Well, if you look at the map, you can see that Russia is separated from
Hungary by Ukraine, since the USSR is not a political entity at the
moment, and I don't think it will ever return in its original form a
boundaries. Look at the ethnic struggles there. And look at the power
disputes of Ukraine and Russia over the Black Sea and the Navy.
When I talked to poeple in Hungary, some sounded rather pessimistic
while others see this new independence a step up from old times despite
the economic hardships. Now this may have changed a great deal since I
have talked to these people. Wait and read others' comments as well.
On Sat, 29 Jul 1995 wrote:
> What average people feel about the communists? Is any possibility that the
> Soviets ever will
> return? Do average people feel a new ,good life is possible?
> George Kantor
The following information is a contribution from Andrew Vadasz :
( http://mineral.umd.edu/hir/Entertainment/Radio/Shortwave/ )
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Magyar Radio Shortwave broadcasts in Hungarian (Szulofoldunk)
Time: One hour program daily, starting at 0:00 UTC for N.America
East (8 pm EDT) and at 01:30 UTC for N.America West. (Much
overlap, as West broadcasts can be heard in the East and vice
versa, albeit w. reduced signal strength).
Frequencies: 6000, 9835 and 11910 kHz. Of these in the East 9835
is usually the best
Reception hints. Summer is usually the best. Frequencies, times,
change with the Fall equinox (when Europe changes clocks). Fall/
winter reception has varied from the difficult to the impossible.
(More about that subject later). Because of the crowded spectrum,
a digitally tuned receiver is best.
Outside horizontal wire antenna (about 15-20 ft) generally
recommended. Since the time is not generally convenient for me, I
usually record the program on tape (one side of a "120 min"
cassette) and play it back the next day in the car, walking,
gardening, etc. Uninteresting portions can thus be scanned
through, sometimes names don't come clearly: thus can be
Would be interested in your questions, experiences. Andy Vadasz,
Programs. Mondays through Saturdays, the broadcasts start with:
A nap kronikaja- Hirek, tudositasok". Then "Joestet, itt
Magyarorszag ! kozelet, gazdasag, kultura." Sundays again "a nap
kronikaja" then "egyhazi hirado".
Specific programs from Aug 1 '95 to Aug 15.
1 Kedd. Zold sarok -Koszegi Abel osszeallitasa kornyezetvedoknek
Magyar Nobel-dijasok: Hevesi Gyorgy. Szerkeszto: Albert Gizella
2 Szerda Olvasolampa- valogatas uj konyvekbol.
3 Csut. Postabontas: Valaszol Patonai Adrienne es Vecsei Antonia
4 Pentek Veteli tanacsok az Antenna Hungariatol: Oeri Andras PR
Ahogyan ma latjuk: Ranki Gyorgy tortenesz. Szerkeszto: Varkonyi
5 Szombat Furdolevel a Monarchiabol. Szerkeszto: Papp Gabor Zsigmond.
6 Vasarnap Egyhazi hirado: szerkeszto: Fikar Laszlo. Magyar sorsok,
eletpalyak a XX szazadban. Nyari melodiak.
7 Hetfo. Tallozo: Szollos Istvan folyoiratszemleje. Mondak, legendak
nyomaban Lengyel Denessel. Szerkeszto: Papp Gabor Zsigmond
8. Kedd. Zold sarok: Koszegi Abel osszeallitasa kornyezetvedoknek.
Magyar irono a reformkorban: Dukai Takach Judit. Szerkeszto:
Koszegi Abel
9 Szerda Olvasolampa. Szazadunk tanuja: Dobossy Laszlo. Szerkeszto:
Varkonyi Benedek
10. Csut. Postabontas: Valaszol Patonai Adrienne es Katona Erzsebet.
11 Pentek Film, szinhaz, kiallitas. Jogi tanacsok Dr.Szego Tamastol.
12 Szombat Kulturalis oroksegunk: Lavotta Janos. Varsanyi Zsuzsa
A magyar tudomany multjabol: Semmelweis Ignac. Szerkeszto: Varkonyi
13 Vasarnap Egyhazi hirado. Szerkeszto: Keszthelyi Gabriella. Magyar
sorsok, eletpalyak a XX szazadban. Hallgatoink kivansagara. Szer-
keszto: Patonai Adrienne
14 Hetfo Tallozo- Szollos Istvan folyoiratszemleje. Ahogyan ma latjuk:
Kisfaludy Strobl Zsigmond. Szerkeszto: Varkonyi Benedek
15 Kedd Zold sarok: Koszegi Abel osszeallitasa kornyezetvedoknek.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello Everyone,
I am from New Jersey, USA. I am going to Hungary in a couple of
for my cousins wedding. After the wedding, I am going travelling by train
through out europe. I would like to start the trip in Budapest. If
anyone has any info on hostels or and affordable pensions in Budapest
please e-mail to or post a reply.
Thanks in advance
Laszlo Istvan Skoda