Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/
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1 Re: Felhivas - Magyarokhoz (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
2 Re: Antagonism towards Jews (mind)  73 sor     (cikkei)
3 Antagonism towards Jews (mind)  119 sor     (cikkei)
4 (mind)  57 sor     (cikkei)
5 Re: Chicks? (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
6 Jews: "Know thyself" (mind)  21 sor     (cikkei)
7 Re: magyar magyarert, hottentotta hottentottaert (mind)  35 sor     (cikkei)
8 Re: Chicks? (mind)  22 sor     (cikkei)
9 Re: Antagonism towards Jews (mind)  30 sor     (cikkei)
10 Jewish suffering (mind)  56 sor     (cikkei)
11 Re: Antagonism towards Jews (mind)  7 sor     (cikkei)
12 Re: (mind)  28 sor     (cikkei)
13 Re: Antagonism towards Jews (mind)  6 sor     (cikkei)
14 Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind)  1 sor     (cikkei)
15 Re: Jewish suffering (mind)  69 sor     (cikkei)
16 Re: Antagonism towards Jews (mind)  129 sor     (cikkei)
17 Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
18 Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind)  4 sor     (cikkei)
19 Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind)  41 sor     (cikkei)
20 Re: (mind)  28 sor     (cikkei)
21 Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind)  8 sor     (cikkei)
22 Re: Antagonism towards Jews (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
23 Chicks?Women? both! (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
24 Re: Marc. 15.-ei transzparens (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Re: Felhivas - Magyarokhoz (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article > Ivan Marinov, int0108
>Olvastam egy tudomanyos fantasztikus novellat (azt 
>hiszem, hogy R. Sheckleytol, de a cimet mar elfeljtettem), melyben a 
>torveny csak azt ismeri el embrnek, akinek lelke van, a lelek pedig e 
>torveny szerint 12 eves korban kerul emberbe. Igy ebben a kitalalt 
>jovobeli tarsadlaomban minden szulo szabadon eldontheti, hogy abortalja-e 
>gyereket, felteve ha az meg nem toltotte be a 12. evet.

Lehet, hogy egy novellara gondolunk, de en ugy emlexem , hogx az integral-
es differencialszamitas ismeretehez kotottek a magzatkorszak veget, te-
hat azutan mar nem volt abortalhato  a 'magzat'.

+ - Re: Antagonism towards Jews (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

So then it is "racist" to say that Jews are 
obnoxious?  What about freedom of speech in 
this country?  If someone says that Jews are 
obnoxious, does that mean then that their civil 
rights can be violated by threats and obscene 
calls?  Apparently, many Jews believe so.  
Threats and obscenity only reinforce the old 
ethnic stereotypes which the Jews, I suppose, 
would like to erase.  Well, this is all part 
of a larger question which is not given much 
discussion in America: how does one explain 
the attitudes of non-Jews towards Jews?  

Let me begin by saying that I an not an 
anti-Semite.  I acknowledge the prominent 
role that the Jews have played in the past  
in world history.  I do not hate Jews, neither 
individuals nor the race.  I condemn all violence 
committed against Jews and any other human beings.  
But I am very much troubled by the behaviour of the 
Jews.  I must confess that I am physically repulsed 
by this behaviour.  This is not an innate prejudice, 
but is based on encounters with individual Jews going 
back quite a few years.  It would be dishonest 
for me to deny these feelings.  

There is today so little public discussion about  
the Jews because the Jews have succeeded in 
intimidating many who fear speaking their mind and 
who don't want to be labeled anti-Semite.  Jews have certainly 
demonstrated a skillful use of political intimidation 
with their use of the label anti-Semite.  According to 
Jews, an anti-Semite is anyone who opposes any portion 
of the Jewish agenda; in this sense the word has nothing 
to do with innate prejudices towards Jews.  But in my 
view, "anti-Semite" by now really has about as much 
meaning as the word "nigger."  If a Jew wishes to label 
me an "anti-Semite," I consider that to have the same 
intellectual force and validity as a poor southern 
white calling a black person a nigger.  I am not 
intimidated by name-calling.  I am concerned with issues.   

