1. |
Re: NATO expansion (mind) |
10 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: Magyar (mind) |
17 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: Eminescu and Bessarabia/ Some reflections on Romani (mind) |
126 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
[T/R] Hungary Round 30 (final) (fwd) (mind) |
68 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Don t read. (mind) |
1 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: Magyar (mind) |
48 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: *** TO ALL, PLEASE READ *** (mind) |
5 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
ISO Garamvolgyi Ferenc (mind) |
8 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
info: Hungarian privatization law published in FBIS (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Re: phone connections in Budapest (mind) |
8 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
hungarian scouting..passaic,nj,usa (mind) |
6 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Re: Magyar (mind) |
25 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: NATO expansion (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Wally Keeler > wrote:
> What is in my interest to risk my son's life or the
>lives of many Canadian youths to defend the territorial integrity of
>Hungary. I ask this only because this is what it often boils down to.
Fair point, but I might counter: what is Belgium or Italy to Canadians?
Or any other European country for that matter?
+ - | Re: Magyar (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>I am a Japanese speaker who is studying Magyar for personal interest.
>I heard that Japanese is loosely related to Finnish and Hugarian.
>I have looked at a few Hungarian words but so far I haven't been
>able to see any similarity. Is this claim a total false one? Does
>anyone know any good examples to prove the connection? As far as
>the intonation of the two languages are concerned, Magyar does
>resemble Japanese. It's really flat and monotonical without much
>stress. So Japanese is not for shouting or swearing.
>Any comment?
I'm an Australian of Hungarian descent who spent time in japan in 1990. I
also heard there were similarities, but the only similar word I came
across, with my very limited knowledge of Japanese is the word for bath -
Jap: o furo - Hung: furdo. ?????
+ - | Re: Eminescu and Bessarabia/ Some reflections on Romani (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Avram B Iancu wrote:
>The bad guys and the good guys remained more or less the same.
>great leaders of the glorious past.
>Any Romanian, anywhere, cannot help reflect sadly on the
>unfortunate fate of Bessarabia, where the language of the
>Romanian majority is now "officially" called "Moldavian"
Any human rights activist, anywhere, cannot help but to reflect
sadly on the unfortunate fate of the Roma where their name is now
"officially" called "tigani."
>Some people say that some part of history repeats itself:
Ain't that the truth though.
>Yet, there were/are no big cries of genocide or inhuman treatment
>in Bessarabia from the countries of the great allies of the
>Soviet Empire in WW2, who had signed with the odious Stalin the
>infamous, secret treaty of Yalta
Secret? Yalta was a secret? How come I know of it, if it was a
>Yet another time in earlier history--at the time of the 1848
>revolutions-- the Russian czar (or "tzar", as the Russians called
>him) wanted safe passage for his armies through Transylvania in
>order to "punish" the Hungarian revolutionaries led by Kossuth.
>To his credit, our great Roumanian grandfather, revolutionary and
>patriot, Avram Iancu of Transylvania refused in 1849 repeated
>requests to join with the Imperial Russian armies in attacks on
>the Hungarian revolutionaries. His decision was a difficult one
>at the time because (Austro)-Hungarian Imperial troops had
>previously murdered mercilessly Roumanian women and helpless
>children in several villages in Transylvania. Such atrocities did
>not escape unnoticed at the time by the rest of the world,
>including Western Europe and USA! Could it be that some people
>are now less sensitive or caring than they were in 1918?!
>A. B. Iancu
Avrum Iancu, you ole revolutionary you. Welcome back to SCR via
Anon. Did you bump into your evolutionary mutation, Corny
CodreAnus? He comes thru the Anon service also, so it would be
logical to suspect you may be rhetorical buddies.
Anyway, perhaps you can help me with an item that found its way
into my possession about 5 years ago or so. I have forgotten how it
got to me. Anyway, its a one page item with a heading in big
stylistic letters that reads: "Fiii lui Avram Iancu". On one side
of this is a wolf or dragon head on top of a battle axe and on the
other side is a curved sword.
Immediately beneath the heading in large letters is the following:
Beside the dagger or sword is written:
Numai sabia
mai poate hotari
Avram Iancu
Campeni 8 Mai 1848"
Below all this header is the words:
-ontre toti romanii din lumea libera -
Now we have the text which is very poorly typewritten, so forgive
me the spelling on occasion, because there is little distinction
between the e's, a's, c's and o's. The text reads as follows:
FIII LUI AVRAM IANCU cheama pe toti patriotii romani la lupta
impotriva revizionism-sovinismului ungurosc si le cor:
- Sa nu so loss inselati do "grija" ungureasca pentru drepturile
nationale "incaleate" olo maghiarilor din Transilvania.
