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1 TPC<101-12-12-02-31-32__12015@hix.com> to +31314360041 (mind)  8 sor     (cikkei)
2 TPC<101-12-12-02-31-32__12015@hix.com> to +31314360041 (mind)  44 sor     (cikkei)
3 Feiertags-Erotik in der Schweiz (mind)  13 sor     (cikkei)
4 Perfect Translations ontime (mind)  26 sor     (cikkei)
5 TPC<101-12-12-02-31-32__12015@hix.com> to +441413321199 (mind)  9 sor     (cikkei)
6 TPC<101-12-12-02-31-32__12015@hix.com> to +441413321199 (mind)  72 sor     (cikkei)
7 TPC<101-12-12-02-31-32__12015@hix.com> to +441413321199 (mind)  72 sor     (cikkei)
8 TPC<101-12-12-02-31-32__12015@hix.com> to +4641613115 c (mind)  58 sor     (cikkei)
9 TPC<101-12-12-02-31-32__12015@hix.com> to +3016776986 f (mind)  38 sor     (cikkei)
10 What do we do with those less fortunate?? (mind)  54 sor     (cikkei)

+ - TPC<101-12-12-02-31-32__12015@hix.com> to +31314360041 (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Your facsimile job to +31314360041 is delayed in the scheduling queues because:
    Blocked by concurrent jobs

The job will be processed as soon as possible.

    ---- Message Details ----
Message-Id: >
Subject: *** HIX SPORT *** #1973
+ - TPC<101-12-12-02-31-32__12015@hix.com> to +31314360041 (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Your facsimile job to +31314360041 was completed successfully.

         Pages: 4
       Quality: Fine
    Page Width: 209 (mm)
   Page Length: 296 (mm)
   Signal Rate: 12000 bit/s
   Data Format: 2-D MR
       Dialogs: 2 (exchanges with remote device)
         Calls: 2 (total phone calls placed)
Submitted From: localhost
         JobID: 14774
       GroupID: 14774
        CommID: c00081629

Processing time was 3:10.

    ---- Message Details ----
Message-Id: >
Subject: *** HIX SPORT *** #1973

    ---- TPC cell usage report ---

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+ - Feiertags-Erotik in der Schweiz (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Liebe(r) ,

ich bin die Monika,25 und suche für die bevorstehenden Feiertage 
interessante Leute aus der Schweiz für erotische Abende.

Schau Dir einfach meine Fotos auf der Internetseite
<A href="http://monika.wild-erotik.de">http://monika.wild-erotik.de<;/A>
an und melde Dich dann bei mir.

Liebe Grüsse
von Moni.

+ - Perfect Translations ontime (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Multi-lang.com provides the complete range of language services in all language
s and subjects. 

It is our corporate philosophy to provide the very highest standard of service 
at extremely competitive prices, thereby offering all our clients total value f
or money. 
We strive to quickly deliver culturally accurate translations with the utmost q

Multi-lang.com is your first checkpoint toward global commerce by reducing the 
barriers-to-entry among cultures. We strive to strengthen the communication bet
ween businesses across the globe. 
We use the latest technologies to accommodate all of your translation and local
ization needs. 

Multi-lang.com has been and is the first choice of leading companies throughout
 the world. Our native-language translators ensure that the original context, g
rammar and cultural meaning 
of the original document are never lost in the translation.We can offer all the
 help you need to do business in any world market. 

Actually, we can translate documents ( or anything else) of ANY SUBJECT from an
d into ANY LANGUAGE of the world.
Our prices are very low for such services.
Just visit our site(http://multi-lang.com), request a quote, submit order, send
 your files and get them translated within 2-4 days!
+ - TPC<101-12-12-02-31-32__12015@hix.com> to +441413321199 (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Your facsimile job to +441413321199 is delayed in the scheduling queues because
    Blocked by concurrent jobs

The job will be processed as soon as possible.

    ---- Message Details ----
Message-Id: >
Subject: *** HIX SPORT *** #1973
+ - TPC<101-12-12-02-31-32__12015@hix.com> to +441413321199 (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Your facsimile job to +441413321199 was not sent because:
    No answer from remote

The job will be retried at 01:54.