Is there a "Jewish problem"?  I think there is.  Given 
the patterns of human history, we should all be 
concerned about what the future might bring to the 
Jews and their neighbors.  So I am interested in 
constructive dialogue with Jews.  But such dialogue
 must be honest.  If the emperor is naked, this has 
to be openly acknowledged.  And if I personally find 
Jewish behaviour, as a whole, objectionable or 
"obnoxious," even if this might seem to reinforce 
negative stereotypes (in which, after all, there 
usually is some truth, as I note even for my own 
ethnic group), then this should be acknowledged 
openly and without fear of intimidation.  

Why is there eternal unrest wherever there are Jews?  
Why are the Jews despised by so many of their neighbors?  
It is not, as some Jews believe, because Jews are 
"smarter" or "more creative" than non-Jews.  It is 
because Jewish behaviour always evokes antagonism.  
This may possibly be explained on religious grounds.  
I would be interested in knowing the opinions of religious 
and non-religious Jews.  If we seek a divine explanation, 
then we have to conclude that the afflictions of the Jews 
are either a blessing or a curse.  The gospel of Mark 
says that the Jews have been cursed.  Has the covenant 
established between God and the Jews in the Old Testament 
been broken or is it still in force?  Doesn't history 
provide an answer?  

+ - Antagonism towards Jews (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

The increasingly obvious rise to prominence 
of Jews in the media and in positions of power 
in this country has clearly created growing 
resentment among non-Jews.  What are the sources 
of this resentment?  (1) A major cause is certainly 
Jewish clannishness.  The Jews in this country have 
been the leaders in what has by now turned into a 
witchhunt directed against "racism."  I don't want 
to try to define racism, which is entirely a different 
topic, but I think that "racism", like "anti-Semitism," 
really has much more to do with politics and political 
manipulation that with personal virtue or civic responsibility.  
It's like the story of the emperor's new clothes.  
To return to the issue of Jewish clannishness, Jews are 
fond of crying about racism, but I know of no other 
ethnic or racial group which is so concerned with 
race and ethnicity.  (Note the frequent internet postings of 
Jews: "Is [pick a name, Billy Joel, George Washington, 
Queen Elizabeth, etc. etc.] Jewish?" Does or should it 
really matter?) What other group has such stringent rules 
discouraging assimilation with other groups?  Jews have 
often taken from other cultures in order to enrich Jewish 
culture.  It not clear to me, for example, why Jews could 
not speak German or Romance, but had to establish their 
"own" Yiddish and Ladino languages. Thus, I and many other 
people see a basic hypocrisy in Jewish concern with "racism" 
and in their own "racist" behaviour.  

The recent episode with the threats and obscene phone 
calls demonstrates to me (just as I had long suspected) 
that Jews are ethnocentric and that they favor their 
own over other racial and ethnic groups.  The Jews' 
clannishness may indeed have arisen out of some historical 
necessity, but it is today the source of many of their problems.  

(2) Another reason why Jews are disliked is because they 
seek to gain unfair advantage for their own people.  
Jews have networks to help them succeed in the arts, 
education, business, and the media.  I have to comment 
here on what I see as the Jews' unhealthy and unnatural 
obsession with education and the arts.  Some Jews are 
driven to pursue success in these area at all cost, even 
to the neglect of other healthy human pastimes.  Yet genius 
cannot be drillled into the human mind.  In the arts the 
Jews give us mediocre figures like Leonard Bernstein, 
Richard Dreyfus (Richard Dreyfus deserves an Oscar?  
Spare me!), Bette Midler, etc.  The Jews of modern time 
have given us few artists or thinkers of significant 
originality.  Karl Marx and Freud seem to me to be the 
typical Jewish intellectual giants.  (Yes, communism 
and psychoanalysis are products of the Jewish tradition).  
Jewish creativity relies heavily on hard work (for which 
credit should be given) and on the exploitation of an 
elaborate system of social networking.  Their obsession 
with success as thinkers and artists has smothered any 
originality which individuals among them might possess.  
When I read a novel by a Jewish author, I usually feel 
that I am reading a formula churned out by a collective.  
Rarely is there any trace of originality.  Jewish art is 
born of emotional excrement, hard work and little or no 
genius.  I think the Jews would benefit from encouraging 
some of their young to pursue careers as carpenters and 
cab-drivers.  And in my honest opinion, the country would 
be better off with greater ethnic diversity in the media.  

