1. |
Re: Hungarian Lit. Discussion Group at MLA in Chicago (mind) |
4 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
metro translation (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: az etikatlan masolas esete (Nemzet c. kiadvany) (mind) |
40 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: Hungarian Lit. Discussion Group at MLA in Chicago (mind) |
48 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: Hungarian Lit. Discussion Group at MLA in Chicago (mind) |
38 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Is the Rumanian Broadcast Abroad Objective? (mind) |
93 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Hungarian Lit. Discussion Group at MLA in Chicago (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
you linguists. you just assume that people can find out the date on their
own, don't you?
Alex the lo'ko"to"
+ - | metro translation (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
If anyone knows what is announced (in magyarul) in a subway car at each station
if they could please e-mail that to me, it would be of great help!
> =============================================================================
Marc Sevigny E-mail:
Isis Distributed Systems Phone: (508) 490-6831
55 Fairbanks Blvd. Fax: (508) 481-9274
Marlboro, MA 01752
> =============================================================================
+ - | Re: az etikatlan masolas esete (Nemzet c. kiadvany) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, ()
> Lehet, hogy az elso szamokban ez nem volt mindig igy, ami
>esetben valoban egyetertek Magaval, hogy az etikatlan lett volna, de
>amiota en emlekszem, a "credit" mindig megvolt adva az eredeti
Nem csak, hogy etikatlan lett volna, hanem etikatlan volt, mivel a Nemzet
elso szamaiban nem volt egy szo sem a Batthyany Lajos Alapitvanyrol vagy
az OMRI-rol. Mindossze akkor jelent meg a "credit," amikor a Batthyany
Lajos Alapitvany nyilvanosan panaszt emelt a szerzoi jog megszegese miatt.
Es lefogadok, hogy a mai napig sincs lekozlesi engedelye Pellionisz
(pardon, Toth Jozsef) urnak ezek lekozlesere. De persze a helyzet az, hogy
az ilyenfajta szerzoi jog megszegeset, majdnem lehetetlen megakadalyozni
az Interneten. Ami az OMRI hireket illeti en olyan irt kaptam Pragabol,
hogy a hireket engedely nelkul kozoltek. Pellionisz szerint volt engedely.
Lehetseges, hogy az illeto, aki nekem irt nem tudta, hogy valaki mas az
OMRI-nal engedelyt adott.
>En kulonosen azt tartom pikansnak, hogy
>Pellionisz baratunk eppen attol a Soros Gyorgytol lop (vagy atvesz)
>anyagot, akit valoszinuleg omaga melyen lenez Soros politikai felfogasa
>miatt. De ugyanakkor nem atalja lemasolni a Soros Gyorgy altal alapitott
>alapitvany kiadvanyait!
Erre azt irja:
>Hat ezt is lehet kulonbozokepen latni. Pl. ugy, hogy ha en
>liberalisokat akarok meggyozni, akkor igyekszem liberalis forrasbol jovo
>hirekkel tenni azt, ha akad olyan. Ha ugyanaz egy jobboldali forrasbol
>szarmazna, azt valoszinuleg egybol leertekelnek.
Hat lehetni lehet, csak en nem tartom ezt a szcenariot valoszinunek.
Szerintem Pellionisz (pardon Toth) osszelopkod minden hirt, amit az
Interneten talal Magyarorszagrol, tisztara mindegy, hogy honnet jon a hir.
Balogh Eva
+ - | Re: Hungarian Lit. Discussion Group at MLA in Chicago (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, (Steven C.
Scheer) says:
>In article >, (Steven C
. Scheer) says:
>>Nota Bene:
>>The Program:
>>"Hungarian Literature and Criticism since
>>the Collapse of Communism"
>>7:15 - 8:30 p.m., Navy Pier, Chicago Marriott
>>Program arranged by the Discussion Group on
>>Hungarian Literature. Presiding: Steven C. Scheer,
>>Saint Meirnad College
>>1. "Introduction: Chaotic Order," Steven C. Scheer
>>2. "Hungarian Literature Since 1989," Eniko Molnar Basa,
>> Library of Congress
>> (Deals with Hungarian literature in neighboring states)
>>3. "Difficult Homecoming: Emigre Writers and the
>> New Hungary," Laszlo K. Gefin, Concordia University
>> ***
>>People who are not members of MLA (The Modern Language
>>Association of America) may be able to obtain special
>>passes to attend a single session. All members of MLA
>>interested in the topic of this program or just in
>>Hungarian cutlure in general are welcome to attend.
>>I hope to see you there.
>Apologies for foolish omission from the above: The
>Hungarian Literature session will take place on
>Friday, December 27, 1995 at the above time and place.
>Sorry for previous oversight.
>Steven C. Scheer
CORRECTION: As someone has kindly pointed out to me,
Friday will be December 29 . . . Right. That's when the
Hungarian session will be held at the Chicago Marriott
in downtown Chicago. All other information above is
correct. I really don't know why these repeated oversights.
I am not ordinarily so disorganized :-)
+ - | Re: Hungarian Lit. Discussion Group at MLA in Chicago (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, (Steven C.