    ---- Transcript of session follows ----

Dec 12 01:50:34.22: [71940]: SESSION BEGIN 00171834 441413321199
Dec 12 01:50:34.22: [71940]: HylaFAX (tm) Version 4.1rc2
Dec 12 01:50:34.22: [71940]: SEND FAX: JOB 23538 DEST +441413321199 COMMID 0017
Dec 12 01:50:34.22: [71940]: DEVICE '/dev/cuac04'
Dec 12 01:50:34.22: [71940]: DELAY 75 ms
Dec 12 01:50:34.31: [71940]: DELAY 2600 ms
Dec 12 01:50:36.92: [71940]: <-- [4:ATZ\r]
Dec 12 01:50:37.25: [71940]: --> [3:ATZ]
Dec 12 01:50:37.25: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:37.25: [71940]: <-- [5:ATE0\r]
Dec 12 01:50:37.31: [71940]: --> [4:ATE0]
Dec 12 01:50:37.31: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:37.31: [71940]: <-- [5:ATV1\r]
Dec 12 01:50:37.37: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:37.37: [71940]: <-- [5:ATQ0\r]
Dec 12 01:50:37.43: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:37.43: [71940]: <-- [7:ATS0=0\r]
Dec 12 01:50:37.49: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:37.49: [71940]: <-- [7:ATS8=2\r]
Dec 12 01:50:37.55: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:37.55: [71940]: <-- [8:ATS7=60\r]
Dec 12 01:50:37.61: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:37.61: [71940]: <-- [6:AT&E4\r]
Dec 12 01:50:37.67: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:37.67: [71940]: <-- [6:AT&D3\r]
Dec 12 01:50:37.73: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:37.73: [71940]: <-- [6:AT&C1\r]
Dec 12 01:50:37.79: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:37.79: [71940]: <-- [12:AT+FCLASS=2\r]
Dec 12 01:50:37.85: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:37.85: [71940]: <-- [10:AT+FTBC=0\r]
Dec 12 01:50:37.91: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:37.91: [71940]: <-- [10:AT+FBOR=0\r]
Dec 12 01:50:37.97: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:37.97: [71940]: <-- [13:AT+FPHCTO=30\r]
Dec 12 01:50:38.03: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:38.03: [71940]: <-- [24:AT+FDCC=1,5,2,2,2,0,0,0\r]
Dec 12 01:50:38.10: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:38.10: [71940]: <-- [5:ATM0\r]
Dec 12 01:50:38.16: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:38.16: [71940]: <-- [12:AT+FCLASS=2\r]
Dec 12 01:50:38.32: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:38.32: [71940]: <-- [10:AT+FTBC=0\r]
Dec 12 01:50:38.48: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:38.48: [71940]: <-- [10:AT+FBOR=0\r]
Dec 12 01:50:38.64: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:38.64: [71940]: <-- [13:AT+FPHCTO=30\r]
Dec 12 01:50:38.80: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:38.80: [71940]: <-- [24:AT+FDCC=1,5,2,2,2,0,0,0\r]
Dec 12 01:50:38.97: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:38.97: [71940]: <-- [25:AT+FLID="Demon Internet"\r]
Dec 12 01:50:39.14: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:50:39.14: [71940]: DIAL 01413321199
Dec 12 01:50:39.14: [71940]: <-- [17:ATDT01413321199@\r]
Dec 12 01:51:34.90: [71940]: --> [9:NO ANSWER]
Dec 12 01:51:34.90: [71940]: SEND FAILED: JOB 23538 DEST +441413321199 ERR No a
nswer from remote
Dec 12 01:51:34.90: [71940]: <-- [5:ATH0\r]
Dec 12 01:51:35.06: [71940]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:51:35.06: [71940]: SESSION END

    ---- Message Details ----
Message-Id: >
Subject: *** HIX SPORT *** #1973
+ - TPC<101-12-12-02-31-32__12015@hix.com> to +441413321199 (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Your facsimile job to +441413321199 was not sent because:
    No answer from remote

The job will be retried at 02:00.