Jews at the universities and in the media would have us 
believe that their world view is always objective, 
unbiased, moral.  In the area of historical and cultural 
studies, Jews in America have succeeded in redefining whole 
academic disciplines.  Histories and cultures which in the 
past had their own value now are being redefined in relation 
to Jewish studies, i.e. they have value only so far as 
they can be related to Jewish history and culture.  
Jewish scholarship is often pretentious and unoriginal.  
According to the Jewish view, it would seem that Jewish 
contributions underly all great achievements in the world.  

It has been my experience that Jews are never open to 
non-Jews about their real feelings and convictions.  
They never say publicly what they say among themselves.   
(I learned this as an exchange student.  My neighbor, 
separated from me by a thin, sound-absorbing wall, was 
a Jew, who went out of his way to conceal his Jewish 
identity from me, even volunteering once that he 
celebrated Christmas.  Alone with his Jewish colleagues, 
he expressed great hatred for Christians).  Such behaviour 
could be understood in certain historical settings, but 
it is clearly out of place today in America.  It is 
this Jewish dishonesty and deviousness which I find 
abhorrent.  I have known only one Jew who ever volunteered 
to tell me that he was a Jew.  Others, when someone asked 
about their origins, either lied or hemmed and hawed about 
it.  Is it any wonder than so many theories (many of them 
unsound, I must admit) exist about Jewish conspiracies?     

In the area of politics, the Jews all too often 
represent a destabilizing element for non-Jews.  It 
often seems that the Jews are supporting those political 
changes and "reforms" which will destabilize the status quo 
and allow their own political and economic advancement.  A 
prime and very sad example is Jewish support for communism in 
eastern Europe.  Another example is the often foolish activity 
of the American Civil Liberties Union, which, if television 
shows the true picture, is staffed primarily by Jews.  No 
one doubts that the Jews have a political agenda, but 
why don't say publicly what it is?  

Even if we attribute the tragedies of Jewish history to 
divine plan, I think I've shown that individual examples 
of antagonism towards Jews can be explained by Jewish 
clannishness and their desire to gain unfair advantage 
over others.  I'm curious if any Jews can offer a 
rational response to my analysis, which is not meant 
to be mean-spirited.  My interest is that Jews and 
non-Jews live in harmony.  I think it is time we 
began an open and honest discussion, free of intimidation.  

+ -  (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

What is the moral question relevant to Jewish issues?  

No human can look with indifference 
at Jewish suffering, the fact, for example, 
that Jews were one of (not the only one, 
but the most prominent among) several ethnic 
groups targeted for extermination by the Nazis.  

I must mention here my reservations regarding 
the Jewish interpretation of history, according 
to which the "holocaust" was a uniquely Jewish 
experience.  It is unfair that a "holocaust" museum 
was erected in this country which suggests that Jews 
were the only victims of Nazi terror.  If the Jews 
complain of "revisionists" who would deny the fact of 
Jewish deaths during World War II, then they must 
understand that their own interpretation of these events 
has been far too biased and ethnocentric.  Some Jews, 
especially those in America, have no more understanding 
of the historical facts of World War II than do the 
revisionists who are out to deny the fact of Jewish deaths.  

It is ironic that, with all the research that Jews have 
done concerning World War II, they have ignored their 
role in the rise and spread of communism.  So many 
innocent non-Jewish lives were lost and destroyed, at 
least in part, because eastern European Jews were so 
attracted to this philosophy.  If the world were "fair," 
then some Jewish scholar might at least write some 
pamphlet in which he would admit that yes, the Jews 
played a major role in the establishment of communism.  
Jewish silence on this issue makes me distrust their 
pretensions to morality and their claims to objectivity.  

I have given the moral issues relating to Jewish 
suffering much thought.  As a Christian, I condemn all 
acts and thoughts directed against the Jews.   I know 
that it would be the greatest hypocrisy for me to hate 
any Jew.  Every Christian should keep in mind that their 
faith predicts that they may someday meet a very Jewish-looking 
Christ who will reject them for any expression of racial 
hatred.  I wish that there were no antogonism between 
Jews and non-Jews.  Yet there are and I am afraid that 
these will continue into the future.  Does one prevent 
these conflicts by allowing Jews to silence any 
discussion with their often indiscriminate charges 
of "anti-Semitism"?  I see the historical seed of 
antagonism towards the Jew in the Jews' own behaviour, 
in their clannishness, in their favoritism towards 
their own race and their efforts to secure advantages 
for their own, and then in their denial of all of this.  