- Sa-si foloseasca, Fiecare dupa capacitatea si stiinta sa,
cuvantul sau pana, pontru a afirma adevarul despra Transilvania
romaneasca, groaznio mutilat de cei ce fao "istorie" la ordin.
- Fiscare, dupa putare, sa desvaluis in fata pristanilor si
cunostintalor: politicieni, jurnalisti, cameni de arts, profesori,
preoti etc., adevaratele intantii, sovino si revansarde, als
ungurilor, pentru ca, prin puteroa cuvantului de a se raspandi, so
sa demeste pratutindeni teoriils maghiare si frozeologia lor
- Sa condemne cu hotarare pe scei romani care accepta rolul de
unalte als propagandei revizionista unguresti, lasandu-sa atrasi
pe o pozitis potrivnica neanului romanesc, sub masca
anticomunismului abil speculat de sovinistii unguri.
- Sa-si creasca copiii in spirit romanesc, cu dragoate de neam si
glis strabuna - ROMANIA MARE -, in respect tato de sacrificiile
inaintasilor si lupta lor contra inrobitorilor de orios natis, in
dreapta cradinta si slujira a lui Dumnszau, Sa-i inveta sa
recunoasca dusmanii dintotosauna ai Tarii, indiferent de
intentiile marturisite de acestia pa moment. Sa Povesteasca despre
blastematiile comise de unguri in Transilvania contra romanilor,
despre Abrud si Rosia, despre Moisei, Ip si Traznea.
- In fata dusmanisi revizionistilor unguri, toti romanii sa se
uneasca, indiferent de crez politic, deosebiri de parari sau
neintalegeri personale, sa priceapa ca coea ce na unesta -
sufletul romanesc - este mai presus de dezbinarile pa care
dusmanii de toate culorile la-au cultivat intotdesuna in noi.
This is not an isolated item. I also have another 2-pager with the
same heading; Fiii lui Avram Iancu. If you reply, I'll take the
time to enter it and upload for us all.
Hey Avram, I'm curious -- why are you hiding behind the Anon
service. I didn't see anything in your post to be ashamed of, nor
to be afraid of. Why are you anonymous?
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | [T/R] Hungary Round 30 (final) (fwd) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I don't think I've seen this around here.
Zoli (note my old full address @bcuxs2 is retired)
"For my assured failures and derelictions, I ask pardon beforehand of my
betters and my equals in my calling." - Rudyard Kipling
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 26 JUN 1995 07:17:38 -0500
From: Karel Stokkermans >
Newgroups: rec.sport.soccer
Subject: [T/R] Hungary Round 30 (final)
Hungary 1994/95
Thanks to Endre Zsoldos.
Round 30
1995.06.20. Bekescsaba - Pecs 4-2 (2-0)
06.24. Stadler FC - FTC 1-1 (0-1)
Zalaegerszeg - Sopron 3-1 (1-1)
Kispest-Honved - Nagykanizsa 3-1 (2-1)
BVSC - Vasas 1-3 (1-0)
UTE - Csepel 0-0
Gyor - Vac 1-0 (0-0)
Parmalat - Debrecen 2-1 (1-0)
Final table:
1. Ferencvaros 30 17 8 5 62-41 59
2. UTE 30 15 7 8 57-34 52
3. Debrecen 30 14 7 9 45-37 49
4. Kispest-Honved 30 14 6 10 60-42 48
5. Bekescsaba 30 11 15 4 47-32 48
6. BVSC 30 14 4 12 51-46 46
7. Pecs 30 12 6 12 38-43 42
8. Zalaegerszeg 30 12 6 12 49-56 42
9. Stadler FC 30 9 10 11 30-34 37
10. Vasas 30 10 7 13 38-45 37
11. Gyor 30 11 5 14 42-40 35 (*)
12. Csepel 30 8 11 11 23-26 35
13. Vac 30 8 11 11 37-44 35
14. Parmalat 30 9 7 14 44-50 34
15. Nagykanizsa 30 7 6 17 24-57 27
16. Sopron 30 6 10 14 36-56 25 (*)
(*) Gyor and Sopron have 3 points deducted.
Nagykanizsa and Sopron relegated, MTK and Haladas promoted.