Scheer) says:
>Nota Bene:
>The Program:
>"Hungarian Literature and Criticism since
>the Collapse of Communism"
>7:15 - 8:30 p.m., Navy Pier, Chicago Marriott
>Program arranged by the Discussion Group on
>Hungarian Literature. Presiding: Steven C. Scheer,
>Saint Meirnad College
>1. "Introduction: Chaotic Order," Steven C. Scheer
>2. "Hungarian Literature Since 1989," Eniko Molnar Basa,
> Library of Congress
> (Deals with Hungarian literature in neighboring states)
>3. "Difficult Homecoming: Emigre Writers and the
> New Hungary," Laszlo K. Gefin, Concordia University
> ***
>People who are not members of MLA (The Modern Language
>Association of America) may be able to obtain special
>passes to attend a single session. All members of MLA
>interested in the topic of this program or just in
>Hungarian cutlure in general are welcome to attend.
>I hope to see you there.
Apologies for foolish omission from the above: The
Hungarian Literature session will take place on
Friday, December 27, 1995 at the above time and place.
Sorry for previous oversight.
Steven C. Scheer
+ - | Is the Rumanian Broadcast Abroad Objective? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Quite by coincidence, I happened to see part of a CNN World Report about
Rumania's new TV station, broadcasting news into neighboring countries.
(Please see Reuters story of November 30.) The Rumanian reporter promised
the station is and would be objective.
He then bemoaned the fact that in the neighboring countries Rumanian is
regarded as a foreign language, even though those people, according to
him, are descendants of Rumanians. ( I checked. I saw the broadcast on
December 24, not April 1.)
The "reporter" has a point, even if not the one he intended. There is
historical evidence of contact if not kinshipexcept in the Christian
sensegoing back centuries.
Those now calling themselves Rumanians, had been nomadic shepherds, slaves
to Serbs and Romans. This was bound to affect their language. Respected
linguists (of Rumanian and other nationalities) say almost half of all
Rumanian words are of Slavic origin, less than a third Latin, and lesser
percentages of Turkish, Greek, and Hungarian origin. What little written
language existed, was in Old Church Slavonic using the Cyrillic alphabet;
the conversion to the Latin alphabet occurred only in the nineteenth
century. This was probably of little consequence, for according to
former-Prime Minister Petre Roman, the people became literate only
recently, under Communism.
Hungarian as a significant component of the Rumanian language is a product
of its historical contribution. Throughout its 1,100 year history, Hungary
had provided a safe haven to many peoples persecuted in their own
homelands. In recent times, until occupied by the Nazis in March of 1944,
Hungary provided safety for Jews from all over Europe.
Centuries earlier, nomadic shepherd first infiltrated and grazed their
flocks in Transylvania. Eventually, having subsequently been given safety
by the Hungarians, the ancestors of those today called Rumanians took many
words that trace their origin to that time in history, about the 13th
Century. Among them: the Hungarian word for admissionbefogadasbecame,
"fagadui"; the Hungarian word for giving shelterszallasadasbecame
The names of towns, rivers, streams are all of Hungarian origin, adapted
to make them easier for a Rumanian to pronounce. Also unchanged is the
Rumanian word for Transylvania. It, too, is an adaptation of the Hungarian
word, Erdely.
The name "Rumania" for the country is of fairly recent origin. These
people had called their pre-Trianon territory Wallachia, and were
themselves called Vlachs. In Transylvania, they had been considered a
foreign element by Hungarian and Saxon alike, for religious and not ethnic
reasons. They were adherents of the Byzantine rite church. When Rumania
was formed in 1859, it adopted the prevalent self-definition "Rumin" used
by the Ottoman Turks to refer to the Byzantine empire and the Balkans. To
this day, the Turks call Greeks and other adherents of that confession
rumlar, or Romans.
At the time of the Reformation, their beliefs and practice were considered
so strange to Catholics and Protestants alike, that they were considered
non-Christian. Attempts to convert these Rumanians/Vlachs had their own
impact on literature and language. A catechism was commissioned and paid
for by the Transylvanian city of Nagyszeben. It was translated and printed
in Rumanian in 1544. A Rumanian religious convert named Coresi
translated and printed the four Gospels in Brasso in 1561; by 1563, the
rest of the New Testament had been translated and printed. The first Bible
in Rumanian was commissioned by Gabor Bethlen and printed in 1648 under
Gyorgy Rakoczi I.
Many new Rumanian words were to enter the language. To give some
examples: the Hungarian terhes (burdensome) became taroasa; oka
(cause, reason of/for) became oca; oltalmazni (protect, guard against)
became otalmazui.
But history has been overtaken by present day exigencies and expansionist
ambitions. To aid them, a Daco-Roman myth of ancestry has been invented.
Absent what history can provide, evidence had to be created.
The Rumanian language has been enlisted in that drive and become
dynamic, undergoing continual change. Every year words of Latin or
French origin are substituted for Rumanian words in textbooks and
elsewhere. In this way, over a period of years, the myth can be
transformed and language used to show that Rumanians are of Roman
If only all the changes in the present were so benign or confined to
But kinship has acquired a new meaning. For it, there were no pictures,
there was no story showing just how hate now rewards hospitality. Nor the
means chosen for its expression: a sophisticated form of ethnic
cleansing, so called by Bishop Tokes, one of the heroes of the
Revolution/Coup of 1989. It seeks first to kill the soul.
There was good news, though. A brief glimpse of the snow-capped mountains
of Transylvaniawhere long-ago Rumanians sought and were given shelter,
for themselves and their flocksshowed them to be beautiful. Still.