Erre e cimre irtam egy levelet, amek mindig viszaerkezik, azert most a TIPPbe
irok. Kedves tippelo kolega, engem is erdekelne a Citation index, hogyan lehet m
mailon keresztul elerni. Ha valamit kinyomoz, kerem, irjon.
A cim
> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 18:35:54 -0500
> From: John Deisz >
> Subject: #1 JOBS: two physics positions at Georgetown Univ.
> To:
> The following is an announcement for two faculty searches at
> Georgetown University. Please address all questions to
> the chair of the search committee and not to yours truly.
> John Deisz, postdoc
> Georgetown University
> - - -------------------------------------
> Tenure Track Faculty Positions
> Department of Physics
> Georgetown University
> The Department of Physics invites applications for tenure track
> faculty positions in computational physics, beginning Fall, 1994.
> Candidates should have a Ph.D. in physics and significant research
> experience in one or more of the following, or closely related,
> areas: computational condensed matter physics, using methods such
> as Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics, or density functional theory;
> and nonlinear dynamics and complex systems, including chaos, pattern
> formation, and neural networks. Successful candidates will be expected
> to initiate an active and independent research program, and must
> demonstrate a strong commitment to teaching at both the undergraduate
> and graduate levels. We expect to make appointments at the level of
> assistant professor, but more senior appointments may be considered for
> exceptionally well-qualified candidates. Applicants should send a
> curriculum vitae, with a complete list of publications, a brief summary
> of research interests and plans, and the names and addresses of three
> references to Prof. Edward J. Finn, Chair, Search Committee, Department
> of Physics, Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057-0995.
> Applications must be received by 1 March, 1994. Georgetown University
> is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, and women and
> members of minority groups are encouraged to apply.
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Prelude to Foundation es a Foundation koze illik be idorendben.
Sok sikert,
Szokoly Gyula