    ---- Transcript of session follows ----

Dec 12 01:54:16.30: [72010]: SESSION BEGIN 00171837 441413321199
Dec 12 01:54:16.30: [72010]: HylaFAX (tm) Version 4.1rc2
Dec 12 01:54:16.30: [72010]: SEND FAX: JOB 23538 DEST +441413321199 COMMID 0017
Dec 12 01:54:16.30: [72010]: DEVICE '/dev/cuac07'
Dec 12 01:54:16.30: [72010]: DELAY 75 ms
Dec 12 01:54:16.38: [72010]: DELAY 2600 ms
Dec 12 01:54:18.99: [72010]: <-- [4:ATZ\r]
Dec 12 01:54:19.32: [72010]: --> [3:ATZ]
Dec 12 01:54:19.32: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:19.32: [72010]: <-- [5:ATE0\r]
Dec 12 01:54:19.38: [72010]: --> [4:ATE0]
Dec 12 01:54:19.38: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:19.38: [72010]: <-- [5:ATV1\r]
Dec 12 01:54:19.44: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:19.44: [72010]: <-- [5:ATQ0\r]
Dec 12 01:54:19.50: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:19.50: [72010]: <-- [7:ATS0=0\r]
Dec 12 01:54:19.56: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:19.56: [72010]: <-- [7:ATS8=2\r]
Dec 12 01:54:19.62: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:19.62: [72010]: <-- [8:ATS7=60\r]
Dec 12 01:54:19.68: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:19.68: [72010]: <-- [6:AT&E4\r]
Dec 12 01:54:19.74: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:19.74: [72010]: <-- [6:AT&D3\r]
Dec 12 01:54:19.80: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:19.80: [72010]: <-- [6:AT&C1\r]
Dec 12 01:54:19.86: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:19.86: [72010]: <-- [12:AT+FCLASS=2\r]
Dec 12 01:54:20.00: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:20.00: [72010]: <-- [10:AT+FTBC=0\r]
Dec 12 01:54:20.06: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:20.06: [72010]: <-- [10:AT+FBOR=0\r]
Dec 12 01:54:20.12: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:20.12: [72010]: <-- [13:AT+FPHCTO=30\r]
Dec 12 01:54:20.18: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:20.18: [72010]: <-- [24:AT+FDCC=1,5,2,2,2,0,0,0\r]
Dec 12 01:54:20.25: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:20.25: [72010]: <-- [5:ATM0\r]
Dec 12 01:54:20.31: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:20.31: [72010]: <-- [12:AT+FCLASS=2\r]
Dec 12 01:54:20.47: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:20.47: [72010]: <-- [10:AT+FTBC=0\r]
Dec 12 01:54:20.63: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:20.63: [72010]: <-- [10:AT+FBOR=0\r]
Dec 12 01:54:20.79: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:20.79: [72010]: <-- [13:AT+FPHCTO=30\r]
Dec 12 01:54:20.95: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:20.95: [72010]: <-- [24:AT+FDCC=1,5,2,2,2,0,0,0\r]
Dec 12 01:54:21.12: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:21.12: [72010]: <-- [25:AT+FLID="Demon Internet"\r]
Dec 12 01:54:21.29: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:54:21.29: [72010]: DIAL 01413321199
Dec 12 01:54:21.29: [72010]: <-- [17:ATDT01413321199@\r]
Dec 12 01:55:17.07: [72010]: --> [9:NO ANSWER]
Dec 12 01:55:17.07: [72010]: SEND FAILED: JOB 23538 DEST +441413321199 ERR No a
nswer from remote
Dec 12 01:55:17.07: [72010]: <-- [5:ATH0\r]
Dec 12 01:55:17.23: [72010]: --> [2:OK]
Dec 12 01:55:17.24: [72010]: SESSION END

    ---- Message Details ----
Message-Id: >
Subject: *** HIX SPORT *** #1973
+ - TPC<101-12-12-02-31-32__12015@hix.com> to +4641613115 c (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

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         Pages: 3
       Quality: Fine
    Page Width: 209 (mm)
   Page Length: 296 (mm)
   Signal Rate: 14400 bit/s
   Data Format: 1-D MR
       Dialogs: 2 (exchanges with remote device)
         Calls: 2 (total phone calls placed)
Submitted From: localhost
         JobID: 6197
       GroupID: 6197
        CommID: c00072247

Processing time was 2:42.

