any dance
festivals about that time going on.
Thank you all in advance and please resppond to my personal email
address below if at all possible.
Thank you:
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: Re: improving my turns
> Idopont: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 14:40:19 -0400 (EDT)
> I've been told that my turns are not good becasue I"m throwing my back out
> most times.
> anyone know of any excercises I can do to herlp correct that?
I am not quite sure what you are intending to describe when you speak of
"throwing your back out" so I am assuming that you are meaning that you
round your shoulders and back when attempting any rotational action.
If this is an incorrect assumption, please let me know.
If it is the case, it is a matter of poise during a rotational action.
In all types of actions, but these specifically, it is necessary to
allow the body to move UNDER the head. By this it means that the head
remains still while the body moves. If the head remains lifted, off of
the spine and poised properly there is no possibility for the body to do
anything other thatn rotate under it, and not drop in height, except for
a slight bending action to the joints of the legs.
If the head is attached to the spine, allowing it to become compressed,
it is easy for the body to become distorted.
A dancer must be aware of proper body poise at all times annot allow it
to collapse in upon itself. In doing this all of it's parts will remain
aligned properly and distortion will not occur.
I hope this helps.
- --*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*
O O /| |\ /|\ /|\ /|\
#| #|\ # / \ | \ / | \ | | \ / | \
#|_ #|_\ # \ | |\ |\ /|
### \ ### \ ### / | | \ / | / |
# #/_ # # /_ # # /_ |_ |_ \_ /_ |_ /_ |_
Movement Dynamics for Dancers & Athletes by Sandra Lee Wollin
- --*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*
> Temakor: Re: FOLKLOR: Kalamajka Dance House
> Idopont: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 14:10:19 -0500
Is this tanchaz going on during August? My husband and I are going to
Hungary in August. We will attend a dance camp in Zanka from 10th of
August through 17th. After that, we will have one free week in Hungary.
I'm wondering if there would be tanchazok in Budapest during the period.
If you have information about this, could you please let me know? Thank
you very much!
At 08:36 AM 7/16/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Kalamajka Dance House
> Everyone can join in this folk dancing session, often in the Szek village
> style, with a band led by Bela Halmos, founder of Budapest's dance house
> movement. This one, held every Saturday, is packed and often gets pretty
> wild as the swirling and stomping goes late into the night. Kids can
> 5-6pm, adults 7-8pm; a free dance party is held from 8pm on.
> Tickets Ft100
> Inner City Cultural and Youth Center
> 9 Molnar Ut
> Belvaros (Inner City). Metro: Ferenciek Tere.
> Tel. 36/1/117 59 28
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: Folk Music In MD?
> Idopont: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 15:17:29 -0400 (EDT)
Hello --
I'm back in Maryland for the summer and was woundering if there is anywhere
in the MD/DC area (I'm in Columbia) to see some live folk music. Please
e-mail any suggestions directly to me ) as I don'
t get a
chance to read this group as much as I'd like to.
Thanks in advance -- Dave
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: show & sell your folk instruments
> Idopont: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 15:19:50 -0400 (EDT)
I am interested in contacting instrument makers in and around Northeast
Ohio. Cleveland Metroparks is producing the annual Emerald City Folk
Festival at Rocky River Reservation outside Cleveland. The festival
always features an area where instrument-makers demonstrate their art
and sell their work.
Anyone interested in participating in this year's festival on August 24
should telephone John Stinson at 216-351-6300 x.274. Or you can e-mail
me at . Please use "John Stinson" as the subject
that the message will be routed to me.
Thanks very much - I look forward to hearing from some folks!
- --John Stinson, Event Coordinator, Cleveland Metroparks
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: magyar szervezetek (fwd)
> Idopont: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 15:01:16 -0400 (EDT)
- ---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 97 14:07:45 -0700
From: Anonymous Library Netscape User >
Subject: magyar szervezetek
dear Sirs!/Kedves Szorok!/
Weiser Peter vagyok a Felvidekrol,es Worcesterben fogom tolteni az
elkovetkezo negy honapot.Ezuton szeretnek erdeklodni,tudnatok -e nekem
segiteni.Szeretnem megtudni,letezik -e valamilyen mmagyar szervezet a
kornyeken,azaz Worcesterben ,MA, vagy Bostonban. Valaszotokat elore is
Weiser Peter
157 Highland Street
Worcester ,MA,01609
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: Re: improving my turns
> Idopont: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 15:40:56 -0400 (EDT)
>> I've been told that my turns are not good becasue I"m throwing my back
>> out most times.
>> anyone know of any excercises I can do to herlp correct that?
Brief answer follows - for a detailed answer, read a book on posture.
Do you know the feeling that you get in your abdominal muscles
when you do a sit-up or an ab crunch? Reproduce that feeling
when you spin and you'll keep your hips where they should be.
Eventually, with practice, it will become automatic.
This will prevent the sway back that develops when you relax
the muscles that give you good posture... (assuming you already
have good posture in general. If not, see someone who is
qualified to help you develop good posture.)
> Temakor: FOLKLOR: What I learned at Baratsag
> Idopont: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 14:11:14 -0700 (PDT)
Please excuse my lack of `'"~ accents.
Things I learned at Baratsag:
1) You can learn much more about Hungarian dancing by watching Hungarians
dance than by taking classes from them.
2) Listening to and following the music is more important than flashy
3) If you dance with one person a lot, everyone will think you do other
things too intimate to mention.
4) Teka will play an extra Moldavian set if they are provided with a
sufficiently cool drum.
5) No matter how well you tie your sufficiently cool drum to your roof
rack, it will get battered if the roof rack is ripped off of the van
at 70 mph.
6) If you leave your ear plugs out, the chipmunks will break into your
cabin and steal them.
7) John Parrish knows everything.
8) Not everything at Lark in the Morning is overpriced.
9) Gymesi dancing makes your snot black.
10) Most men would rather dance with an attractive woman than a good
follower, even at a dance camp.
End of *** Folklor Digest *** V1 #80
> =============================================================================
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