May we restore freedom of speech in this country so 
that some of these issues can be discussed publicly 
in a civil manner.  

+ - Re: Chicks? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
    (Gabor Barsai) wrote:
>Since it's spring, and since the posts in this ng are getting 
"heavy", I'd like
>to enlighten the group by asking:
>Are there any chicks reading this newsgroup? (Beside Marina...)

No chicks here, ladys yes and pricks for sure...

Laszlo Z.
+ - Jews: "Know thyself" (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Why can't Jews accept criticism?  

					I have never known a Jew who could take 
criticism, personal or otherwise.  (Neither 
have I ever heard a Jew criticize another Jew).  
The recent strain in Jewish-black relations 
illustrates the Jews' lack of talent for self-evaluation.  
Rather than admitting that they might at least partly 
be at fault for these tensions, the Jews put on a 
loud and emotional show, beating their breasts, 
crying "betrayal" and telling the whole world what 
wonderful things they have done for blacks.  
						I propose 
that a key to the Jewish problem is Jewish awareness 
of non-Jewish perceptions of the Jew.  My advice: 
"Know thyself."  Put as much energy in trying to 
understand who you are and how the rest of the world 
perceives you as you put into trying to be an artist 
or a thinker.  

+ - Re: magyar magyarert, hottentotta hottentottaert (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, iFodor  > wrote:
>     Megdobbento az a nehany kommentar (Szaszvari Peter, efisher, pfliegem (ME
>     Gabor Barsai) amelyben a szerzok  elitelik Stolmar G. Ilona a

En inkabb a felhivast talaltam megdobbentonek. En ugy ertelmeztem, ez a
felhivas arra keszteti az embereket, hogy ne azert vallaljanak gyereket, mert
az jo dolog, hanem azert, mert az a hazafias dolog. Mint valami Ceausescu

>     magyar nagy csaladok erdekeben kozolt felhivasat. A felhivas a
>     magyarokhoz szol, en ugy ertettem, es nem szerbekhez, vagy

Mi tesz valakit magyarra? Pl. Mohammed Aida, aki magyar szinekben versenyzik,
magyar vagy nem? En kurvara utalom a magyaros eteleket. En nem vagyok magyar?
Szebbnek talalom a latin-amerikai noket mint a fehereket. Ezek szerint...?

>     hottentottakhoz, a magyar nemzetet fenyegeti a kihalas veszelye
>     (remelem az urak ismerik a hazai demografiai helyzetet). Hat nem
>     termeszetes, hogy a magyarnak kell segiteni a magyart ha bajba kerult? (

Nem. En annak nyujtok segitseget, aki nekem szimpatikus, nem pedig azert, mert
magyar. Ha magyar, es szimpatikus, akkor meg jobb. De ha puerto rico-i no", az 
is jo.

>     tetteik igazoljak. Az hogy a leszarmazotjuk mar kevesbe az - nem
>     csoda, hisz' a lelki es biologiai asszimilacio sajnos vegzi a
>     dolgat... Foleg kulfoldon...

Tenyleg. Az persze mellekes, hogy a csaladom fele ne'met, hisz' ok
elmagyarosodtak. Az asszimilacio nem csak egy iranyu. Gondolom, Magyarorszagon 
mindenkinek magyar osei vannak.

aka. Bird Jaguar, Lord of the Mayas at Yaxchilan
+ - Re: Chicks? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Laslo Zvekan > wrote:
>In article >,
>    (Gabor Barsai) wrote:
>>Since it's spring, and since the posts in this ng are getting
>"heavy", I'd like
>>to enlighten the group by asking:
>>Are there any chicks reading this newsgroup? (Beside Marina...)
>No chicks here, ladys yes and pricks for sure...
>Laszlo Z.

Don't bet on it. I got letters from chicks who responded to my article. I'd be 
sad if only ladies were present.

