There is a mailling list EEUROPE-BUSINESS, which is dedicated to
doing business in Eastern Europe - with clear mission that
subscribers are able to post in it their offers and requests,
commercial or non-commercial (as long as they are related to
Eastern Europe), business leads (from and for Eastern Europe).
Advertisements (for goods which are saleable to Eastern Europe)
are welcomed (not discouraged). List is NOT moderated - this is
intentional feature (abusers are flamed by other subscribers :-) )
Maillist is available in digest form (as an option) - in case if traffic
get heavy.
You can subscribe by sending mail <SUBSCRIBE eeurope-business>
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> -----------------------------------------------------------
Ross Hedvicek
> -----------------------------------------
You can waste a whole lifetime / Trying to be
What you think is expected of you /But you'll never be free
May as well go fishing... Chris Rea
(Wally Keeler) wrote:
>Murat Kutan ) wrote:
>: >It is, now, more than 3.5 years that the world is hearing horrific and
>: >sorrowful news from the heart of Europe. A region which used to claim to
>: A very true statement. In the last decade of the 20th century in the
>: middle of Europe in Bosnia and in Karabag/Russian Armenia, a genocide
>: of horrendous proportions has been going on for over four years in full
>: view of the whole world. And, virtually nothing is being done about it.
>Among the UN "peacekeepers" in Bosnia, are several hundred Canadians.
>Insofar as this ethnic Canadian is concerned -- I want them to come home
>to Canada, the enjoy a cold beer beside the clear lake listening to the
>mating calls of the loons.
>Twice this century, Canada has sent its youth to Europe to assist in
>dousing conflagrations. Twice, Europe has sent back thousands of Canadian
>youths in body bags or on stretchers maimed for life. It is enough. I
>have had to listen to the braggadocio of Europeans telling me how much
>more history this or that European country has compared to Canada's
>virtual lack of history. This is quite true. However, with all that
>history, Europeans have learnt virtually nothing.
>A Canadian prime minister once said, "Europe suffers from too much
>history; Canada suffers from too much geography." Well, Canada can boast
>of 128 years of UNINTERRUPTED democracy. We like it that way. I really
>don't see that it is in the interest of any Canadian to have any of our
>people in the Balkans. The Balkan problem is a problem for the Balkans to
>settle. If they successfully wipe each other off the face of the map,
>well, then, there will no longer be a Balkan problem. Cynical, no doubt,
>but the responsibility for what is happening there lies with those who
>are committing the crimes.
>Wally Keeler Poetry
>Creative Intelligence Agency is
>Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
Well, don't send your youth to Europe.
I didn't ask for them. Go in politics and ask your government to isolate
the Canadians from the rest of the world.
BTW, where did your ancestors come from?
* *
* The significance of a man is not in what he attains, *
* but rather what he longs to attain. *
* *
* Kahlil Gibran *
I am preparing an assessment of cultural self-awareness for a "Diversity
Competence" handbook. It seems that humor is the place where cultures
have their peculiarities--in the eyes of members of other
Our team is collecting "American jokes"--jokes people around the world
tell about Americans--as one of the bases from which to construct this
assessment task.
Please email me or respond with any "American Jokes" you think are humorous.
We'll be grateful, and this will help to move things along.
Thank you very much.
> =======================================================================
= Jack N. Cole = (410) 964-0190 voice =
= 5457 Twin Knolls Rd. #402 = (410) 992-6946 fax =
= Columbia, MD 21045 USA = Onward and Upward! =
> =======================================================================
At a recent film festival held here in Wellington, New Zealand, I was
lucky enough to have the chance to see Bela Tarr's epic 7 hour long film
"Satantango" (Satan's Tango). What I saw will probably remain in my mind
for the rest of my life - one of the most astounding pieces of cinema I
have ever witnessed. I know that it was released in 1994 and that it was
a Hungarian/German/Austrian co-production, but can anyone tell me how
long the film took to make and who wrote it? Was it based on a novel, and
if so, when was this published? Thanks -
A few years back, of all places MEXICO, I met my first woman
from Hungary!!!
I won' t go into it, as the memories will always be there
until my last breath...
The reason I am here is to perhaps repeat it with another
woman from your wonderful country....
Any interests should contact me at