    ---- Message Details ----
Message-Id: >
Subject: *** HIX SPORT *** #1973

    ---- TPC cell usage report ---

This cell is currently configured to allow a maximum of
  20 fax(es), 60 page(s) or 50 minute(s) of connect time per hour
  40 fax(es) or 200 page(s) per day
  120 fax(es) per week
User  has sent
  0 fax(es), 0 page(s), 0 minute(s) connect time in the past hour
  1 fax(es), 3 page(s) in the past day
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+ - TPC<101-12-12-02-31-32__12015@hix.com> to +3016776986 f (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Your facsimile job to +3016776986 could not be completed before the appointed d

    ---- Unsent job status ----

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Submitted From: localhost
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       Dialogs: 0 (exchanges with remote device)
         Dials: 1 (consecutive failed calls to destination)
         Calls: 1 (total phone calls placed)
         Pages: 0 (pages transmitted)
      TotPages: 4 (total pages to transmit)
      Attempts: 0 (attempts to send current page)
        Dirnum: 0 (directory of next page to send)

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Filename                 Size Type
docq/doc29550.ps         6612 PostScript
docq/doc29551.ps        11952 PostScript

    ---- Message Details ----
Message-Id: >
Subject: *** HIX SPORT *** #1973
+ - What do we do with those less fortunate?? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

I would like to introduce you to the Rev. Issac Reed, and his lovely wife of ov
er 40 years, Betty.  The Reeds live in the Appalachian Mountains, in southern W
est Virginai.  There, they pastor a small church and RUN THE STATE'S LARGEST FO
OD BANK, providing free food for the hungry.  Rev. Reed's brother, Lingerg, sta
rted the food bank in the early 1980's, and the family has contineously operate
d the bank since.

In addition to clients who come directly to the food bank, Rev Reed serves 8 ot
her food banks in the area with the majority of the food they give out.  The ne
ed grows.  For instance, Thanksgiving two years ago, the Reeds provided food to
 328 families who could not afford it.  This Thanksgiving, the Reeds served 453
 families their Thanksgiving meals.  Often the Welfare Dept will send their cli
ents to the Reed food bank for food when they do not have money to give welfare

The food is always free.  Who are the food bank clients?  Well, lets start off 
with people of all races.  No race is preferred, as the qualifying criteria is 
hunger.  They are poor people, old people, disabled people, the homeless, the c
hronically unemployed, single mothers that have been thrown off Welfare, and th
ere are no jobs for them to work.  In fact, most of the area where the food ban
k is located has an unemployment rate of over 70%.  Has been for years.

Why should you care???  YOU SHOULDN'T.  You are almost sure to live in a differ
ent situation.   I only wanted to let you know that in certain parts of this co
untry, survival means getting a daily meal, not escaping from the Taliban.  Chi
ldren are often seen ravaged with the effects of malneutrition.......bloated st
omachs, and dark hair turning brownish red.  You should know that no matter how
 it is where you are, there are hundreds of thousands of both adults and childr
en who go to bed hungry each and every night.

Should you be one of those unique, independant thinking people who might want t
o help, let me give you some reassurances.  Rev. Reed is not set up to take cre
dit cards.  He does not have enough money to get the machines.  In fact, when a
 load of food is needed, he and his wife Betty often use money from their socia
l security checks to purchase it.  He uses his own truck, his own freezers and 
refrigerators, electricity which he pays for, and both the Reeds work over time
 each week, without pay.

Check them out.  Here is their REAL address and REAL telephone number:
                                 Rev. Issac E. Reed                            
                                 410 Thorn Street
                                  Princeton, WV  24740

Call the Reeds.  Or even the Welfare Department in Princeton, WV, who will know
 them.  I am always afraid to send my money over the internet.  You are probabl
y the same.

Most people do not bother with such things as the Reed's foodbank, and you are 
probably one of them.  Why should we concern ourselves with hungry people.  Lik
e children with malnutrition.  But anyway, Merry Christmas

Chief Bill