+ - Re: Antagonism towards Jews (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Oh, "Karl," (I forgot his real name.  Andrew???  Help me out here.), you
are shooting yourself in the foot with your little Luger.  All this stuff
is going to the Daily Texan.  College newspapers are always looking for
scandals to report on.  How does it feel to hatefuck yourself?  Pretty
good?  Gonna keep it up?

In article >, SMF User >

> The increasingly obvious rise to prominence 
> of Jews in the media and in positions of power 
> in this country has clearly created growing 
> resentment among non-Jews.  What are the sources 
> of this resentment?  

3 Bogus causes listed, none of which were "Bigoted Dumb Fucks like Me."

Major oversight there, pal.  Go back to manifesto school.

Oh, I have an idea for you.  Since you'll never work again, why not use
your Ph.D. certificate to make a swastika flag?


You mentioned intimidation.  Don't be intimidated by anything but your own
proficiency in destroying yourself.

Shalom, motherfucker.

+ - Jewish suffering (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

What is the moral question relevant to contemporary
Jewish issues?  

No human can look with indifference at Jewish 
suffering, the fact, for example, that Jews were 
one of (not the only one, but the most prominent 
among) several ethnic groups targeted for extermination 
by the Nazis.  

I must mention here my reservations regarding the 
Jewish interpretation of history, according to which 
the "holocaust" was a uniquely Jewish experience.  It 
is unfair that a "holocaust" museum was erected in this 
country which suggests that Jews were the only victims 
of Nazi terror.  If the Jews complain of "revisionists" 
who would deny the fact of Jewish deaths during World War 
II, then they must understand that their own interpretation 
of these events has been far too biased and ethnocentric.  
Some Jews, especially those in America, have no more 
understanding of the historical facts of World War II 
than do the revisionists who are out to deny the fact of 
Jewish deaths.  

It is ironic that, with all the research that Jews have 
done concerning World War II, they have ignored their role 
in the rise and spread of communism.  So many innocent 
non-Jewish lives were lost and destroyed, at least in part, 
because Eastern European Jews were so attracted to this 
philosophy.  If the world were "fair," then some Jewish 
scholar might at least write some pamphlet in which he 
would admit that yes, the Jews played a major role in the 
establishment of communism.  Jewish silence on this issue 
makes me distrust their pretensions to morality and their 
claims to objectivity.  

I have given the moral issues relating to Jewish suffering 
much thought.  As a Christian, I condemn all acts and thoughts 
directed against the Jews.   I know that it would be the 
greatest hypocrisy for me to hate any Jew.  Every Christian 
should keep in mind that their faith predicts that they may 
someday meet a very Jewish-looking Christ who will reject them 
for any expression of racial hatred.  I wish that there were no 
antogonism between Jews and non-Jews.  Yet there are and I am 
afraid that these will continue into the future.  Does one 
prevent these conflicts by allowing Jews to silence any 
discussion with their often indiscriminate charges of 
"anti-Semitism"?  I see the historical seed of antagonism 
towards the Jew in the Jews' own behaviour, in their 
clannishness, in their favoritism towards their own race 
and their efforts to secure advantages for their own, 
and then in their denial of all of this.  

May we restore freedom of speech in this country so that some of 
these issues can be discussed publicly in a civil manner.

+ - Re: Antagonism towards Jews (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

It is not my intention to
offend anyone, but to stimulate discussion. 
The real fascists and terrorists today are the Jewish
thought police who try to stifle open discussion 
by intimidation and threats.  

+ - Re: (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, SMF User >

> What is the moral question relevant to Jewish issues?  

[bunch of vomit snipped]

Wow, "Karl,"  you are without a doubt the least self-aware bigot I've ever
seen.  You preach peace and love in the same breath as talking about the
"Jewish problem."  Some facts you need to be aware of:

1.  Yes, you are a bigot and an anti-Semite
2.  Yes, you are a moron
3.  No, I will not listen to your thinly veiled spewings of hate
4.  No, you will not work in academia again
5.  Yes, in a few days, with any luck, you'll be making news in the Daily Texan

Man, if you think a few "harrassing" phone calls are annoying now, just
wait until:

1.  The whole city of Austin eggs your house, and
2.  Dr. Wolitz asks to have a word with you tomorrow.

I look forward to updates, ol' buddy

+ - Re: Antagonism towards Jews (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kevin Hannon.

Dept. of Slavic LAnguage and Literature.