Relegation play-offs:
1995.06.27 Vac - BKV Elore -
Salgotarjan - Parmalat -
06.30 BKV Elore - Vac -
Parmalat - Salgotarjan -
-- Karel Stokkermans, RISC-Linz, Schloss Hagenberg, Austria, Europa
-- email:
-- url: http://info.risc.uni-linz.ac.at:70/1/people/kstokker
-- rsssf: http://info.risc.uni-linz.ac.at:70/0h/misc-info/rsssf/nersssf.html
"O hoe vergeefs / des doelmans hand / zich strekte naar de bal [ 21-6-88,
die 'een minuut / voor tijd de Duitse / doellijn kruiste..." [ J. Deelder
+ - | Don t read. (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
+ - | Re: Magyar (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, () says
>In article >,
>Steven C. Scheer > wrote:
>>By the way, the Toth Arpad translation of the famous "Raven" is
>>even more remarkable and rhythmically closer to the original than
>>the Babits translation of "Annabel Lee," though I am only going to
>>cite the opening lines here by way of a sample:
>>"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weaary,
>>Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore -"
>>"Egyszer egy bus ejfeltajon, mig borongtam zsongva, fajon,
>>S furcsa konyvek altatgattak, holt mesekbol ven bazar -"
>Hmmm, that indeed sounds good. I seem to recall a translation of it
>from highschool, but I don't remember if it was Toth Arpad's.
>Was he using that refren "Soha ma'r, soha ma'r"?
>Just one more thing on "Annabel Lee" ...
>This poem figured heavily in one of Clint Eastwood movies. Guess which
Dear Joe,
Yes, the Toth Arpad translation uses "sohamar" (in one word,
just as Poe's "nevermore" is one word). There is also a
Kosztolanyi translation which I just checked again. I always thought
that the Toth translation was much better, but now I am not
so sure. Here's the beginning of the Kostolanyi translation:
"Egyszer elmult regen ejfel, ultem almos lampafenynel,
regi, buvos folianson tetovazott a kezem, . . . "
I must not know the Clint Eastwood movie in which "Annabel Lee"
figures prominently (I usually recognize such things). I do
know, though, that the same poem also figures very prominently
indeed in Nabokov's "Lolita" (the novel, not the movie; in the
movie Humbert Humbert recites another Poe poem to Lolita,
"Ulalume"). Please let me know which Clint Eastwood movie
you are talking about. I would like to check it out.
Steve (or Pista)
+ - | Re: *** TO ALL, PLEASE READ *** (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Ariff B. Ahmad
Athens, OHIO 45701
+ - | ISO Garamvolgyi Ferenc (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I am looking for this person he is about 38 years old, male and
works or used to work for IBM Magyarorszagi KFT.
Keresem Garamvolgyi Frerencet, aki 38 e'ves es dolgozott vagy me'g
most is dolgozig IBM magyarorszagi Kft-ne'l. Cime't nemtudom e's nincs
+ - | info: Hungarian privatization law published in FBIS (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
The English transcript of the law (as well as an earlier policy
statement) has just appeared in the USA Foreign Broadcast Information
Service, as a special supplementary issue on Jun 9.
Zoli (note my old full address @bcuxs2 is retired)
"For my assured failures and derelictions, I ask pardon beforehand of my
betters and my equals in my calling." - Rudyard Kipling
+ - | Re: phone connections in Budapest (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
the USA standard phone cord won't work in Budapest. For $5 I was able to
buy an adapter at a store called Eco...something. They are in the
phonebook. they are located at Szinnyei Merse Utca and Kodaly Ko:ro:nd.
I think the address is Szinnyei Merse utca 1 or 3.
US modems work fine in Hungary.
Good luck
+ - | hungarian scouting..passaic,nj,usa (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
i'm curious to find any past members of the gabor aron cs.cs in passaic, or
even you folks from new brunswick, new york, woodbridge, philly, cleveland,
buffalo. from the era of 1968-1981. Anyone out there any longer or is
everyone working in Hungary these days? It would be nice to reconnect with
some of the oldies. ps. also seeking an internet address, usenet or www
regarding the hungarian scout assn, headed by Lendvai-Lintner Imre.
+ - | Re: Magyar (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
() writes:
>Well, Miklos, this is like jokes that have to be explained, if you know
>what I mean ...
Hmm, I don't think so.
>Lehet, hogy botfuled van? ;-)
Az lehet. Olyan dobveroszeru mindketto... :)
Frankly, in English one ( a non-nativ speaker) can easily mistake the
duration a of syllable (the base of hexameters) for the word stress.
That's why I want "the joke to be explained".
Miklos Prisznyak (KFKI RMKI Theor. Dep. Budapest, Hungary H-1525 P.O.B 49)
WWW page: http://sgi30.rmki.kfki.hu/~prisz/prisz.html