PLEASE verify that it's him doing the posting and not some student who he
+ - Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Would that include your boss, Kevin?
+ - Re: Jewish suffering (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Karl, for heaven's sake, why are you so obsessed with whole groups
of people you don't even know?  You are wasting your own and everybody
else's time.  What, did a Jewish girl refuse to go out with you?  You are
a little, little man.  I pity you.


SMF User ) wrote:
: What is the moral question relevant to contemporary
: Jewish issues?  

: No human can look with indifference at Jewish 
: suffering, the fact, for example, that Jews were 
: one of (not the only one, but the most prominent 
: among) several ethnic groups targeted for extermination 
: by the Nazis.  

: I must mention here my reservations regarding the 
: Jewish interpretation of history, according to which 
: the "holocaust" was a uniquely Jewish experience.  It 
: is unfair that a "holocaust" museum was erected in this 
: country which suggests that Jews were the only victims 
: of Nazi terror.  If the Jews complain of "revisionists" 
: who would deny the fact of Jewish deaths during World War 
: II, then they must understand that their own interpretation 
: of these events has been far too biased and ethnocentric.  
: Some Jews, especially those in America, have no more 
: understanding of the historical facts of World War II 
: than do the revisionists who are out to deny the fact of 
: Jewish deaths.  

: It is ironic that, with all the research that Jews have 
: done concerning World War II, they have ignored their role 
: in the rise and spread of communism.  So many innocent 
: non-Jewish lives were lost and destroyed, at least in part, 
: because Eastern European Jews were so attracted to this 
: philosophy.  If the world were "fair," then some Jewish 
: scholar might at least write some pamphlet in which he 
: would admit that yes, the Jews played a major role in the 
: establishment of communism.  Jewish silence on this issue 
: makes me distrust their pretensions to morality and their 
: claims to objectivity.  

: I have given the moral issues relating to Jewish suffering 
: much thought.  As a Christian, I condemn all acts and thoughts 
: directed against the Jews.   I know that it would be the 
: greatest hypocrisy for me to hate any Jew.  Every Christian 
: should keep in mind that their faith predicts that they may 
: someday meet a very Jewish-looking Christ who will reject them 
: for any expression of racial hatred.  I wish that there were no 
: antogonism between Jews and non-Jews.  Yet there are and I am 
: afraid that these will continue into the future.  Does one 
: prevent these conflicts by allowing Jews to silence any 
: discussion with their often indiscriminate charges of 
: "anti-Semitism"?  I see the historical seed of antagonism 
: towards the Jew in the Jews' own behaviour, in their 
: clannishness, in their favoritism towards their own race 
: and their efforts to secure advantages for their own, 
: and then in their denial of all of this.  

: May we restore freedom of speech in this country so that some of 
: these issues can be discussed publicly in a civil manner.

: Karl

"Live as one already dead." --Japanese saying

I live in fear of not being misunderstood.-- Oscar wilde
+ - Re: Antagonism towards Jews (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

You know, this kind of hate-mongering is a blatant infringement of the
charter of this group.  Get a life, Karl.

SMF User ) wrote:
: The increasingly obvious rise to prominence 
: of Jews in the media and in positions of power 
: in this country has clearly created growing 
: resentment among non-Jews.  What are the sources 
: of this resentment?  (1) A major cause is certainly 
: Jewish clannishness.  The Jews in this country have 
: been the leaders in what has by now turned into a 
: witchhunt directed against "racism."  I don't want 
: to try to define racism, which is entirely a different 
: topic, but I think that "racism", like "anti-Semitism," 
: really has much more to do with politics and political 
: manipulation that with personal virtue or civic responsibility.  
: It's like the story of the emperor's new clothes.  
: To return to the issue of Jewish clannishness, Jews are 
: fond of crying about racism, but I know of no other 
: ethnic or racial group which is so concerned with 
: race and ethnicity.  (Note the frequent internet postings of 
: Jews: "Is [pick a name, Billy Joel, George Washington, 
: Queen Elizabeth, etc. etc.] Jewish?" Does or should it 
: really matter?) What other group has such stringent rules 
: discouraging assimilation with other groups?  Jews have 
: often taken from other cultures in order to enrich Jewish 
: culture.  It not clear to me, for example, why Jews could 
: not speak German or Romance, but had to establish their 
: "own" Yiddish and Ladino languages. Thus, I and many other 
: people see a basic hypocrisy in Jewish concern with "racism" 
: and in their own "racist" behaviour.  

: The recent episode with the threats and obscene phone 
: calls demonstrates to me (just as I had long suspected) 
: that Jews are ethnocentric and that they favor their 
: own over other racial and ethnic groups.  The Jews' 
: clannishness may indeed have arisen out of some historical 
: necessity, but it is today the source of many of their problems.  

: (2) Another reason why Jews are disliked is because they 
: seek to gain unfair advantage for their own people.  
: Jews have networks to help them succeed in the arts, 
: education, business, and the media.  I have to comment 
: here on what I see as the Jews' unhealthy and unnatural 
: obsession with education and the arts.  Some Jews are 
: driven to pursue success in these area at all cost, even 
: to the neglect of other healthy human pastimes.  Yet genius 
: cannot be drillled into the human mind.  In the arts the 
: Jews give us mediocre figures like Leonard Bernstein, 
: Richard Dreyfus (Richard Dreyfus deserves an Oscar?  
: Spare me!), Bette Midler, etc.  The Jews of modern time 
: have given us few artists or thinkers of significant 
: originality.  Karl Marx and Freud seem to me to be the 
: typical Jewish intellectual giants.  (Yes, communism 
: and psychoanalysis are products of the Jewish tradition).  
: Jewish creativity relies heavily on hard work (for which 
: credit should be given) and on the exploitation of an 
: elaborate system of social networking.  Their obsession 
: with success as thinkers and artists has smothered any 
: originality which individuals among them might possess.  
: When I read a novel by a Jewish author, I usually feel 
: that I am reading a formula churned out by a collective.  
: Rarely is there any trace of originality.  Jewish art is 
: born of emotional excrement, hard work and little or no 
: genius.  I think the Jews would benefit from encouraging 
: some of their young to pursue careers as carpenters and 
: cab-drivers.  And in my honest opinion, the country would 
: be better off with greater ethnic diversity in the media.  

: Jews at the universities and in the media would have us 
: believe that their world view is always objective, 
: unbiased, moral.  In the area of historical and cultural 
: studies, Jews in America have succeeded in redefining whole 
: academic disciplines.  Histories and cultures which in the 
: past had their own value now are being redefined in relation 
: to Jewish studies, i.e. they have value only so far as 
: they can be related to Jewish history and culture.  
: Jewish scholarship is often pretentious and unoriginal.  
: According to the Jewish view, it would seem that Jewish 
: contributions underly all great achievements in the world.  

: It has been my experience that Jews are never open to 
: non-Jews about their real feelings and convictions.  
: They never say publicly what they say among themselves.   
: (I learned this as an exchange student.  My neighbor, 
: separated from me by a thin, sound-absorbing wall, was 
: a Jew, who went out of his way to conceal his Jewish 
: identity from me, even volunteering once that he 
: celebrated Christmas.  Alone with his Jewish colleagues, 
: he expressed great hatred for Christians).  Such behaviour 
: could be understood in certain historical settings, but 
: it is clearly out of place today in America.  It is 
: this Jewish dishonesty and deviousness which I find 
: abhorrent.  I have known only one Jew who ever volunteered 
: to tell me that he was a Jew.  Others, when someone asked 
: about their origins, either lied or hemmed and hawed about 
: it.  Is it any wonder than so many theories (many of them 
: unsound, I must admit) exist about Jewish conspiracies?     

: In the area of politics, the Jews all too often 
: represent a destabilizing element for non-Jews.  It 
: often seems that the Jews are supporting those political 
: changes and "reforms" which will destabilize the status quo 
: and allow their own political and economic advancement.  A 
: prime and very sad example is Jewish support for communism in 
: eastern Europe.  Another example is the often foolish activity 
: of the American Civil Liberties Union, which, if television 
: shows the true picture, is staffed primarily by Jews.  No 
: one doubts that the Jews have a political agenda, but 
: why don't say publicly what it is?  

: Even if we attribute the tragedies of Jewish history to 
: divine plan, I think I've shown that individual examples 
: of antagonism towards Jews can be explained by Jewish 
: clannishness and their desire to gain unfair advantage 
: over others.  I'm curious if any Jews can offer a 
: rational response to my analysis, which is not meant 
: to be mean-spirited.  My interest is that Jews and 
: non-Jews live in harmony.  I think it is time we 
: began an open and honest discussion, free of intimidation.  

: Karl

"Live as one already dead." --Japanese saying

I live in fear of not being misunderstood.-- Oscar wilde
+ - Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, SMF User >

> You flatter yourself if you think you know who my boss is
> or even in which city I live.  
> Karl

Careful there buddy.  If you're not who you are making us think you are,
you're actually guilty of a crime.
+ - Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

You flatter yourself if you think you know who my boss is
or even in which city I live.  

+ - Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

[newsgroups and followups trimmed to remove soc.culture.jewish]

Dear Karl,

I have just read four articles about Jewish people posted to 15 different 
newsgroups all around the world. I hope you do not get much response. It 
is really not appropriate to raise these issues in such a provocative way. 
I assume you are an American at the University of Texas. And I'm sure  
there are some Jewish people there where you live. Why don't you try 
to start a dialogue with them on some sort of one-to-one basis? Don't try 
to raise a lot of "Jewish" issues with them; just try to get to know them 
as human beings. Then maybe you'll begin to understand that they are no 
different than you are. And this (hopefully) might help you to change your 

Henrietta Thomas


SMF User ) wrote:
: Why can't Jews accept criticism?  

: I have never known a Jew who could take 
: criticism, personal or otherwise.  (Neither 
: have I ever heard a Jew criticize another Jew).  
: The recent strain in Jewish-black relations 
: illustrates the Jews' lack of talent for self-evaluation.  
: Rather than admitting that they might at least partly 
: be at fault for these tensions, the Jews put on a 
: loud and emotional show, beating their breasts, 
: crying "betrayal" and telling the whole world what 
: wonderful things they have done for blacks.  
: I propose that a key to the Jewish problem is Jewish awareness 
: of non-Jewish perceptions of the Jew.  My advice: 
: "Know thyself."  Put as much energy in trying to 
: understand who you are and how the rest of the world 
: perceives you as you put into trying to be an artist 
: or a thinker.  

: Karl
+ - Re: (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Followup-To: soc.culture.usa,soc.culture.intercultural,soc.culture.african.amer
References: > 

Jason Silverman ) wrote:
: In article >, SMF User >
: wrote:

: > What is the moral question relevant to Jewish issues?  

: [bunch of vomit snipped]

: Wow, "Karl,"  you are without a doubt the least self-aware bigot I've ever
: seen.  You preach peace and love in the same breath as talking about the
: "Jewish problem."  Some facts you need to be aware of:

Etc. etc. This crap, of course, falls under free speech; however, it also 
falls under spam. So please everybody, feel free to complain to his 

+ - Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, 
(FreshAgain) wrote:

> Would that include your boss, Kevin?

You mean the boss that's been sent a copy of these posts?

+ - Re: Antagonism towards Jews (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  says...

>You know, this kind of hate-mongering is a blatant infringement of the
>charter of this group.  Get a life, Karl.

Actually it's probably against all of the groups he's spammed this too -- it 
certainly has nothing to do with soc.culture.german, where I'm reading it 

BUT: before we all over-react, I wonder if perhaps it isn't a situation where 
someone stayed logged in and someone else sent out false posts.  
Unfortunately, it's possible that people fake addresses or get on someone 
else's file and do such crap for malicious means.  Perhaps the best thing to 
do is inquire to the systems manager from where this was posted and not 
over-react on the net.
+ - Chicks?Women? both! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

|	                  Nicole Evonne Lemley                          |
|                  School of Library & Information Science              |
|                        Florida State University                       |
|                                                                       |
|                    e-mail:                      |
|                      		                                        |     
| "It's not too late to state our case, we've got to put up the fight"  |
|      	                        	-The Alarm, "Second Generation" |
+ - Re: Marc. 15.-ei transzparens (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

(RK) wrote:

>a Goncz multja
>eltuntetve....felelossegrevonas eltorolve....ez igen.
>                                                         RK

Ember, en mindent megertek, de mit akarsz Goncztol?! Az a
szerencsetlen szinten ult az elozo rendszer bortoneben!